“What you do today matters.”

By: American Decency Staff

"What you do today matters."

Of course, when I say that and Cecile Richards says that, we are talking about very different things.

One of our supporters  – who would never support Planned Parenthood – recently sent us a fundraising letter that showed up in her mailbox from Planned Parenthood, urging their followers to "Stand with Planned Parenthood and help us stop these out-of-touch extremists in Congress from pushing their cruel, anti-woman agenda any further."

Interestingly enough, as I read this letter, I was watching the live-stream of the 43rd annual March for Life, where representatives of myriad ethnic and religious backgrounds have gathered to march in what has been forecast to be "Snowmageddon" – 18 to 24 inches of snow are expected to accumulate and the National Weather Service has issued a Blizzard Warning.

Yet the pro-life activists march on, and Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards and I can agree on one thing: "what you do today matters."

In her letter, Richards sought to capitalize on the actions of the mentally unstable man who recently shot up a Planned Parenthood center, killing three and injuring nine, but pro-life groups have roundly denounced the actions of the shooter and any violence towards abortion providers.

She also accused the man behind the "Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts" expose as "sparking" the deranged man's violence.

As Planned Parenthood uses those deaths to fundraise for the ability to cause more death –  anti-abortion, pro-life activists are braving the elements, putting their own comfort and safety on the line to save the lives of the unborn.

You know, Planned Parenthood goes on and on, in this letter and elsewhere, about being pro-woman – and calling pro-lifers anti-woman – but we're not the ones ending the lives of women before they even get the chance to develop.

The theme of this year's march highlighted that point: Pro-Life and Pro-Woman Go Hand in Hand!

From the March for Life Website, "It has been said — politically and culturally — that for one to be pro-woman one must be pro-choice. But nothing could be further from the truth. Sadly, there are so many confusing messages regarding women and the issue of abortion, compounded by the false “war on women” rhetoric.

The truth is that life is the empowering choice for women. It’s best for women and families facing unplanned pregnancies, and it’s best for developing female babies in the womb. Abortion harms women, and affects our society as a whole, in so many ways."

Isn't it strange that the group fighting for baby girls (and baby boys, of course) to live is the ones labeled as anti-woman?

So what will you do today in the face of a culture that mischaracterizes and maligns us, a culture that often stands hand in bloody hand with organizations like Planned Parenthood?  Let's stand for life.

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