The Dangers of Willful Blindness

By: American Decency Staff

The thundering “pops” of fireworks were replaced by the “pops” of gunfire and the gleeful excitement of “oohs” and “ahs” were changed to shouts and cries of a terror-stricken crowd, as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel smashed his truck into and over crowds of men, women, and children watching fireworks to celebrate France’s Bastille Day in Nice, France. This most recent atrocity brings before a shocked world a battered France who, for a third time in 18 months, will fly its flag at half-staff to mourn the victims of yet another horrific terrorist attack on its soil.

This vicious attack on humanity has at least one thing in common with the other atrocities; the jihadist is reported to have been shouting, “Allahu Akbar!” (Allah is greatest) as he plowed through this family event “like a bowling ball,” leaving at least 84 souls dead—a minimum of 10 of them being children—and scores more injured and hospitalized.

Even with these reports, some are cautious to tie this act of terrorism directly to ISIS or other Islamic supremacist groups.  However, Fox News does report: There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but two sources, including a U.S. counterterrorism source who collects and monitors jihadist social media, told Fox News that accounts linked to ISIS were ‘celebratory’ and their followers were told to use the hashtag ‘Nice.’

Whether we feel sorrow for these who bear the image of the Father or we feel anger over this event which has unfolded before us…we should pray…but there’s more…

Prayer is vitally important.  Pray for France and all the families who were victimized by this adherent to radical Islam. Pray that these radical Islamic groups will be brought to justice and that terrorist cells and their plans will be neutralized. 

Yes, please pray; but then ask why these attacks continue and their sources are neither found nor prevented more often. Instead of agreeing with the French Prime Minister’s statement that we “must learn to live with terrorism,” ask why.  Why must anyone learn to live with terrorism!

When the United States fumbles on this issue because they choose to be willfully blind, it’s rather ironic that President Obama made this statement after the terrorist attack: “I have directed my team to be in touch with French officials, and we have offered any assistance that they may need to investigate this attack and bring those responsible to justice.”

Some may say, “Willfully blind?” What else can it be called when we allow the Muslim Brotherhood and their various front groups like CAIR to dictate how our counter-terrorism agencies do their investigations, tying our hands at every turn? How else does one explain the information that Frank Gaffney brings to our attention daily through his website, Center for Security Policy, and his broadcast at Secure Freedom Radio? How does someone ignore and negate the vital information given to the public by the many interviews of Philip Haney and his new book—See Something Say Nothing—which exposes the corruption and willful blindness of this administration to the radical Islamic agenda? Inform yourself; listen to some of his interviews here, here, and here. Purchase the book See Something Say Nothing and get informed.

Yes, willfully blind!  Our government has chosen to look the other way as top people in their field have been removed, ignoring the clarion call of warning that they give.  People like Stephen Coughlin, Michele Bachmann, Philip Haney, to name only a few. Several attacks could have been prevented had these people been listened to instead of ignored.

Yes, willfully blind!  When our government ignores the Law of the land, our very own Constitution of the United States of America, and little by little accepts and embraces the foreign and religious law of Islam, Shariah law, we are not only blinding ourselves but callousing our senses to the real threat that it brings.

Yes, willfully blind!  When we are bringing in Muslim refugees from radical, Islamic supremacist countries with little to no vetting and offering amnesty to illegal aliens who have ignored our laws and crept in over our borders, we are choosing to be blind.

Yes, willfully blind!  When our churches and Christian institutions of higher learning embrace interfaith dialogue which is more of a Muslim monologue, numbing the minds of the masses to accept Islam while ignoring their own doctrines of exclusivity—Christ alone, by faith alone—we are choosing to be blinded and led down a path to destruction.

Yes, willfully blind!  The government ignores the threat and refuses to name it, the church ignores its Biblical mandates, and society is being engulfed and swallowed up asleep, ignorant, and apathetic to what is happening.

Yes, willfully blind!  When the Democrats want to make all these attacks here at home about gun control and Christian outspokenness, and when just about the only Republican who will name the enemy behind these terrorist attacks is Ted Cruz, what else can we call it? To see one of the several speeches in which Senator Cruz boldly names the enemy, click here.

There are many dangers to willful blindness. Security, safety, national sovereignty, the list goes on…ignorance is anything but bliss!

Perhaps today, the one that strikes closest to our hearts is the collateral damage that is so clearly seen in the picture placed at the top of our article. When we choose to be willfully blind, the innocent are hurt and sometimes killed.  As we see the disturbing image of the lifeless body of a young child covered, with her doll lying next to her, how can we help but feel deeply disturbed and angered over radical Islamic jihadist attacks; how can we help but feel the same disgust at the willful blindness which allows such terrorism to continue?

Let’s add to our prayer list that our government will name and aggressively engage the enemy hastening the day when such wanton savagery will be halted here in America and internationally, that the willfully blind amongst us will awaken from their sleepy condition and begin to take responsibility for becoming informed, seeking truth before they go to the polls, holding their governmental representatives accountable to fulfill their Biblical role (guard and protect).    And let us pray that God will give us both hearts filled with hatred for evil but also tender with compassion for our enemies both foreign and domestic…for His own glory!

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