Who’s in the Know? Are You?

By: American Decency Staff


The first and most important responsibility of the President is to be the Commander-in-Chief, to protect the national security, to protect the safety and lives of Americans. Radical Islamic Terrorism is a threat to this nation. And we need leadership to stand up and defend the United States of America.” So ended Senator Cruz’ remarks at The Defeat Jihad Summit held last February.

As we’ve seen our beloved country fall prey to increased immorality, increased civilization jihad against our freedoms and dangerous overt terrorist attacks from Islamic supremacists, there is an ever-widening acceptance of this intolerant religion, a weakening of our military, and our national image and influence is becoming a byword around the globe.  Many say, “This administration just doesn’t get it. The president doesn’t understand how he’s weakening the United States.” Those who say this are the ones who don’t get it.  May God awaken them out of their sleep, wipe the apathy or ignorance from their eyes, and help them to “get it.” Maybe we have short memories, maybe we’re too busy to be informed, or maybe we’re just too tired to think; but, we need to get informed. We need to see the agenda that is being pushed, the willful “ignorance” our government has chosen in the name of political correctness, and the spiritual as well as physical dangers it has put us in by their choices—if not by their direct actions.

Don’t be fooled, this administration has a definite and heinous agenda for the destruction of America. We shouldn’t be surprised; President Obama promised to fundamentally change who we are…that’s one promise he has kept. For some, this article may be like the eye surgeon who slowly unwraps the bandages from his patient’s eyes, peeling away layer by layer. Hang in there, if knowledge is power, we’ll be the better for it. Let’s look at the weakening of America from a political view.

A French philosopher came to our country looking for the secret of her greatness; upon hearing the church pulpits “aflame with righteousness,” he said, "America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." President Obama came into the White House with a desire to weaken our nation morally. In his 2009 proclamation making June “LGBT Pride Month,” the president writes, “I am proud to be the first President to appoint openly LGBT candidates to Senate-confirmed positions in the first 100 days of an Administration.” He’s also appointed openly gay judges and ambassadors. He’s the first president to pose for the cover of a gay magazine, the first to light up the White House in rainbow colors, and he’s not only pushed the LGBT agenda here at home, but abroad as well. According to the N.Y. Times:

Since 2012, United States officials said, the American government has spent more than $41 million specifically to promote gay rights globally, along with a portion of $700 million earmarked for marginalized groups to support gay communities and causes. More than half of the $700 million, and $6.6 million of the $41 million, was spent on sub-Saharan Africa — just one indication of the continent’s importance to the new policy.” Click here for the whole article.

For a deeper look, but not exhaustive list, of how this administration has furthered the demoralization of America—making her less good and less great, click here.

The Obama administration has been pushing several political agendas as well, which vastly weakens us nationally and has the potential to ring the death knell of our nation and society. With limited space, this will be a quick flyover, not spending much time on these agendas individually, but recognizing that they are strongly linked together.

As we look at the attacks against the first and second amendments, as we see this administration do what it can to raise the Islamic religion while downplaying the influence of Christ upon our humble beginnings, as we often hear the president refer to the deep Muslim influence upon our history, let us remember a few words from our founding fathers:

"No nation has ever existed or been governed without religion. Nor can be. The Christian religion is the best religion that has been given to man and I, as Chief Magistrate of this nation, am bound to give it the sanction of my example."—Thomas Jefferson

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ."—Patrick Henry

When President Obama was still a Senator he mocked the Bible, Christians, and the Christian God; yet when running for president, he laid claim to the name Christian. We can’t afford to be fooled any longer; look at the dangerous agendas that are being pushed.

Yes, part of the president’s “Hope and Change” is to change our history in hope of making us much more open to Islamic influence as a nation.  This should concern each of us as Shariah Law and Constitutional Law are diametrically opposed one to the other.  We should be concerned since the Koran is violently opposed to many lifestyles which are found in AmericaChristian and non-Christian alike.  We need to wake up, shake ourselves loose of the apathy which has gripped us, and take a stand against the tidal wave of political correctness and Islamic supremacy which is threatening to drown us.

Our government, even before the Obama administration, has embraced CAIR—a known affiliate and supporter of Hamas (a designated terrorist organization). It’s interfered and impeded national and local security by pushing to scrub identifiers that would stop many terrorist attacks and identify local and national dangers. These scrubbed identifiers impede safety and investigations because they limit the kinds of questions authorities may ask, the investigations which can be done, and the persons which can be interrogated, to name a few. The shutting down of these intelligence gathering operations can be directly linked to the San Bernardino and Fort Pierce attacks according to Philip Haney. To hear more on this go to this page and listen to podcast 2.

The government has also “scrubbed” voices of reason, men who were persons of accountability, removing them from their positions, their jobs, and inner-governmental influence. We’ve seen the same happen with our military, men of integrity, high moral standing, and influence removed from their posts. If you aren’t familiar with the names of Frank Gaffney, Philip Haney, Lieutenant General William "Jerry" Boykin, USA, Ret., Stephen Coughlin, Patrick Poole, to name a few voices of truth, look them up; take great interest in the things they are warning about.  Authors who are telling the truth about what’s happening in our government and around the world would include Andrew McCarthy, Ken Timmerman, Daniel Horowitz, Kevin Freeman, and Robert Spencer…

As mosques are popping up around America, we’d be wise to learn that, “As detailed in a just-published Middle East Quarterly essay, “Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques” (available here), the authors’ “Mapping Sharia” project surveyed 100 randomly selected mosques across the United States. Onsite, fully 81 percent of the mosques featured Islamic texts that advocate violence. In nearly 85 percent of the mosques, the leadership (usually an imam or prayer leader) favorably recommended this literature for study by congregants. Moreover, 58 percent of the mosques invited guest lecturers known for promoting violent jihad.” To read the whole article by Andrew McCarthy click here.  Another related article on terrorism is found here.

The Muslim Brotherhood is supported by this current administration at home and abroad; and, a withdrawal of support is seen when the Brotherhood is removed from power and a less radical Muslim is in place. Daniel Horowitz of the National Review touches nicely on this topic here.

Time and again this administration has ignored the Constitution, trampled on State sovereignty, and the rights of its citizenry. Time and again our current government has attempted to silence our First Amendment rights and continually push against our right to bear arms, hoping to leave us with bare arms. The president in particular and his administration in general try to make the terrorist look benign and misunderstood, blaming it on everyone else and at the same time are creating watch lists that put veterans, gun owners, patriots, and Christians in view as terrorists. This is but one article that shows the misrepresentation of numbers and points falsely away from the radical Islamist jihad threat.

After all this, it’s no wonder that Ted Cruz is disliked by the establishment RINOs when he consistently speaks the no-hold-barred truth and calls it like it is, such as in his statement after the Orlando nightclub shooting. 

Our nation is at war. From 9/11 to the Boston Marathon, from Fort Hood to Chattanooga, from San Bernardino to last night’s horrific attack in Orlando, radical Islamic terrorism has declared jihad on America… It is a time for action. We need a Commander in Chief who will speak the truth, and who will unleash the full force and fury of the American military to utterly destroy ISIS and its affiliates. We need to pass the Expatriate Terrorist Act, so that known ISIS terrorists cannot use U.S. passports to return to America and wage jihad. We need a President who is serious – who will identify the enemy by name and do everything necessary to defeat it.”  Click here to read more of his statement.

I’ve only removed a few of the bandages from your eyes; there’s still much more to see. It’s important that we pray for our nation, its leaders, and its people. Oh how I wish that we still had leaders in the government and in the church that would call for a day(s) of humiliation and fasting, and that the church would respond.

Prayer is vitally important, yet there is still more for you and I to do.  We must continue to get informed with the truth and then broadcast that truth to our family and friends. Friends don’t let friends stay asleep while their country is falling down around them. 

We’ve given you several names and places to visit. Here are a few more:

A website devoted to informing the public about Muslim activity: Click here

An important resource in learning about the Muslim Brotherhood in America: Click here

Learning more about civilization jihad: Click here

Watch The Defeat Jihad Summit (clips available or the entirety with important men from around the world): Click here

Robert Spencer’s site: Click here

The Conservative Review:  Click here

Available from the American Decency Association store:

Catastrophic Failureby Stephen Coughlin $25

Shariah The Threat To Americafrom the Center for Security Policy $14

AGENDA 2(DVD) by Curtis Bowers $20

Here’s one more thing of help. Join us for our summer event called “From the Bottom Up” with Curtis Bowers and Dr. Joel Beeke. It’ll take place at the Harvest OPC Church (930 52nd Street SW; Wyoming, MI 49509) on July 22, 2016 from 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM.

If you love this country, and truly want to once more see God “shed His grace” upon it, this is where it has to start – FROM THE BOTTOM UP. We hope you can join us.

Please take a moment to register for this night of learning with like-minded individuals. Click here

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.


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