Transforming Policy-Transforming Minds

By: American Decency Staff

Attempting to transform minds, the transgender bathroom guidelines were approved by the State Board of Education on Wednesday, September 15, 2016, by a 6-2 vote. The two board members who spoke against and voted against these guidelines were Republican Richard Zeile and Republican Eileen Weiser.

The board gave their views on this public guidance before parents, lawmakers, educators, and LGBT advocates voiced their concerns during a three-hour public comment period. This portion of the board meeting started with a variety of statistics talking about bullying, suicide, percentages of LGBTQ students, and the amount of public response given from both sides of this tension-filled issue during the past several months.

The outcome of this vote was disappointing although no surprise, since these board members clearly tipped their hands during this time of discussion.

One member stated that “family engagement is the cornerstone of this document.” I would add that this is only on a case by case basis. Their revised guidance states that consultation with parents shouldn’t take place when educators are aware that parental knowledge of their child’s gender identity “might threaten the student’s safety and/or welfare.It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how such an ambiguous guideline could be used against Christian families or any number of parents who might disagree with this guidance as a whole, yet have great care and concern for their child.

One male board member told how they met with several different groups including pediatricians, adding, “Real pediatrician groups, not the HATE pediatrician group—a group that only has 200 members nation-wide.” It’s very likely that he was referring to the American College of Pediatricians. This group does not write hate speech; but rather speaks out for the safety of the child and how normalizing and encouraging gender dysphoria in children is both dangerous and unethical. Read articles here, here, and here. Granted, there are demeaning people on both sides of the fence; but this group handles itself in a professional and caring manner.

It would appear that this board member considers those who disagree with his position to be “haters.” Is John Hopkins a hate group too? After all, Paul McHugh, a John Hopkins psychiatrist who has studied transgenderism and sex-reassignment surgery for 40 years, says that transgenderism is a “mental illness” and to enable it is equal to “collaborating with madness.” To read this article click here.

Another female board member mentioned that “God made all kinds of people, including gay and transgender.” The Scriptures tell us, God created them male and female (Gen. 1:27) and God is not the author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33).  Actually we read throughout the Bible that sin brings us to confusion. Repentance and seeking God brings us to clarity of mind, right thinking, and a renewed relationship with our Creator.

Eileen Weiser encouraged that schools address the culture of bullying as a whole, that way everyone will be helped, including the 8% of LGBTQ students.She also mentioned that a part of this guidance is currently under litigation and that “These guidelines don’t have any basis in law.” Her suggestion was to wait.

Dr. Zeile started his position by stating that he took exception to the statistics presented. LGBT students were shown to be the highest percentage of bullied people. However, Dr. Zeile claimed that obese students are actually the most bullied. He also stated that the suicide statistics could as easily be applied to the ratio of boys verses girls. He also had problems with the child’s sexual identity being left up to the child. He said that 80% of children who claim to be LGBT later on settle into an identity congruent with their physical body.

The American College of Pediatricians states, “A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking; at worst, it is a delusion.” With “gender fluidity,” how can these children be anything but confused? The school system is really harming the very students they claim they want to protect, by encouraging them to deepen their confusion and/or delusion. Not only that, they are harming the larger percentage of the population by pressing this agenda of acceptance and normalcy rather than dealing with the real problem and providing the real answer.

So, if free-rein use of any bathroom or locker room by either gender is not the answer—what IS the answer? The answer for the LGBTQ student is the same answer for any who fight against their God-given roles. Whether it’s a husband who would rather not be around or lead his family, a wife who would usurp her husband’s authority, children or adults who fight the authority that is over them, or the person who chooses an identity which is not congruent with their physical body—the answer is the same.

Jesus IS the answer. We should never bully or demean anyone, regardless of where they stand on an issue. But instead of supporting their delusion or deepening their confusion, we should be telling them the truth—in love. The truth is that sin has entered into the world and people fight against God’s authority and their God-given roles, straight and LGBTQ alike. The truth is that God desires to truly transform our mind and our life. The truth is that we are made to be image bearers of God and that He offers salvation and purpose to His creation—each one of us—you, me, and the LGBT.

As the Federal Government and our public schools strive to raise anchor and sail from our spiritual moorings, as they continually reset our moral compass one degree at a time away from true North, we have found ourselves in turbulent waters. These things launch us out into the deeper, stormy waters of godlessness. As both those in authority and those under authority do what is right in their own eyes, disrespecting each other and the laws which are meant to constrain, lawlessness abounds and threatens to capsize our nation. All these things lead to anger, hatred, and disunity.  Yes, our ship is in danger of being torn apart from bow to stern. As we have unanchored from the sure rock of Scripture, we drift out deeper into further moral degradation and deeper lawlessness; we have become a nation adrift. We have become the epitome of Paul’s description of “perilous times.”

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Timothy 3:1-7)

Spiritually, the landscape resembles a post-apocalyptic wasteland of movie lore. It’s with trembling that we recognize a nation’s spiritual condition will soon become its earthly condition.

Turbulent water? Yes! Uncharted seas? No! God’s word makes clear the path of a person, society, or nation which refuses to hold Truth as a precious treasure. The end of those who refuse to glorify God as God and keep a heart of gratitude is charted out clearly in Romans 1. It’s here that the Apostle Paul clearly spells out the normal consequences of such a sinful people. (Read Romans 1:16-32).

Continue to pray for these issues which are plaguing our nation. Live out a life of holiness before a watching world. As during “Show and Tell,” at school, so many years ago: Show and tell them about the love of Christ.

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 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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