Who could possibly have been disappointed with Sandy Rios’ presentation at “The War Is Real and the War IS Now” conference? She shared about her personal history in various ministries (sharing story after story of God’s work), spoke to the events of today, and encouraged all who were there to take a strong stand for the Truth because the war is real and the war is now! If you attended this conference you’ll want to get either the CD or DVD of the event to refresh your mind on these truths and to pass them on to others. If you weren’t able to attend, you’ll want to get these audio/visual copies to become informed and act as God would lead. Ordering information will be given at the end of this article.
Sandy started the conference off with powerful accounts of her time with Bible League and drew the crowd in by sharing with us her personal encounters as she traveled to Russia, China, and North Korea. She told how three generations of a family in North Korea could be killed or put into prison work camps, if one member of the family was caught with a Bible in their possession.
What a treat, she also sang part of the chorus “Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet.” She had taught this song to a Christian named Jonathan, in China. Many years later she had unexpectedly met him again and he told her of his experiences with a prison guard who eventually came to know Jesus as Savior. Persecution isn’t comfortable, but it is a great catalyst to the growth of Christianity and “persecution strengthens Christianity.” Countries where persecution is rampant ask us not to pray for the persecution to stop; they ask us to pray that they’ll stay faithful.
This strong truth-teller shared about the lawlessness, godlessness, and tyranny going on in our own country today. One story you’ll not want to miss is about Catherine Englebrecht who started “True the Vote.” This organization was founded to encourage others to do their American duty, to get out and vote, and to watch for voter fraud. She wasn’t acting in a partisan capacity, yet Catherine and her family business were “targeted by the IRS.” We need to ask ourselves, “What happens if government agencies (IRS, FBI, etc.) become corrupt and turn against us? What recourse will we have if things continue as they have been and where will we be able to turn?
Sandy mentioned Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s statement labeling conservatives as “a basket of deplorables” and calling us “irredeemable.” How can a President represent a whole country, when a large percentage of them are “irredeemable”? Let me add that thanks to the grace of God and the atoning work of Jesus, no one is irredeemable, not even Mrs. Clinton—who’s sins and atrocities are many. Truthfully, any of our sins are atrocious in the sight of a Holy God—national and personal.
Speaking of atrocities, Sandy talked about the Clinton’s terrible acts in Haiti, mentioning her broadcast with former Haitian Senate President Bernard Sansaricq, which can be heard here. She told of Hillary’s support for completely open borders and her desire to increase refugee acceptance. Basically saying, “Americans against immigration are really un-American.” We heard how Mrs. Clinton champions UN (United Nations) Resolution 16/18 which calls any negative statements about Islam “hate speech.” When asked how one can implement such a resolution when the United States has a First Amendment which protects free speech, this now presidential candidate stated, they’d “use some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming, so that people don’t feel that they have the support to do what we abhor.”
Sandy Rios encouraged us to stand together and support one another. She referred to this quote, from Edmund Burke, throughout the closing part of her speech, “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one.”
She reminded us throughout her presentation that the war is real and the war is now, as she talked about law and order vs. lawlessness, moral order vs. moral chaos, religious persecution vs. religious freedom, and the state of our current military. Even though these are perilous times and our nation seems to be falling over a precipice to certain destruction, we were encouraged to clean up our life, be in the Word of God, and choose to stand firm NOW.
The battle is the Lord’s but we are His soldiers. He is sovereign but we are His servants. God answers the desperate prayer of faith; but often He either uses us or another believer as an instrument to accomplish His good will.
It’s true, the war IS REAL and the war IS NOW. Upon listening to these passionate speakers of truth, perhaps the conference can best be summed up with Galatians 6:8-10.
“For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
Frank and Sandy were terrific speakers and so very well received. Their information and exhortations were spot on and top notch. Hear Sandy sing, listen to her personal encounters in other lands, hear her recount the lawlessness that is pervading our own land, and be encouraged by her gentle—yet bold—exhortations; order your copy of “The War is Real and the War IS Now.” You might even want to order more than one copy so you can get this important information into the hands of your family and friends. Get informed; inform others, and order “The War Is Real and the War IS Now” conference CD/DVD by calling the ADA office at (231) 924-4050 or email us at kimberly@americandecency.org.
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