Stand Up for Maj. Fred Galvin (ret)!

By: American Decency Staff

Protect our military!  Sign the petition asking Congress to exonerate the MARSOC 7!

What if a man saw your wife or daughter being brutally attacked and he stopped—putting his own life at risk—to help her? You would be extremely grateful, right? Certainly you’d be appalled if someone turned the story around, accusing her rescuer of being the attacker—who would ever consider repaying good with evil like that? If you’re like me, you’d check out the facts and then do all within your power to make sure his good name was cleared and that he knew how very much you appreciated all that he had done. Yet, in essence that’s just what is happening to Major Fred Galvin (ret).  Check out the facts TODAY and do all you can to clear his good name.

For the sake of brevity, we’ll only briefly outline what happened to this man who went to Afghanistan on your and my behalf. At the same time, we also strongly urge you to click on the links at the end of this article to read a more detailed report or hear Major Galvin (ret) recall in his own words what took place.

The Washington Free Beacon gives a short synopsis of what took place:

In 2007 Galvin was in charge of the Marine Corps’ first special operations unit to be deployed to combat, a development that encountered resistance from within the Corps and the special operations community.

Galvin said he could deal with bureaucratic infighting in the lead up to the unit’s deployment to Afghanistan. What he did not expect was the betrayal that followed a March 4 ambush that year, which left more than a dozen Afghans dead, as reported by Military Times. A suicide attacker set off a car bomb targeting Galvin’s convoy before small arms fire erupted from both sides of the street. The Marines escaped with just one casualty after returning fire.

Within 24 hours the ambush had morphed into an alleged war crime, with villagers claiming that drunken Marines had sprayed gunfire into crowds of unarmed civilians. The military launched two investigations, but ordered Galvin’s unit out of Afghanistan before they were completed. The Marines denied any wrongdoing, saying they engaged only military targets.

Diana West also gives a brief synopsis of this event, but in fuller detail here.

Major Glavin and his men have been cleared of any wrongdoing during the COI (Court of Inquiry). They actually were proven to have done the right thing during this most trying and deadly encounter. Even though they have been proven innocent of all charges, “those men are still tormented by the stigma that has never been put to rest by the very leadership who falsely accused them. In fact, as recently as this past year, many of those leaders, along with various media outlets, as well as the International Bar Association and Amnesty International, continue to falsely accuse Fred Galvin and his men of murdering Afghan civilians. No substantial effort has been made by the military or Department of Defense to exonerate these men.” (Sofrep News)

These brave soldiers—falsely accused and still vilified—have suffered numerous physical ailments, have difficulty getting a job, and many have gone through divorce, due to these false black marks associated with their names.

Sofrep news goes on to warn: “This is not an issue that should only concern Fred Galvin and his Marines, because it affects all men and women who currently serve in the Armed Forces. The officers who falsely accused Fox Company are the same leaders who now hold high-ranking positions in the military, and are largely responsible for grooming the current generation of young officers. Unless there is a change in the culture of the current crop of senior leaders, this type of situation will only continue.” One such leader who deserves strong scrutiny is Army Lt. Gen. John Nicholson.

Why is it that we are more apt to change a baseball coach and his failing tactics than we are to challenge or change high-ranking officials and their failing policies? Look at our long-term presence in Afghanistan with the only outcome being a proof that it’s a money trap; we’re not making any progress, and the policies we continue to employ there only put our young men and women at high risk. (Listen to Conservative Review’s Daniel Horowitz talk about the Afghan Dumpster Fire here)

We urge you to read through the full account in the following links, think about this injustice, discuss it with others, and finally—as Sofrep News says—“Every reader is urged to have their entire extended family and friends actively engage their elected officials to demand that the secretary of defense immediately end this case by publicly and officially announcing that the Marine Raiders in the MARSOC 7 are innocent of any false allegations so that their reputations will be fully restored.”

Read the full account in the following links:

The untold story of the leadership that failed MARSOC Fox Company (Part 1)

The untold story of the leadership that failed MARSOC Fox Company (Part 2)

Covert corruption in ‘MARSOC 7’ command investigation (Part 3)

Extreme Prejudice: Unethical conduct by NCIS and prosecutors to convict innocent Marines (Part 4)

The internal assassin of MARSOC Fox Company (Part 5)

Watch Major Fred Galvin (ret) give a firsthand account of what happened: Shorter versionor Full version

Listen to Frank Gaffney interview Maj. Galvin on secure freedom radio.

Do your part to make right these wrongs; stand for justice and those who have gone into battle on America’s behalf. Let your voice be heard:

Congressional switchboard: 202-224-3121

Also, sign the petition asking Congress to exonerate the MARSOC 7.

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