Speak up for life TODAY! Call your representatives now and send them this message: “Please vote YES on House Joint Resolution 43 (H.J. Res. 43) to rescind the Obama rule preventing states from redirecting Title X (Title 10) funds away from groups like Planned Parenthood.”
Click here for Michigan Congressional contact information. If you live elsewhere, call the US Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.
During the Obama Administration, pro-life people didn’t stand a chance of gaining legislative ground in defense of the most helpless and defenseless of our citizenry—the unborn child. Had Hillary Clinton won the presidency, she alone would have surpassed President Obama’s legacy of hatred for and murder of these American citizens. As a matter of fact, in the closing days of the Obama Administration pro-abortion regulators created a rule that stops states from defunding Planned Parenthood. This ruling took effect on January 18, with only two days left in Obama’s presidency; no doubt, he expected Hillary Clinton to be the abortion-friendly president implementing it.
But now, we have an administration that desires to turn back this culture of death. President Trump is a pro-life president who has re-enacted the Mexico City Policy and, the next day, the U.S. House passed the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. You also have an opportunity to join in the legislative fight for life by making your voice heard for those in our society who cannot speak for themselves. The U.S. House will vote on a House joint resolution (H.J. Res. 43) Thursday to rescind this rule that Obama put in place while walking out the White House door. This is the first step in defunding Planned Parenthood. Urge your representatives to take that step!
Sadly, there were very few pro-life voices heard at the Defund Planned Parenthood rallies across the country this past Saturday. American Decency Association’s founder and president, Bill Johnson, attended the rally in Grand Rapids with his wife and another board member and her family. Here is his take on the rally: “Boy were we outnumbered. Perhaps 50 to 1. Upwards of 1000 of them to 100 (at best) of us.”
Although that’s an accurate observation of the event last Saturday, I don’t believe that it’s an accurate portrayal of where the American people stand on the issue of life. If it is, there is no hope for our country. But as I said, “I don’t think that’s where we stand as a whole, nationally.”
Speak up for life TODAY! Call your representatives now and send them this message: “Please vote YES on House Joint Resolution 43 (H.J. Res. 43) to rescind the Obama rule preventing states from redirecting Title X (Title 10) funds away from groups like Planned Parenthood.”
Right to Life of Michigan describes it this way: “Similar to Medicaid, Title X (Title 10) family planning funding is jointly administered by states. Several states have sought to prevent Title X funding from going to Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics. They passed rules to redirect the money to uncontroversial clinics. As a staunch servant of the abortion industry, President Obama sought to stop these states.”
Calling your representatives today will do two things: 1) It will give a voice to the voiceless and protection to the helpless. 2) It will take a stand for State’s sovereignty. The Federal government has been overstepping their bounds and stealing the State’s sovereignty on many issues. Make the call and slap their overreaching hands from our unborn children and from our sovereignty rights. Remind this 115th Congress that they work for us and we will be heard.
Perhaps many couldn’t make it to the Defund Planned Parenthood rally on Saturday, but we can all call today and let our representatives know where we stand on the issue of life. Encourage your family and friends to call their representatives today. If your church has a Facebook page or some other means of passing important information along, get the word out! This is the first step to defunding Planned Parenthood; it’s a step in abolishing abortion, step up and be heard!
Click here for Michigan Congressional contact information. If you live elsewhere, call the US Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.
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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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