Where’s OUR Cocoa?

By: American Decency Staff

Politics are fun, aren’t they?

The thrill of the competition, the choosing of a champion, the pithy political pageants (or “debates,” as some like to call them) –it’s like American Idol with less talent and more, well, idols. That would be American Idol post Simon Cowell, of course. (Is the Commission on Presidential Debates accepting ideas for moderator next time around?)

This election, in particular, saw both parties billing their candidate as a savior from the atrocities their opponent was sure to commit. Thus – in spite of neither side (for the most part) actually liking their candidate – both sides were very passionate about this election.

We’ll never know how Trump’s most ardent and passionate supporters would have reacted to his loss in the 2016 presidential election, but man, oh man, is the progressive response – I struggle for words… It’s something, isn’t it?

I don’t know about you, but there’s a game that I haven’t played much since the 2012 election which might be fun to give a moment to. It’s called, “Let’s Pretend the Other Side Said/Did This.” Here’s a few headlines reporting the progressive and Democrat reactions to the election, let’s read them together and share an ironic snicker.

Colleges try to Comfort Students Upset by Trump Victory

Dozens of students at Cornell University gathered on a major campus thoroughfare for a “cry-in” to mourn the results of the 2016 presidential election Wednesday, with school staff providing tissues and hot chocolate. At Tufts University, arts and crafts were on offer. And the University of Kansas reminded students via social media of the therapy dogs available.

U. of Michigan Gives Students Play-Doh, Coloring Books to Cope With Trump

At Yale University, supposedly one of the most elite institutions of higher learning in the country, an anonymous professor has decided to let students skip their midterms

MSU hosting events for students devastated by Trump win 
Michigan State is one of at least two universities in Michigan dedicating staff and resources to help students and faculty deal with the outcome of the presidential election. 

So, these are not events simply taking place on campus at these universities, they are school sponsored events. Who thinks these schools would be giving playdough and hot cocoa to Republicans had Hillary won? Nobody?

Let’s keep going!

California Dreamin'? Many in Golden State Want to Secede From Trump's U.S.

After Donald Trump victory, Oregonians submit ballot proposal to secede from the union
"Oregonian values are no longer the values held by the rest of the United States," Trejbal said over the phone Thursday.

Those values? "Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness," Trejbal said, "plus equality."

I remember a few conservatives jokingly fantasizing about Texas seceding under President Obama, but Oregonians actually filed paperwork!

GrubHub Under Fire After CEO Tells Employees Who Support Trump’s Rhetoric to Resign

I’m sure that would be perfectly acceptable in Oregon’s fantasy nation built on “equality.”

We haven’t even talked about the Trump protests popping up in major cities around the country, and not always peacefully.

As easy as it is to make fun of these literally childish reactions (seriously, do these universities have craft closets where they keep the playdough?), the most disturbing thing is that these Clinton supporters are really and truly devastated and terrified by her loss.

And that says an awful lot about several things.

First, it tells us that we’ve given way too much power to the executive branch of government. What liberals are anticipating right now is what conservatives have just been through for the past 8 years – the antithesis of our deepest held beliefs having virtually unbridled power to “fundamentally change” our way of life.

No one man should have all that POWER.  There is no balance to the authority of executive orders, and that is not how the presidency was designed to be used.

Secondly and consequently, we place too much faith in our president. Every four years, if “our guy” gets in, we anticipate the things he can enact from the top down, yet in between are often too distracted to influence our society, “from the bottom up,” in the Christians’ case, for the glory of God.


May Christians who supported Trump be gracious winners in this election.

The easy reaction is to simply mock all of this nonsense, and that’s fine to a point, because it is nonsense. The more difficult and necessary reaction is to get to work convincing those who are terrified of the traditional values we voted for  that their fears are misplaced.

Let conservative and Christian activists be active in the aftermath of this election, not just in pursuing legislation and rooting for the right Supreme Court judges, but in loving our neighbors as ourselves and building Christ’s kingdom.

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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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