When American history is being retold and rewritten to downplay the role Christianity has played in our nation, while at the same time Islam is being heralded as a very real and positive influence, the temperature and beliefs of society shifts. When the “worse mass shooting in US history” is made to look like it is the fault of Christianity instead of a radical Islamic jihadist attack, one has to ask why? When the American people are deceived into embracing the very ideology which brought down the Twin Towers that caused the deaths of and affected the families of innumerable Americans, we’re left bewildered and scratching our heads. As truth is scrubbed from our history, current events, and specifically the 9-1-1 transcript of Omar Mateen during his massacre at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, we must ask ourselves, “Why?”
Why would the Obama administration (DOJ) want to scrub the truth out of the 9-1-1 transcript, denying any ties to radical Islamic terrorism and also exchanging the specific name “Allah” for the generic name “God?” Why capitalize the word “God” instead of allowing it to be the truly generic word “god?”
To read the Homeland Security’s very short report on this event, where the word “truth” is actually redacted, click here. (Admittedly, the DOJ reversed its decision after much pushback, but why the desire to scrub the truth in the first place?)
When looking at the increased number of radical Islamic terrorist attacks, both at home and abroad, one has to wonder why our government refuses to name and destroy this very real enemy. As Allen West recently stated, it’s as if our political officials respond with, “we have met the enemy and decided to deny their existence.” Townhall recently posted an article in which Mr. West states, “…this obfuscation and denial is the pattern of the current Obama administration who began referring to Islamic terrorist attacks as “man-caused disasters” and combat operations as “overseas contingency operations.” Early on, we had the jihadist attack of Carlos Bledsoe. Remember him? He was a young man from Memphis who traveled to Yemen and Somalia, returning to the United States to shoot two Soldiers at a Little Rock recruiting station, killing one. And then there was of course Nidal Hasan and Ft. Hood and the Islamic jihadist attack that was referred to as “workplace violence.” (To read this informative article in its entirety click here.)
According to Jeffrey Goldberg, the Obama administration would have us believe that “discussing radical Islam is counterproductive because it harms the moderates who need to stand up to the radicals.”—Jerusalem Post (JP) In reality, scrubbing the truth and refusing to name the enemy is part of a pro-Islamic supremacist agenda that this administration has been perpetuating since day one.
Exactly what moderate Muslims is the president trying to help? Look at the support this administration has given to Morsi (Egypt’s previous radical Islamic supremacist president) and the Muslim Brotherhood (terrorist organization), while looking at President Obama’s opposition to and undermining President Sisi (Egypt’s current, truly moderate Muslim president), and ask again, “What moderate Muslims is the president trying to help?”
Sisi is a champion for a moderate reformation of Islam and speaks against radical Islamic jihad and terrorism. He “has staked his power and his life on his war to defeat the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic State, and jihadist Islam in general.” (JP) This Egyptian Muslim president has backed up his words with real action as well. “Sisi has put his anti-jihadist belief into action by expanding security cooperation between Egypt and Israel and by bringing the Gulf states into his undeclared alliance with the Jewish state. He has also acted to end the demonization of Israel in the Egyptian media.” (JP)
“Obama has denied Sisi weapons critical to his fight with ISIS in Sinai. He has repeatedly and consistently chastised Sisi for human rights abuses against radical Islamists who, if permitted to return to power, would trounce the very notion of human rights while endangering the US’s key interests in Middle East.” (JP)
President Obama continues to oppose and undermine Sisi and the American media is mostly silent about this Egyptian president’s call to and action to Islamic reform.
Looking beyond Egypt, look to Iran. Why has our president sided “with the radical, jihadist, terrorism-supporting, nuclear weapons-developing and –proliferating ayatollahs?” (JP) Why has he thrown the proverbial match in the powder keg, by assisting Iran in their desire for nuclear armament while they continue to breathe threats and spew hatred for America and Israel, our most trusted ally in the Middle East?
Scrubbing word identifiers and “scrubbing” men in positions that hold our government accountable only serve to hinder investigations which put the American public and way of life in harm’s way lethally. Embracing Shariah and ignoring the Constitution does likewise. (ADA pointed these things out more fully in a recent article).
What more proof is needed to understand that President Obama’s policies are not making America safer? Knowledge, not ignorance, increases problem solving and safety. Instead of scrubbing the truth, we need to become informed and call a thing by what it rightfully is.
In a WND report, “Former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., urged Americansto stop deceiving themselves about the threat posed by radical Islamic terrorism and admit the obvious: We're at war. ‘This is the wake-up call of all wake-up calls,’ Bachmann told WND. ‘This is an unbelievable tragedy that we saw. It isn't just a mass shooting; it's another jihadist attack against America. America is at war. We're under attack on our own soil. Remember, George W. Bush said we'd have to fight them there so we don't have to fight them here. Well guess what, we're fighting them here.’” To read the rest of the article or watch Bachmann’s endorsement of Phil Haney’s book, See Something, Say Nothing, click here.
“In the last 15 years since September 11, first under Bush, and since 2009, to a more extreme degree under Obama, the US has refused to name the enemy that fights America with the expressed aim of destroying it.” (JP) This administration desires us to be like the ostrich, keeping our heads in the sand. The hour is late! We must pull our heads up, recognize the truth, and sound this truth out loudly like a trumpeter swan.
As Senator Cruz reminds us in his recent speech against gun control measures: “We need a Commander-in-Chief who will speak the truth, will address the enemy we face, who will unleash the full-force and fury of the American military on defeating ISIS and defeating radical Islamic terrorism….You don’t defeat terrorism by taking away our guns; you defeat terrorism by using our guns…. We should be focusing on the problem at hand…Let’s talk about ISIS; let’s talk about radical Islamic terrorism; let’s talk about the failures of the last seven years of this administration to keep this country safe.” To watch this riveting speech in its entirety click here.
There are times our readers may think that we are anti-government as we speak to its tyranny, overreach, and anti-biblical policies; nothing could be further from the truth. We encourage you to pray for our leaders and that God will once again send revival to America. We encourage you to pray for the safety and future of our nation. Our desire is to inform, warn, and encourage. While we take great caution to not align ourselves to lawless parties or individuals, we exercise that same care to not spurn government itself, which has been sacredly established by God.
To read the whole Jerusalem Post column often referred to above click here. It holds many more imperative facts to aid in understanding the relationship between this administration and the radical Islamic supremacist agenda.
I hope that as you are able you will give join us for our fast approaching annual conference scheduled for July 22 in Grand Rapids at the Harvest Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
From the Bottom Up: ADAs Annual Summer Conference
This year, we’re excited to hand the microphone to a Michigander: pastor, author, seminary president, professor, Dr. Joel Beeke. Dr. Beeke is a well known theologian and sought after speaker. He’s the author of over 80 books. Our second speaker may be familiar to you if you are one of the millions of concerned Americans who has seen the movie, “Agenda: Grinding America Down” or “Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit. If so, you’ve doubtless been impressed by the careful research and methodical explanations by Curtis Bowers, as he explores the influence that communism has had on our political and social institutions. Mark your calendar and plan to be with us on Friday, July 22 from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM at the Harvest OPC church in Wyoming, Michigan (near Grand Rapids) to hear powerful messages from these two men of God.
July 22, 2016
7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Harvest OPC
930 52nd St SW
Wyoming MI 49509
For more information or to register by phone call: 231-924-4050
or email: kimberly@americandecency.org
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
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