Interfaith Dialogue: Many are being taken for a fool

By: American Decency Staff


Do the names Frank Gaffney, Sandy Rios, Stephen Coughlin, Patrick Poole and Phil Haney mean anything to you?

Over recent years we have been bringing speakers like these into our west Michigan area to educate, inform, and warn regarding the insidious nature of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, ISIS, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), etc., etc., etc. ….

And what do these national security experts warn of?  The world-wide strategy of beguiling – day by day, week by week, year by year, working to implement Shariah Supremacy, particularly through so-called “Interfaith Dialogue.”

Shariah rejects fundamental premises of American society and values. The subversion campaign which we call “civilization jihad” must not be confused with, or tolerated as, a constitutionally protected form of religious practice. Its ambitions transcend what American law recognizes as the sacrosanct realm of private conscience and belief. It seeks to supplant our Constitution with its own totalitarian framework.


“For at least the last several decades, the so-called ‘interfaith dialogue’ movement has been methodically co-opted as a prime vehicle for pro-shariah, Islamic influence operations – not just in the United States, but worldwide. The Catholic Church in particular has proven susceptible to a sophisticated strategy of manipulationwhose goal is the dislocation of faith to advance submission to Islamic Law (shariah) under cover of cherished leftist, liberal values of acceptance, inclusion and tolerance.” Steven Coughlin, “Bridge Building to Nowhere”

As Jihadi stragegist and author, Brigadier S.K. Malik makes clear, the object of jihad is the destruction of the will through, among other things, spiritual warfare, as a form of actual warfare.What follows is a discussion of a parallel Muslim Brotherhood penetration operation into the Interfaith Community that supports Brotherhood efforts in the governmental and media sectors.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s 1991 Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group was admitted into a Federal court as evidence that a disorientation strategy exists that aligns with Brigadier Malik’s explanation of the preparation stage in the Quranic concept of war.  As explained in both the Explanatory Memorandum and Methodology of Dawah,  early Brotherhood lines of operation begin with efforts to penetrate institutions so that downstream efforts can be supported from within.This is what the Brotherhood is referring to when it says it seeks “a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers.

While penetrating government and civil organizations is important,the interfaith movement constitutes a major supporting line of operation in Brotherhood penetration operations. Through subversion of the interfaith community, the Brotherhood seeks to manipulate other religions in furtherance of dislocating their faith. Regarding the interfaith community, the “hands of the believers” are primarily the Brotherhood and Islamic Movement participants, while “their hands” refers to those non-Muslim clerics (ministers, priests, and rabbis)who help facilitate the mission of “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.”

Because a Quranic basis exists for what the Brotherhood strategy states is its intent, all interfaith activities emanating from or involving known Brotherhood groups should be viewed with this understanding.This, in turn, should give rise to the requirement to review all associated interfaith activities in light of known Brotherhood intent. Basic rules of due diligence demand it.

Steven Coughlin, “Bridge Building to Nowhere”

People of God, Christians, Christian leaders, Christian professors, pastors, denominational leaders and denomination heads are being beguiled, deceived!

Interfaith Dialogue is NOT bridge-building.  It’s a nefarious means of penetrating you, your family, your church, your denomination, your country!    

Take this, for example:


Nearly every Thursday you will see an article propagating Interfaith Dialogue from the Kaufman Interfaith Institute, GVSU – Grand Valley State University.

In last Thursday’s edition (June 8, 2017), their article was entitled:  “What do Muslims think about Jesus, Christians?”

The following gives you a sense of the slippery slope:

“According to the Quran, any person who is honest, does good deeds and submits to God will be rewarded.  One needn’t have heard about Islam, know about the Quran or be aware that God’s name in Arabic is Allah.  Submission to God is the true religion, whatever you call yourself.” 

This is not the God of the Bible.  I looked for the article on line but could not find it.  For a copy of the article, email me at


The article in the Grand Rapids Press includes an INTERFAITH DIALOGUE EVENT.

I urge you to go and hear for yourself and engage.  Be discerning and speak as God leads.  Don’t be co-opted.   

Here are the details:

Mustafa Akyol, “The Islamic Jesus”
With Jewish and Christian responses
7 PM, June 19

Center for Health Sciences
301 Michigan Street NE
Grand Rapids, MI 

I hope to see you there as we stand up against Muslim’s blasphemous mischaracterization of our Savior.

For by grace have you been saved through faith; not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.

Ephesians 2:8,9

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6


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