March for Life in Fremont!

By: American Decency Staff


THIS FRIDAY—January 27—starting at 5:00 PM, Right to Life of Newaygo County is hosting their third annual Right to Life March. The march will begin at the American Decency Office located at 203 E. Main Street in Fremont, Michigan.We will circle downtown Fremont and return to the American Decency office.There will be refreshments and a short presentation after the walk.

60-million-abortions!  That’s the barrier of death we’re likely to surpass this year. That's more than 60 million precious souls disposed of like garbage, since the Supreme Court legalized abortion-on-demand in Roe v. Wade in 1973. Since that time we’ve come to embrace a culture of death more and more. It’s deepened in its availability and widened, not only in its acceptance, but in other venues as well. Think of partial-birth abortion, stem-cell research, organ harvesting/selling, euthanasia, and the list goes on.

Since embracing a culture of death in 1973, America has risen to the top 4% of countries whose citizens can easily murder its own children. Most third world countries have stricter regulations on abortion than the “leader of the free world.” Actually, we are more in line with tyrannical regimes, like China and North Korea, than protecting our most vulnerable citizens, like a liberty loving nation should. To hear a recent Decency Minute on this topic click here. Have we become more civilized or more brutalized?

Since 1973, many doctors who took the Hippocratic Oath to “do no harm,” would more fittingly be called “hired assassins.”

Since 1973, we’ve embraced worshiping the creature and its convenience rather than worshiping the Creator and His commandment…“Thou shalt not kill.”  How can God bless America when we have murdered our young and oppressed our poor? Rather than glorifying self and our own will, we must glorify the God of all creation and say, “nevertheless, Thy will be done.”

Since 1973, we’ve gone from judicial murder to the American Holocaust.  God’s Word is final; what He allows and what He declares wrong is the final word on any given topic. Man may declare something to be “legal,” but if it goes against what God has said, then it is still wrong. Hitler declared the extinction of the Jews to be legal and our Supreme Court has declared the murder of 60 million innocent lives to be legal. God has said, “NO!” How can anyone rightfully declare otherwise?

Had Hillary Clinton won the White House, we would have had the most pro-abortion administration in history. Let’s give thanks to God for His merciful hand of turning the tide.

President Trump has already begun tightening the reins on this culture of death. He has reinstated President Ronald Reagan’s ban on US funding for abortion overseas through the Mexico City policy.

Since the 1970s, the Hyde Amendment has prohibited the use of federal funds for abortions. Instead of allowing this to bounce back and forth between both sides of the aisle like a ping-pong ball, The Trump/Pence administration plans to make this permanent law.

The third piece of policy that stands between the American taxpayer and federal funding of abortion is the Helms Amendment; this also is back in place.

Let us fight this culture of death until every innocent, vulnerable life in America is safe from these murderous endeavors.

Join the Right to Life of Newaygo County this Friday evening at 5:00 PM as they March for Life through downtown Fremont. Meet at the ADA offices to march with like-minded community members.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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