Stand for Life This Weekend!

By: American Decency Staff

"Hundreds of activists in California marched from Oakland to Emeryville, rallying outside shopping centres and blocking a section of the Bay Bridge."

"The Black Lives Matter 5280 group moved in front of the annual march, walking several hundred yards ahead of the Marade's main body, which included tens of thousands of people."

"In frigid temperatures, about 40 people marched on the sidewalks from Temple Street down Green Street to Kelley Square."

"Hundreds of protesters chanting "black lives matter" and "stand up, fight back" gathered at 7 p.m. near the Gallery Place-Chinatown Metro station"

Those are just a few estimates from the popular protest cause of the day, Black Lives Matter, which, of course, came together after the police shooting of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

Black Lives Matter spans the country, organizing protests in major cities all across the map as you can see, even drawing tens of thousands to one such protest in Denver, CO.

And the movement has no problem garnering media attention – a quick Google search of "Black Lives Matter protest" yielded recent articles from many mainstream news sources, making the protests themselves a viable tactic for getting their message out and growing their ranks.

Of course, that's partly the point of such a protest – to be noticed and to raise awareness of a perceived injustice. It is newsworthy when tens of thousands of people rally around a motto like "Black Lives Matter" (as if anyone would argue that they don't) and no news source has any problem reporting on such an event.

Why is it then, that when 500,000 Americans turn up in Washington, DC every year, not to chant, "Black Lives Matter," but to proclaim thatunborn lives matter, the news media devotes virtually zero attention to the cause?

Every year since the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion, protestors have met in front of the Supreme Court building to denounce the murder of the most defenseless among us.

In 2013, the 40th anniversary of the decision, a record breaking 500,000 or more showed up in sub-freezing temperatures to denounce the unjust ruling, yet, according to the Media Research Center, their endurance "didn’t garner a syllable of coverage on Friday’s World News on ABC nor the CBS Evening News. Yet on Saturday night, both newscasts highlighted a pro-gun control protest in DC which CBS anchor Jim Axelrod pegged at drawing 'close to a thousand people.'"

The same article notes that Brian Williams at NBC devoted a 15 second blurb to the protest, describing its number as being in the thousands.

This Friday is the 2016 March for Life. Attendees will likely be braving a snowstorm threatening to dump 12 to 20 inches of snow on Washington, DC. In fact, the National Weather Service is expecting "potential life-threatening conditions" on the day of the event, but, if the past predicts the future, these brave marchers can hope for maybe 15 seconds of publicity for the efforts to change this nation's laws and save actual unborn lives.

Therefore, I would encourage you, reader, assuming you're not marching in snow up to your knees, to do your part in bringing attention to these self-sacrificing souls, and much more importantly, to their cause.

This Friday, visit sites like,,, and, of course, and share their stories about the protests. Make sure the people in your social network circle know what is going on in Washington, DC this Friday.

And, if you want to be counted, you can watch the protest live at The organization will know exactly how many were watching the event and a high number of viewers would doubtless be an encouragement as well.

If you're in our area, Fremont, MI, our local Right-to-Life chapter is hosting its own march at our headquarters this Saturday at 1:00 to be followed by refreshments and a showing of the excellent pro-life movie, October Baby.

This weekend is a great time to stand for life!

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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.


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