El-Sayed and the Brotherhood Stealth Model

By: American Decency Staff


Michigan and Minnesota have become recognized for the heavy influence of Muslims in their states (at least in portions of their states). Important note:   Muslims per se aren’t necessarily the concern but FOR SURE the affiliations, i.e. Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim Student Association (MSA), Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Society of North American (ISNA), etc, etc.

In Michigan, Dearborn is known for its significant population of Muslims, though still not the majority population.

Hamtramck (just 9.7 miles down the road from Dearborn) – known for becoming the first city in the United States with a majority population of Muslims in 2013. It is also the first city in the country to elect a majority-Muslim city council.

Livonia (15 miles away from Dearborn) has been making headlines as a city where the Muslim practice of female genital mutilation, illegal in the United States, occurred.  According to a criminal complaint unsealed [In April], while a doctor removed parts of the girls' genitals, the wife of the clinic owner held the girls' hands "in order to comfort them."

Two months later, Dr. Fakhruddin Attar, 53, and his wife, Farida Attar, 50, both of Livonia, were arrested Friday morning at the Burhani Medical Clinic in Livonia, where the alleged cuttings took place.

To find out more on this concern (in this short interview), listen here

Frank Gaffney, President of Center for Security Policy, interviewed RAHEEM KASSAM, Editor in Chief of Breitbart News London, Shillman-Ginsburg Writing Fellow at the Middle East Forum, Senior Distinguished Fellow at the Gatestone Institute, Former Chief Advisor to UK Independence Party Leader Nigel Farage, Author of No Go Zones: How Shariah Law is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You. 

Raheem Kassam speaks of paying personal visits to Dearborn and Hamtramck recently and what he finds.

It is in this context, that I point you to a recent article in Christian Post entitled: “Could Man Vying to Become First Muslim Governor Be Part of ‘Stealth Jihad’?”, by Julie Roys, Christian Post, August 9, 2017 here

Quoting:  Abdul El-Sayed, potentially the nation’s first Muslim governor, sounds like the quintessential progressive politician. According to his website, the Michigan Democrat upholds “strict separation of church and state,” and vows to “defend the right of all Americans to pray as they choose.” He also opposes discrimination against the LGBTQ community, and supports a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

This son of Egyptian immigrants also has an impeccable pedigree for public office. He’s a Rhodes Scholar with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan, a doctorate in Public Health from Oxford University, and an M.D. from Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. In 2015, when El-Sayed was just 30 years old, he was appointed executive director of the Detroit Health Department, becoming the youngest health commissioner ever to serve a major U.S. city.

Not surprisingly, those opposing El-Sayed’s candidacy, claiming he has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and is being groomed by far-left billionaire George Soros to become the “next Barack Obama,” are being dubbed Islamophobes and conspiracy theorists. In a Vice article, Muslim journalist Beenish Ahmed attributed the allegations to a “vile political climate” and “right-wing paranoia about Sharia law.”

El-Sayed denies any ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. And according to one fact-checking website, though El-Sayed received a fellowship to attend medical school from the foundation of Paul and Daisy Soros (George Soros’s older brother and his wife), “there’s no indication that George Soros is tied to the foundation, or to El-Sayad.”

The problem, however, is that despite these vehement denials and inconclusive evidence tying El-Sayed to George Soros, El-Sayed has substantial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood in both his past and present. So the suspicion that El-Sayed may harbor Islamist convictions and be a Trojan horse are not unfounded, especially given the reality of what some have dubbed a “stealth jihad.”

El-Sayed and the Brotherhood Stealth Model

According to the Middle East Forum, the Muslim Brotherhood differs from other radical jihadist groups in strategy, but not in goals. Both the Brotherhood and groups like ISIS seek to destroy the West and establish Sharia, or Islamic, law. But while groups like ISIS promote a military means of conquering the West, the Brotherhood, as stated in its internal documents, seeks to penetrate and destroy Western civilization from within — “‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their (own) hands.”

As a result, the Brotherhood tends to be “more deceptive in language and appearance,” actively recruiting Muslim professionals and intellectuals, who can infiltrate Western legal and social systems without detection.

As one correspondent with the Middle East Forum put it, both the Brotherhood and militant jihadists will “shout Allahu Akbar and bomb Israel, support jihad, and support the violation of the rights of women and non-Muslims. One will do it openly and loudly while wearing his primitive Islamic dress and his untidy beard, but the other will be a PhD holder from Oxford University or the Sorbonne, and he will do it cunningly and secretly while wearing his German or French suit and a tidy beard, from an air-conditioned office, all the while making deals with the Americans.”

So the ideal Brotherhood politician would be someone who secretly harbors radical Islamic convictions, but looks, acts, and talks like a mainstream, major-party candidate. This candidate would not hide his Muslim identity, but instead would leverage it for political advantage, making Islam sound moderate and appealing to values like multiculturalism. …

To read the Christian Post article in its entirety, click here.

Do know this:

We will be discussing this topic and others related to the agenda of Muslim front groups atour upcoming conference – entitled “The Sword of Truth or the Sword of Islam” –  scheduled for Friday October 13 in Fremont, MI  or Saturday October 14 in Grand Rapids, MI. 

We'll hear from former terrorist, now Christian, Kamal Saleem– along with featured speaker Dr. Norm DeJong.  For more information click here

To register, call us at 231-924-4050 or email kimberly@americandecency.org

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