The Board of Bathroom Education

By: American Decency Staff

Where were you when John F. Kennedy was shot?  Where were you when Elvis died or when the Challenger blew up? Where were you when Americans were attacked on their own soil and the twin towers fell on 9-11?  These are familiar questions; how about this one?  Where were you on May 10th, when Americans were once more attacked on their own soil—when the privacy and safety of our state’s children was to be decided?

Where was I? I was sent to Lansing to see what the Michigan State Board of Education was going to do with their “Statement and Guidance on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments for LGBTQ Students.” In short, this resolution states that LGBTQIA students can use whichever bathroom or locker room they might “identify” with regardless of what their gender-specific anatomy would dictate.  The Michigan State Board of Education was supposed to vote on that yesterday.

Many probably didn’t even know about this resolution or that there was an opportunity to express their views on it. I’m sure some had to work; others most likely had previous obligations; while there were many who just didn’t care.

There was a good crowd in attendance, many more than were expected, it seems. While only 144 persons were allowed into the meeting room at a time, the halls were filled, the lobby was filled, and there was a large gathering outside the building—well over 100! The total number of people who came to show their concern was in the ballpark of 350.

Those of us who stood outside, gathered in a time of prayer, led by several pastors. We not only wanted the Board of Education to hear us, we wanted God to hear our prayers and shower down His mercy upon our state and its youth. We sang Amazing Grace, heard the gospel presented, and were many times encouraged to only speak and act in the love of Jesus.

The comment time was scheduled from 12:30-1:30 but the board was gracious enough to listen to all who would speak; each person was given 3 minutes although many exceeded their time. I listened to the live-streaming of this; opinions were given until almost 7 pm. One source reported that of the opinions given “49 supported the policy, 67 were against and four people spoke on other topics.” (Detroit Free Press)

Although this is an emotionally packed topic, most of the people who were there—from both sides—were respectful.  Attorneys Dave Kallman and Will Wagner were present handing out a 14 page “Comment of the Great Lakes Justice Center” to any who wanted it. They also presented this to the Board of Education. There were many pastors, fathers, mothers, and children present to show their support for traditional, Biblical values and to stand for the right to privacy and safety in public bathrooms and locker rooms. They expressed their concerns that predators would take advantage of this, making victims of the innocent.  These concerns were not aimed at the transgender students; but rather, focused on those who would abuse such a policy. Another point was, “Where will this end?” And, “Why not enforce the anti-bullying laws already in place?”

Of course there were also those who stated that this resolution was necessary due to bullying and the feelings of LGBTQIA students. Some spoke against the use of unisex or transgender bathrooms because it would be singling out these students and embarrassing them.

I’m not convinced that allowing birth-gender boys into a bathroom that my daughter might frequent would decrease bullying.  Nor do I understand how using a unisex bathroom would draw any more attention to a birth-gender boy than him walking into a girl’s locker room or a birth-gender girl walking into a boy’s restroom.

What I do understand is this: Right now there is a filter for protection.  If one sees a boy walking into a girl’s restroom or locker room, something inside us says, “Hey, that’s not right!” And one can freely wonder if there is danger afoot. If we remove that filter, we remove a layer of safety. We abandon a natural protection that is inherent in us. It’s not about hating anyone who is different than us; it’s about protecting those we love.  I wouldn’t want to see anyone (LGBTQIA students included) be molested, abused, or bullied.

·         Isn’t it bullying those who do not identify as LGBTQIA when they are forced to use a restroom or locker room which may be invaded by someone whose gender-specific anatomy is different than their own?

·         Although many may feel that modesty is a thing of the past, it’s ripping modesty out of the hands and minds of our youth when we would force them to shower next to someone who identifies as a sex other than that with which they were born. 

·         Although the feelings, needs, and souls of the less than 1% are important, should they outweigh the feelings, needs, and souls of the 99+%? 

·         Would these Board of Education members feel comfortable using showers and restrooms with others who are of the opposite sex but self-identify otherwise? 

·         How can it be wrong to ask someone to use the bathroom which corresponds to their birth-gender yet be all right to force my daughter to share a shower or restroom with someone whose anatomy is different than her own? 

·         And finally, there is the American College of Pediatricians which posted on their website less than a month ago how “Gender Ideology Harms Children.”

There should be no confusion.  From the beginning God created them male and female…and each knew which they were. Why do we continue to harm our children by helping them believe a lie? Why do we bring more confusion upon our society?  There is absolute truth and there is absolute right and wrong. There is a way which seems right unto man but that way leads to destruction.  And there is a way that God deems we are to walk in, not going to the right or the left. It’s time to shake the fog out of our heads and to come back to reason and common sense.

So, back to my original question:  “Where were you on May 10th, while the privacy and safety of our state’s children was to be decided?”

I only ask because the vote that was scheduled for yesterday didn’t happen; praise the Lord!  The vote that would potentially make 99% of our school age students victims to accommodate less than 1% of the people who wish to override the norm in America by allowing access by opposite sex boys and girls into our school’s restrooms and locker rooms did not take place.

That means YOU can still be a voice that will stand for right.  YOU can let the Michigan Board of Education know that submitting your children to further embarrassment, confusion, or victimization is NOT acceptable.  YOU can still warn them that if they continue with this course of action, you’ll encourage others to pull their children from the public school venue for private or homeschool. Greater than these things, there is still time for you to approach the Throne of Grace in prayer, asking God to shower His mercy upon us and to keep us from this path to destruction.

More importantly than where were you yesterday…WHERE ARE YOU NOW?

To read the proposal or to contact the Michigan State Board of Education and share your concerns click here.  Please note that the deadline for sharing your concerns is tonight (May 11, 2016)

I’d like to add one more thing:  Three of our State Legislators – Senator Colbeck, Senator Casperson, and Representative Potvin all spoke on our behalf at the beginning of the meeting. They did an outstanding job of covering the bases of the discussion around this topic. They truly were our valiant Representatives/Advocates that we have elected them to be for us. We are so grateful for them, and it would be appropriate to send them a quick thank you, if you have the chance.

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