The pastor who said it doesn’t matter who you vote for

By: American Decency Staff

I often get up early in the morning but not at 12:30 AM as I awoke this morning.  My heart was heavy with tomorrow’s Presidential election.  I sensed God’s move upon me.  

What is God saying? I stayed up seeking His Spirit in Bible reading and setting my mind on Christ.

Indeed, my heart was troubled by the news that came out of the FBI office late yesterday afternoon with FBI Director Comey saying despite the discovery of 650,000 more emails late last week that showed up on Huma Abedin’s husband’s (Anthony Weiner) computer, there was nothing new to report. 

According to a Breitbart article, the NYPD was ready to make arrests.

Quoting:  “The NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making” in the Anthony Weiner investigation, but received “huge pushback” from the Justice Department.”

I received that word just 45 minutes before going to church for the evening service.   I quickly went to Facebook to share the news with my followers and to provide a quick comment.  With a heavy heart, this is what I said:

Headline just now: FBI’s Comey: Still no prosecution for Clinton

Message therefore:
We the people.
Watch, pray – vote. Are there enough righteous in the land?   (First in place of righteous I put “clear-thinking”   Then, I thought, that’s not strong enough.  I felt compelled to   put “righteous”.  I thought it isn’t just a matter of people thinking clearly. It’s more than that. Far more than just clear-thinking. 

Then, I wrote the following in the few minutes I had left before going to church:

Without God’s mercy, …

I have had a number of people refer me to this video linked above.  I strongly urge you to sit down and watch it as Jan and I did.  WATCH IT.

A  friend of mine watched it upon my recommending it to her in a prayer letter that I sent out on Friday.  She stated the following:


I watched the linked video after midnight last night and was thankful for its message.    After a Sunday in which we were told by our pastor (repeatedly) that it didn’t matter how we vote because God is in control with NO mention of the issues and risks of this election.

Throughout the day, I received calls and emails from church friends who were stunned.   So hearing a pastor speak Gospel truth and who understands the implications of this election, was much welcomed.

To see that this was part of his weekly sermons gave me hope.  Where can I find a church like his?

I believe there is a large segment of preachers and believers who hold to this view – that it doesn’t matter how we vote because God is in control with NO mention of the issues and risks of this election.

In fact, within the next couple of weeks we’ll be having a staff meeting with a leading theologian to discuss this very subject.  I believe without a doubt in the providence of God.   However, is there little to no place for activism?  I don’t think this theologian believes that and I emphatically don’t believe it either.  God IS sovereign, yet He calls us to be salt and light.

In closing, as I shared with my staff this morning, God’s calling and His evidence of that calling has been real and on me since the mid 1980s.  Much could be said – from His convicting me regarding my addiction to pornography and His power working within me that gave me the victory over it many years ago, to years of faithful support financially, to the obvious moving of God’s hand allowing us to purchase our blessed headquarters debt free in 2007, to so much more.

Where we stand today in our calling, vision, equipping and purposes have changed but little over these years.  Along with activism, calling God’s people to repentance has been woven throughout our ministry since its inception.  Back in the ‘80s and throughout the ‘90s, when I was speaking almost weekly in churches, I was urging Christians to seek to live pure lives, to flee from pornography.  I was calling out churches saying “How can we say we love God when we are allowing pornographic and indecent things into our eyes, our houses, our living rooms and not guarding the hearts and minds of our precious children?”

In recent years, we have been warning that the enemy was not only at the door, but within the gate as ADA brought in nationally noted powerhouse speakers like Frank Gaffney, Patrick Poole, Matt Staver, Gary Bauer, Kamal Saleem, Steve Coughlin, Janet Porter, Dave Agema, Sandy Rios and others to help those who still had the capability of seeing, hearing, caring and thereby doing spiritual warfare to likewise warn, exhort, encourage others to understand the times, to watch, pray, etc..

My concern in the earlier years that America was “slouching toward Gommorah” (as Robert Bork once wrote) and that we were thereby substituting the truth for the lie; that God was turning us over to unrighteousness, godlessness, irrationality:  the wrath of God! 

Is that where we are at this present hour?  Is there no staying God’s hand against us?  Does it really not matter who we vote for or whether we vote at all?  Or most importantly, have the prayers of the remnant/the righteous not been heard?

By the grace and mercy of God, God hears and answers our prayers. It is never, ever too late to pray.  Pray for America.  Do all that you can, yet remembering – America IS deserving of the wrath of God.  This election will tell us a lot about us as a people.  As I wrote earlier and I finish with this:

We the people.   Watch, pray – vote. Are there enough righteous in the land?  Without God’s mercy, …

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