Kamal Saleem Coming to Fremont, Michigan

By: American Decency Staff


Mark on your calendar—Friday, June 9, 2017 at 7 PMIN INK! Former PLO and Muslim Brotherhood operative, Kamal Saleem, will be at the Fremont Wesleyan Church (918 Garden Ave., Fremont, MI) sharing how the one true and living God set him free from the bondage of Allah and Islam. Cure Us (www.CureUsMinistry.org) is sponsoring this event.

That’s right, Kamal was once a terrorist (completing his first mission at age seven); but Jesus set him free. He had been taught to hate Americans and trained to kill all who opposed Islam; but Jesus called him, saved him, and taught him how to love all people.

Kamal is a man of prayer and a truth-teller. Where once he promoted Islam through jihad (holy war), he now warns of the dangers and tactics of Islam. He travels all over our great nation to bring these warnings and to share the love of Jesus. He daily Tweets on Twitter and posts on Facebook articles pointing to truth. One such recent posting/tweet is as follows:

Jihad by Immigration
Jihad by Sharia
Jihad by over populating
America must out populate them
US birth rate is At 2.11% low

Four wives, fourteen children and more to come. Jihad by birth is part of civilization War against the west, to populate & takeover!

Having had Kamal Saleem speak at American Decency Association (ADA) events on several past occasions; having been vetted and working closely with General Boykin (Ret.); being in close association with patriot Dave Agema; it is no wonder that Bill Johnson describes Kamal as “the real deal.” Watch Kamal at ADA events here, here, and here. Then go see him at the Fremont Wesleyan Church on June 9, 2017.

Kamal’s realness and compassion—for Americans and those blinded by the Islamic faith—is why we are encouraging people to come out and hear this once Islamist operative turned Ambassador for Christ. In such dark days it’s good to see a shining light. In such days of confusion, it’s imperative to hear a clear voice of reason and truth. Who knows these truths better than one who was once caught up in and held in the snare of this beast called Islamic terrorism?

Kamal is a man who loves the Lord; his authentic passion and urgency is contagious. We know this time of the year is especially busy; but you simply won’t want to miss out on this opportunity to hear him speak. Save the date—Friday, June 9, 2017 at 7 PM—bring others with you. Again, this event is at the Fremont Wesleyan Churchlocated at 918 Garden Ave., Fremont, MI!

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.


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