Seeking God’s HELP. Join us Friday night!

By: American Decency Staff

President Reagan, politically and economically, proposed to our nation “trickle-down economics,” best remembered as “Reaganomics.” Spiritually speaking, from the top down rarely, if ever, works. A nation or group of people may be able to bring about morality from the top down, but for true national change, God works within the individual—God works from the bottom up!

With this in mind, the Holy Spirit has moved us—the American Decency Association—to bring a one evening conference to the Grand Rapids area with the theme, “From the Bottom Up.”  We are convinced that what America needs more than anything is not the right politician or the right policies, but for the church to remember what it means to be the Church.

Thinking Christians who care about the state of our nation or the state of their church often find themselves asking the vital question, “What can I do?” or “What can we do to really make a difference?” As we chew on these things together, our speakers will bring to light some of the vital answers God says we need—perhaps not the answers many want to hear—but they are the answers we need! So please come to the event this Friday, July 22, 2016 from 7 PM to 9:30 PM at the Harvest OPC church.

Isaiah 59 is a must read; see how the indictments here are so very fitting for our nation and the American church today. In every age, to every people, the answer to national trouble has been the same: “REPENT!” Repentance is of highest priority if we desire to see the presence of God move mightily upon our nation and upon our people. Anything we do without repentance will be done in vain. This call has been given to the individual. The individuals calling together upon God, in repentance, by God’s grace, effect change from the bottom up. Only a heart of repentance can rightfully accompany this request: “OH that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence,” given by the prophet Isaiah (64:1). 

God has blessed us with great, yet humble, men for such a time as this.

This Friday (July 22) from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, come and hear:

Curtis Bowers:He’s the creator of the acclaimed documentaries, “Agenda: Grinding America Down” and “Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit”.  Listen to his message entitled:  “Grinding America Down and Rebuilding – From the Bottom Up”.   Another highlight of the evening will be Curtis, joined by his wife and 9 children, as they minister in music.  This will be a blessing you won’t want to miss!

Dr. Joel Beeke, a sought-after international speaker who hails from right here in West Michigan!  He is a pastor, noted author and seminary president and professor at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids.  Listen to his passion for truth as he presents the message – “The Need for National Repentance and Action – From the Bottom Up.” What blessings will be received as he applies Ezra’s example of repentance and action against gross national sin to the same calling we American Christians have today.  As our national sins grow each day, this is a message we all need to hear!



Come out, bring a friend, and be blessed at:

Harvest OPC church ~ 930 52nd Street SW, Wyoming, MI 49509

At 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

You can register upon arrival at Harvest OPC church or you can let us know in advance by:

·         Calling: 231-934-4050

·         E-mail:

·         Online:

As darkness encroaches upon America, there’s no overemphasizing the need for repentance and action within the church and our nation.  If we love this country, and truly want to once more see God “shed His grace” upon it, this is where it has to start – From the Bottom Up.


To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.


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