Tonight—7 PM—at theCenter for Health Sciences; Room 119 – Hager Auditorium(301 Michigan Street NE; Grand Rapids, MI), there will be an Interfaith Dialogue Movement Event.
Do you remember my recent email alert entitled: "Interfaith Dialogue: Many are being taken for a fool?"
Where I wrote: “Over recent years we have been bringing speakers like these into our west Michigan area to educate, inform, and warn regarding the insidious nature of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, ISIS, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), etc., etc., etc. ….
And what do these national security experts warn of? The world-wide strategy of beguiling – day by day, week by week, year by year, working to implement Shariah Supremacy, particularly through so-called ‘Interfaith Dialogue.’”
Well, tonight in the greater Grand Rapids area, there is scheduled such an event; and, we thought you ought to know about it in case you want to see for yourself.
The speaker is Mustafa Akyol. A Google search reveals that he is well-traveled and, in part, a writer for the New York Times. He refers to himself as a moderate.
His most recent book "The Islamic Jesus" has a book endorsement by Reza Aslan who wrote "… about the very bridge that connects Jews and Christians with the followers of Mohammad."
That gives you an inkling of the one-way bridge building that is part and parcel of Interfaith Dialogue.
But, don't let us tell you what we surmise for tonight. Come and hear for yourself. But be on guard. "For the devil is a roaring lion seeking whom He may devour."
We are NOTsponsoring this event; but some of us will be there to hear Mr. Akyol and the responses given by Reverend Jay Blankespoor and Professor Shel Kopperl on The Islamic Jesus.
FREE parking is available in the Prospect Lot next to the building after 6:30 pm.
Just a few things to think about as one listens to these conversations:
· Compare what is being said to what the Bible actually says
· Are any scriptures being twisted or definitions changed
· Compare what Mr. Akyol says about the Islamic Jesus with what the Koran actually says (you will have to study this for yourself after the event)
· Are there any political talking points (Constitution vs. Shariah)
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