Abdul El Sayed

By: American Decency Staff


I’m writing regarding the accelerating “voices” that Michigan’s next governor not only could be a Muslim but a person with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

I had to cut through the noise of the Washington Post, Politico, Aljazeera, Wikipedia, etc., in my search for what was outside of the parameters of the politically correct meme.

One thing that has become increasingly clear to me, and presumably to you, is: Fake news confuses, ie. what is true and what is not true.

Also, we have learned that a major strategy of Jihadists is the practice of telling lies to confuse, deceive, undermine, and to dismantle the enemy – remember WE are the enemy.

Deception is rampant within the Muslim community particularly those who are Shariah Supremacists (those who seek to make Shariah the law throughout the world – one nation at a time).

I introduce you to Dr. Abdul el-Sayed.

At first glance, as one does a Google search, el-Sayed looks so wonderful: handsome, well educated, charismatic, personable, polished, ambitious.

But then in the back of my mind is, “But we have seen this all before haven’t we?”  Barack Obama?  Keith Ellison? Andre Carson?  Major Hasan?  All appearing to be one thing and yet there is more to them than what meets the eye.

But what about Dr. Abdul el-Sayed?  Here is what Counter Jihad Report has to say (in part):

The 32-year old Dr. Abdul el-Sayed recently announced his campaign for governor of Michigan. Winning the November 2018 election would make him America’s first Muslim governor. The charming el-Sayed knows well how to talk the talk in putting Americans at ease. According to Dick Manasseri, spokesman for the group, Secure Michigan, which educates about the threat of Shariah law: “He’s young, attractive, he does not give out a lot of information, he speaks in platitudes about celebrating inclusiveness and diversity.” Manasseri “predicts that Sayed will at least win the Democratic nomination for governor” and warns that “America is headed down a suicidal path” through a stealth invasion. His words are not without merit:

El-Sayed has substantial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood in both his past and present. So the suspicion that El-Sayed may harbor Islamist convictions and be a Trojan horse are not unfounded, especially given the reality of what some have dubbed a “stealth jihad.”

Linda Sarsour, who called for jihad against the American government in early July, also threw her backing behind El-Sayed in an address she made to the Islamic Society of North America’s 54th annual convention:

When I think about building power, I think about brothers like Abdul Sayed, who is in this room today, who is running to become the first Muslim Governor of the state of Michigan …

Later this week we’ll provide further research into Abdul el-Sayed showing that, as Counter Jihad Report states,

… the “liberal convictions” expressed by El-Sayed “don’t seem very congruent with some of El-Sayed’s past and present associations.” This is typical of those Muslims with proven connections to Muslim Brotherhood entities who have made their way into the political arena. For example, while El-Sayed was a student at the University of Michigan, he was “an active member and vice-president of the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) – a group founded mainly by members of the Muslim Brotherhood for the express purpose of spreading Wahhabist ideology — an austere form of Islam that insists on literal interpretation of the Quran and views those who disagree as enemies.”

Like all Western nations, the stealth invasion of American civilization continues from within with great fervor, while most remain too unaware and passive to stymie its advance.

Join us for our upcoming conference to find out much more from former terrorist, now follower of Christ, Kamal Saleem, who has even more information about el-Sayedand his background and who is and will be behind the funding of his campaign.

Mark your calendar for:

Friday, October l3 in Fremont, MI at American Decency headquarters at 7:00 pm or Saturday, October 14 in Grand Rapids at the Double Tree by Hilton. Click here for more information.

To register call us at 231-924-4050 or email kimberly@americandecency.org

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