If not God’s standards, then what?

By: American Decency Staff


The time has come for every red-blooded, God-loving patriot to sever ties with the Boy Scouts of America.

On (last) Thursday the Boy Scouts (and those who identify as Boy Scouts) took it upon themselves to apologize for President Trump’s speech delivered to some 40,000 people at the National Scout Jamboree.

In doing so the leadership of the BSA has brought shame and disgrace upon what was once a storied and revered organizationhttp://www.toddstarnes.com/column/its-time-for-patriots-to-break-ties-with-boy-scouts

That is how Todd Starnes began his articlein regard to Boy Scouts of America’s recent response to President Donald Trump’s address to the Boy Scouts at the National Jamboree.    Not only that, Starnes entitled the article:  “It’s Time for Patriots to Break Ties with Boy Scouts”

My comments here are not so much about what President Trump said or did not say on that occasion.  However, certainly the case has been made that this President went beyond the scope of what he should have made regarding political matters for a small portion of his address to scouts in Glen Jean, West Virginia.

My main point in writing this is to say that I strongly support Todd Starne’s timely article wholeheartedly agreeing that “It’s Time for Patriots to Break Ties with Boy Scouts”

Yet, I say this with sadness though with no reluctance because adult scout leaders in recent years have made a mockery of the true meaning of the Boy Scouts of America.

I myself recited this Boy Scout Oath so many times in my years as a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America receiving the rank of Life Scout (one level below Eagle Scout)  and tapped as a member of the Order of the Arrow.

My leaders were honorable men who “walked the walk and talked the talk”  modeling qualities consistent with the Scouting standards to those of us who were under their leadership.

On my honor, I will do my best 
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; 
To help other people at all times; 
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

And this

Boy Scout Law 

A Scout is: 
•and Reverent.

Scouting of old lined up well with God’s principles.  There was no confusion or degradation of what is right and what is wrong.  There was no hidden agenda.  There was nothing that signified controversy surrounding any element of the Scout Oath or Scout Law. 

I participated in innumerable Fall and Spring Camporees, summer camp – Camp Kiroliex (many times).  Great male leadership exhibited throughout those many years highlighted by being selected to go to the National Boy Scout Jamboree in 1960 in Colorado Springs where Scouts came from throughout the world to gather for this memorable event in the shadows of Pikes Peak.

But how things have changed in the Boy Scouts since I was involved. 

We have seen such charades in the church, too, haven’t we ad nauseum – with church “leadership” straying from the word of God; not upholding the very Word of God.  What results, as Satan himself, intends, is to bring great confusion, division, chaos, uncertainty, hypocrisy, brokenness. 

Women in ordained positions which goes against God’s Word.  Division, confusion, cynicism, uncertainty. 

The “marrying” of same-sex couples?  

Interfaith dialogue?  Allah is same as the Holy God?  Seriously?   Chrislam  (a blend of Christianity and Islam).  What godly pastor is going to lead their people down such paths?  

Todd Starnes says “It’s Time for Patriots to Break Ties with Boy Scouts.”   There is nothing radical about his directive!    Boy Scouts of America as transgenders, homosexuals and/or permitting homosexual Scout leaders?   Run. Flee.  Do what Todd Starnes recommends:  “I would urge every parent with a child in the Boy Scouts to consider an alternative scouting organization – Trail Life USA. Trail Life is a faith-based scouting program that stands on a firm foundation.  

Regarding church, I would urge you to make sure you are in a Bible believing and practicing church.   If you are unsure, I would commend Mark Dever’s book “Nine Marks of a Healthy Church.”

May God help us to know the difference between the Holy and the profane. 

We can’t ourselves lead well if we haven’t and aren’t being led well.

Our families, our churches, our nation, our world stands in need of wise and godly leaders – young and old.

For the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
Proverbs 9:10

Lastly, this last point of interest:  Several articles reported yesterday that

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