What great movies “The Shack” and “Beauty and the Beast”. Right?
Wrong! Dead Wrong!
Have you gone to see either movie? If so, did you do any checking into either one?
It saddens and frankly disgusts me to say so, but there are far too many Christians who take little to no time looking into a movie before going and seeing one. And, often times they thoughtlessly take their kids to whatever – like, yes, “The Beauty and the Beast”
“Beauty and the Beast” is a Disney production so that makes it trustworthy? Seriously?
I’ve been a so-called “cultural warrior” for a long time and Disney began degrading itself a long time ago in its movie productions (let me count the ways). Then, it purchased ABC or ABC bought Disney– either way they are under the same degraded umbrella!
I am so often reminded of the verse: “They failed to teach their children the difference between the Holy and the profane.”
That comes from Ezekiel 22:26:
They have made no distinction between the holy and the profane, neither have they taught the difference between the unclean and the clean, and they have disregarded my Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them.
Doesn’t that grip you? What about you, Mom? What about you, Dad? Grandpa, Grandma?
You know better, yet some of you say nothing. What about the decisions you make regarding what you entertain yourself with?
Have you ever heard of desensitization? Most of you have. Little by little people become a little less bothered by the old taboos.
Oh, there’s a homosexual kiss in a Disney movie. “No problem,” they say. “It was just one little segment,” they say.
“Oh there was a transgender scene. Oh – that was mostly missed by everybody except for those who are nit picky”, they say.
And “The Shack”? Read for yourself.
As I stated above, Disney degradation began so, so long ago and yet people – young and old alike act as if Disney is the trusted standard for family programming. Come on – wake up, Christian!
May God help us if I fail to get this warfare principle across to my children and grandchildren. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (ROMANS 12:1,2)
In closing, we can preach and teach our children and grandchildren and they can learn to look like a Christian, dress like a Christian and have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof.
II Timothy 3:5-7
Having a form of godliness, isn’t godliness! Godliness takes example, teaching, God’s grace, a changed heart, a renewed heart, a love for Christ, walking the walk, not just talking the talk.
Where are convictions? Where is righteous indignation? Where is a clear witness of standing in opposition to mainstream complicity?
A lady came up to me recently after I spoke at a church and said “One thing you helped me with today: you helped me know how to pray for myself better – That I will hate the things that God hates and love the things God loves.”
May that be the prayer of each of us.
“Why Do the Nations Rage?”
When: June 2-4 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Where: The Shack Country Inn 2263 W. 14th Street, White Cloud, MI 49349
ph: 231-924-6683 – http://shackcountryinn.com/
Featured Speakers:
Dave Agema, Former Republican National Committee Member, former state representative from Jenison, MI, former Airforce jet fighter pilot, former pilot for American Airlines.
Bill Johnson, Founder and president of American Decency Association, AFA’s first named state director (1987-1999), Leading ADA for its eighteen years of existence.
Pastor Ron Workman, Long time Bible Church pastor having served in Illinois, Florida and Michigan. Ron is the founder of Interim Ministries Incorporated. He has helped many churches through times of pastoral transition.
Pastor Terry D. Slachter, Is the head of Reaching America Ministries (formerly Project Philip). Terry has pastored in Dearborn, Grand Rapids, Indianapolis and he is currently pastoring in Lamont, MI. Terry encourages and equips churches and individual Christians to sow the seed of the gospel.
Mary Beeke, Author of the book, The Law of Kindness. In it, Mary examines the idea of kindness, and gives helpful advice for putting it into action. She includes specific chapters addressed to wives, husbands, parents, teachers, and children.
Dr. Joel Beeke, International speaker and president of the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, author and pastor.
Further registration information and limitations:
There are 55 lodging rooms available.
Call early to register for either a room or to reserve a place to attend the conference even though you won’t be an overnight paid guest.
$240.00 (for two nights) Back view rooms
$260.00 (for two nights) Lake view rooms
$300.00 (for two nights) Hot tub rooms
These costs include all meals and a banana split served nightly. Meals may also be purchased ala carte for those who attend the conference only, and do not spend the night.
To register for a room call The Shack at 231-924-6683 and ask for the ADA rate.
Also, call us at ADA to register for the conference. Let us know if you will be an overnight guest or coming just for the conference sessions. Call ADA at 231-924-4050.
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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