The War is Real and the War is Now

By: American Decency Staff

Resolution 16/18.  Istanbul Process. 

I would doubt that very few reading this have ever heard of Resolution 16/18 and/or the Istanbul Process.  Why is it important?

It is crucial that we have awareness of Resolution 16/18 and the Istanbul Process  because it is an important part of the plot to ultimately destroy Constitutional America.

Due to the significant nature of this, I am quoting heavily from James A. Lyons, a U.S. Navy retired admiral, who was commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations.

“The First Amendment to our Constitution states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It is these words of this First Amendment that make America different from every other country in the world. However, all too frequently we are now seeing these cherished rights come under attack by not only Islamic totalitarian regimes, but also the West’s politically correct activists and progressive fellow travelers.

“The takeaway: Don’t criticize or take a position that might “offend” the seventh-century sensibilities of the followers of Islam, who view our freedoms of expressionas heresy. According to the politically correct activists, it is better to submit than to offend the followers of Islam, who might get violent and go on a “justifiable” rampage …

“Clearly, there is an intensifying global campaign to impose Islamic blasphemy law on all non-Muslim societies. This campaign is led by the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which has been hard at work to sponsor a United Nations resolution insisting that all countries criminalize what it calls “defamation of religion” (code for Islam). The OIC rejects our First Amendment rights of free speech and religion. The organization is in the 10th year of its 10-year program to achieve this objective, known as the Istanbul Process. When Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, she strongly endorsed the OIC’s objectives to limit our First Amendment rights — and now she wants to be our president.

“Shariah blasphemy law has its roots in the teachings of Islam’s prophet, Muhammad. In the early days of justifying his wanton violence, those who mocked him were put to death. Over the centuries, that theme became enshrined into Islamic law. Henceforth, anything considered blasphemous to Islam or Muhammad is a crime punishable by death. In that sense, we should not forget when President Obama was speaking before the U.N. General Assembly on Sept. 25, 2012, in regard to the YouTube video said to have been the cause of the Benghazi tragedy, he stated, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” 

“So much for our First Amendment.

“Regretfully, submission to the medieval sensibilities of Islam is much more widespread than most Americans realize. It is fundamentally embedded in our failed counterinsurgency strategy, which drove our war in Afghanistan in the failed hope of winning the hearts and minds of a tribal society. It cost the loss of many American and coalition military and civilian lives, unnecessarily, due primarily to the restricted Rules of Engagement used by our forces.

“Furthermore, our forces were made, in effect, to submit to accepting medieval Islamic customs and traditions involving polygamy, sexual abuse of children, wife beating and killing. Of course, above all else, the holy Koran, not to be touched by our infidel warriors, had to be revered at all costs. Failure to observe these medieval customs by our military was used as excuses for wanton violence and killings. Our proud Marines at Gitmo were reduced to infidel status, forced to wear gloves so as not to contaminate the Koran, and were subjected to mockery by the terrorists’ inmates.

“The capitulation on our fundamental values and traditions of free speech, human rights and family values could only occur under debased military and civilian leadership. In his June 4, 2009, “Outreach to Muslims” speech in Cairo, President Obama declared that “he considered it his responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam whenever they appear.” That should leave no doubt where his sympathies lie.

“It would surprise most Americans to know how widespread Shariah blasphemy law is in this country today. For example, the major U.S. Muslim Jurists Association supports Islamic blasphemy law. Those Muslims who want to live under Shariah law should move to a country that supports it.

“We clearly have a crisis. Our fundamental freedoms are being challenged. Too many Americans have paid the ultimate price to guarantee those freedoms. They must be preserved. Political correctness and the fear of offending the medieval sensitivities of Islam must be addressed head-on. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt called for the reformation of Islam, which has not happened in more than 1,300 years. This call should be embraced. When regimes like ISIS appear, they must be defeated militarily and unmistakably. There is no other option.” 
[Taken from article entitled: “Free speech opponents enforce Islamic law, challenge our fundamental freedoms”, June 2, 2015, Adm. James “Ace” Lyons (Ret.)]

My dear friends:  I would not include such words of warning if I didn’t believe this with all of my heart, soul and mind! 

Four years ago I went out on a limb and invited a person very few from our area had heard of, Frank Gaffney, to speak on a Saturday morning in October on the subject of the Muslim Brotherhood in America. 

One hundred seventy people came on that Saturday morning in Grand Rapids to hear of  Shariah: The Threat to America.    His presentation was received with shock and amazement – and with gratefulness.

Just four years later the threat is even greater!   Due to the growing concerns of today, I once again am going out on a limb – more to the point – WALKING BY FAITH. 

Over this recent weekend as part of God’s guiding hand, at the last minute, the door swung open for us to have Philip Haney (wrongly maligned former Department of Homeland Security officer) interview with me and speak to a quickly put together audience on the whistle-blowing information found in his book “See Something Say Nothing.”   He has an amazing account of 13 years in service with DHS, many of them embattled, where his efforts to identify terrorists were resisted by our current administration. 

Mr. Haney also verifies what has been stated above.  Our freedoms are under attack and if we lose our freedoms it is like “if you lose gravity – you don’t get it back.”

There is too much at stake to sit idly by!  I believe that it was God who brought Haney to our office for the impromptu, but very significant meetings.  I also believe it is God who gave vision and opened the door to the unfolding of our next major event of the year –  just days before what could be the most important election in our lifetime, made more complicated by the spiritual bankruptcy of our nation.  God’s judgment? 


The Event is entitled: 

The War is Real and the War is Now

Two separate locations, Fremont and Grand Rapids, MI, on two separate days. 
Please carefully note times and locations

What: The War is Real and the War is Now

Where:  ADA, 203 E. Main, Fremont, MI 49412
When: Friday, October 21 – 7:00 – 9:30 PM

Where: Calvin Collage – Prince Conference Center
1800 E Beltline SE, Grand Rapids, MI  49546
When: Saturday, October 22 – 9:00 – Noon

Speakers: Sandy Rios, Host of Sandy Rios in the Morning, American Family Radio and Frank Gaffney, Founder and President of Center for Security Policy.

Sandy Rios is Director of Governmental Affairs for the American Family Association, one of America’s largest, pro-family grassroots organizations. Based in Washington, DC, she is host of “Sandy Rios in the Morning on AFR Talk” which can be heard on nearly 200 stations through the American Family Radio Network.

Frank Gaffney is the President and Founder of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC. (

Mr. Gaffney previously served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy from 1983 -1987.

Don’t miss this opportunity.  Join us October 21 or October 22 for this significant event.
To reserve a spot, please call 231-924-4050.


To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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