Snyder backing amnesty for 3 million illegals

By: American Decency Staff


Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder says he is backing an amnesty for 3 million ‘dreamer’ illegals because it is good for business and government revenues.”

Governor Snyder ran as a Republican but certainly holds to some strong Democrat Party ideals, especially when it comes to immigration, illegal aliens, and sanctuary cities/states. Although he portrays these things in a positive light, looking at them honestly, they are not good for Michigan or for those of us who live here. In 2014 we reported that Gov. Snyder had recently spoken at the 53rd annual convention of The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)—a Muslim Brotherhood front group.  In light of the terrorism,  the  oppression  of  Sharia  Law,  and  the threat  of  open  borders  potentially  bringing in countless terrorists, we wondered how an elected official who is supposed to represent and defend us can so readily align himself with those who are bent on our destruction. (To read that article click here.)

Things have only worsened since that time and we continue to ask, “As head of Michigan, why would you bring financial burden and potential danger to a state which you have sworn to protect and a Constitution you have sworn to uphold?”

Again, in 2014 Gov. Snyder ignored the American worker’s need for employment, asking, then President Obama, for special visas to bring in 50,000 foreign workers to Detroit over a five year period to rebuild their city. Michigan’s governor has steadily supported more migration into this state, has been reluctant to enforce immigration laws, and now wants to offer amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.

Referring to the governor’s 2014 request, Spero news reports: “Detroit has lost more than 1 million residents since 1950, as well as a significant portion of its industry, and is coping with bankruptcy and over 80,000 abandoned buildings and a revenue crisis.

Some conservatives have howled at the idea. ‘It is beyond belief that Snyder asked how dumb it is to not give work visas to 50,000 foreign citizens when tens of millions of American workers have lost their jobs and their careers and have given up looking for work,’ conservative blogger Michael Cutler, a former Immigration and Naturalization Service agent, wrote in May. ‘What is truly dumb, and in fact duplicitous, is Snyder's idea that the solution to high unemployment … is to import foreign workers and provide them with opportunities while blithely ignoring his fellow Americans who did perhaps demonstrate that they were dumb by voting for him in the first place.’”

Governor Snyder’s continued support of amnesty not only is a support for lawlessness and injustice but it is also a slap in the face to Michigan workers, business owners, and tax-payers. Both our hunger for justice and the financial burdens we must bear will grow as Michigan’s governor supports Leftist policies and ideologies.

We encourage you to read Breitbart’s article on this as they take a realistic look at the statistics offered by Governor Snyder and his crew. For instance, one reality check points out: “The estimates also downplay the taxpayers’ cost of accepting lower-skilled immigrants. In general, immigrants with university degrees pay more in taxes than they receive in federal benefits, but immigrants without college qualifications do not pay enough in taxes to cover the cost of aid and welfare programs. In 2016, the National Academies reported that immigrants cost taxpayers in states and local jurisdictions $57.4 billion each year.

Only four percent of the 690,000 ‘DACA’ recipients have completed college, far below the roughly 17 percent of similar-aged young Americans who have college degrees, according to data released by the Migration Policy Institute, which favors immigration. The data means that average DACA beneficiaries are far less educated and less productive than Americans, and if ever awarded an amnesty, will be far more likely to rely on taxpayers’ aid throughout their lives.”

Is injustice really good for business?  Will the embracing of illegal immigrants; the employing of policies that are consistent with sanctuary cities/states in an effort to hide and protect those who are illegal; the burdening of the taxpayer with a heavier load while they and their own children and grandchildren continue to struggle; the strengthening and garnering support for Shariah law to the peril of our constitutional republic; the Islamic supremacists insisting on no-go zones and designating portions of this state to Allah; will this be considered best for businesses? For Michigan? For the United States of America?

Don’t sit idly, refusing to consider where this will lead.We are not against those who come here legally and desire to assimilate to constitutional law; but we must stand for justice—both for those born here and those who followed the legal path to citizenship.

We urge you to call Governor Rick Snyder at (517) 373-3400.

Or click here to send him an email.

Let him know that aligning with amnesty reinforces lawlessness and is harmful to the citizenry of Michigan. Remind him that he has a responsibility to and has promised to support the Constitution and protect the law-abiding citizens of this state.

As we come to the end of 2017, we look back at all of the chaos and corruption and craziness that we've seen in our nation and our world. We hope that you would agree that our ministry has shown the light of Truth into all of that darkness. If you've appreciated ADA's insights, writings, and events in the previous months, would you consider helping us finish this year out strong with a financial gift? Without the help of supporters like you, American Decency would no longer be able to inform, encourage, and exhort many readers just like you. A gift of any amount would be so appreciated. Thank you and God bless!


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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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