Transgender Lifestyle Leads to Brokenness

By: American Decency Staff

On your mark, get set, go! They’re off…and crossing the finish line of Alaska’s all state girls’ track meet is…a boy? That’s right, a male, high school sprinter recently took home all state honors in girls’ track and field. He has also been allowed to participate on the girls’ basketball and volleyball teams. As those in charge race for political correctness, they’ve outrun common sense and are now overtaking fair play.  In an attempt at “fairness” for the transgender student, those in authority are being unfair to the masses of students who must share restrooms, locker rooms, and now racing lanes with these confused adolescents.

Allowing boys to play on a girl’s team could make some girls lose to male students spots or scholarships that are meant to go to real females. Alaska Family Actionpresident Jim Minnery organized a protest against forcing teenage girls to compete against male athletes, during which he stated, “We are here today as a voice from the community to ensure that female athletes are not denied the playing opportunities and scholarships otherwise available to them and to make the playing field even again.”  Minnery also argued that “Allowing students to play on teams of the opposite sex disproportionately impacts female students, who will lose spots on a track, soccer and volleyball teams to male students who identify as female.

Although some runners didn’t take issue with a male running in their female track meet, other participants, who didn’t even have to race against this transgender teen, recognized the wrongness of it. One such athlete, Peyton Young, told the Alaska Dispatch News,“I don’t know what’s politically correct to say, but in my opinion your gender is what you’re born with. It’s the DNA. Genetically a guy has more muscle mass than a girl, and if he’s racing against a girl, he may have an advantage.”

Another girl, who raced against this biological boy athlete and lost, Emma Daniels, told a local CBS station, “I’m glad that this person is comfortable with who they are and they’re able to be happy in who they are, but I don’t think it’s competitively completely 100-percent fair.”

Is Alaska the only state to allow transgender athletes to compete against the gender they identify with? Not by a long shot; at least thirty states have adopted similar policies to some extent or another, according to

How are Christians to respond to this?

I would point to Al Mohler’s book, We Cannot Be Silent. On page 80 he states, “We unflinchingly hold, therefore, that to be born male is to be male and that to be born female is female. The binary system of gender is grounded in a biological reality that is not socially constructed. While admitting that in the fallen world every society accumulates socially constructed ideas about gender that are often wrong and inconsistent with Scripture (and thus to be confronted and corrected), the Christian stands obligated under scriptural authority to insist that the gender assigned by biological sex is not an accident. We affirm that biological sex is a gift of God to every individual and to the human community to which that individual belongs.”

Our response? Again from Mohler, “It is an opportunity for the Christian to respond with the message of the gospel and with the recognition that every Christian is a broken individual seeking wholeness in the only place it can be found—in obedience to Scripture under the lordship of Christ.

Keeping these basic truths and purposes in mind, it makes us a little uncomfortable (or a lot). Sometimes we get Christ’s view and the “Christian world view” confused. It’s easier to sit on a lofty perch and sing out the truth boldly than it is to get down on the newspaper under that perch, wade through the mess, lovingly come alongside someone, and share the compassion of truth that Jesus can help them through any problem.  This gets especially messy when they don’t see that there is a problem or think that the problem is with us.

The gender-confused are running a race, but it’s a race against their god-ordained roles and a race against the gospel that they just can’t win. Rather than passing the baton to further confusion and ungodliness, pray that they will come to Jesus, so at the end of their race, they can hear, “Well done.” (Pray we may hear the same.)

We have our own race to run. We may not understand exactly where those deceived by transgenderism are coming from anymore than someone else may be able to understand some struggle that we have. But the truth is the truth and it will set them free, even as it has and will set us free. We need to remember that although the answer is simple, it’s almost never easy. And just like all the questions and troubles we face, Jesus is the only answer.

Jesus isn’t only the answer to our personal troubles; He is the answer to our national troubles as well. Look back several years and see what we gave tolerance to; see where we are now?  Recognize that what we tolerate today will be what we embrace in the near future.  Look beyond today! Look to the future of our children and grandchildren; look to the future of our country!  See how “tolerance” of homosexuality led to “homosexual marriage.” See how that broke ground for transgender tolerance which led to a forceful hand of restroom, shower, and competitive sport use. See how now we are moving from transgenderism to trans-species (living and being accepted as an animal). See how the ground has been broken and is leading to the acceptance of pedophilia. No sin happens in a vacuum; it leads to greater sin.  See all these things; be broken and horrified.

Case after case we see how the “transgender” lifestyle ends up with brokenness, discontent, and their own body cries out that they have sinned against God (recognized or not). Accepted or not, tolerated or not, there is the innate role that God has foreordained for each of us. As we perpetuate their lies by tolerating these perversions against God, we embrace further national brokenness, discontent, and a nation that cries out that it has sinned against God (recognized or not).

If we love God, if we love our nation, if we love those who come after us, we won’t tolerate the sin they promote; instead, we point them to the truth!

Pointing others to the truth with our words is not enough; we must point with our lives as well– a life which reflects Christ and is devoted to Him.  He is not only the foundational truth, but also the transforming truth. In Psalm 11:3 we read, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

Those who are in Christ must work to rebuild the foundations by daily living out the transformed life that Jesus brings – standing on Him, the only firm foundation.

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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.


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