Communism Exposed-Sat, March 18, at 7 PM

By: American Decency Staff


Seats are limited and going Fast! Don’t miss out—reserve your spot TODAY!!

Trevor Loudon—producer of “Enemies Within” (the documentary exposing communism within our government)—will be speaking at the American Decency headquarters (203 E. Main St., Fremont, MI) in just 10 daysMarch 18—at 7 PM.  This information is so important; we urge you, make time for this. Come; learn; and leave with a conviction to act on your new-found knowledge. Our auditorium has a limited number of seats left, so sign up NOW! (We will have an overflow area available; that also will by reservation) It’s easy to reserve your seat; here’s how:

By phone:  231-924-4050
or by email:
or just click here!

We live in a day and age where few know much about communism. People either think that it’s nothing more than a plot from which cloak and dagger films are made or it’s a thing of the past. Some believe that it’s an ideology that is relegated to third world countries and their dictators. Very few recognize that communism is alive and well in America and within our government today! Most are not aware that a great number of our very own Senators and congressmen have been caught up in this destructive ideology. These men and women are NOT looking out for the best interests of their constituents; instead, they are pushing the communist agenda—an agenda which is undermining our Constitution, weakening our military, and stripping Americans of their rights and liberties.

Communism’s agenda has infiltrated our public schools, stolen the minds of our university students, and taken morality and decency out of the public square. This has been a long time in the making and Americans, by and large, have been ignorant or apathetic toward it. To get a small glimpse of our modern day plight click here and here.

If we are to act responsibly—as God would have us to do—we must throw off the blindfold of ignorance and toss aside the cloak of apathy, that we might learn what to do and how to do it. This being the case, we urge everyone to attend this event prayerfully, asking God to show us what HE would have us to do.

Trevor Loudon has been researching these things for thirty plus years; take advantage of his expertise and catch his passion for the truth. This not only affects you and me, it affects our children and grandchildren. These things are not just about the here and now, they affect the tomorrows in which we will live and retire.

The enemy is very real and close at hand—it is within. Informed action must be taken now, before we have passed the point of no return. Invite your friends; bring your family and come prayerfully. Join us March 18, 2017 at 7 PM—at the American Decency Association building at 203 E. Main Street in Fremont, Michigan. Reserve your seat today!

These are perilous times and perilous times must be met with prayer.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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