Every revolution begins with a tipping point. The pressure builds and builds until those oppressed finally revolt. The onerous Tea Act led a group of colonists in 1773 to have a Boston Tea Party, which sparked a revolution against the forces of tyranny.
Of course oppression doesn’t always lead to revolution. Sometimes the people impacted don’t resist – but conform. What will be the response to tyranny in 2016 – resistance or conformity? Have we yet reached our tipping point?
Since Friday’s decree from the Obama administration that all public schools must adopt transgender bathroom/ locker room policies or lose federal funding and/or face a discrimination law suit – the revolt has been swift and strong. Facebook, our culture thermometer, is filled with negative reaction as parents are faced with this very real threat to their daughters and sons.
In addition, many state officials have been quick to push back against this federal overreach – but some have not. Resist or conform?
Here are just a few examples of those resisting this tyrannical mandate:
In Alabama, state Attorney General, Luther Strange stated so very well: “The Obama Administration’s new guidance document is just one more example of the kind of federal overreach that we have come to expect from this White House. School bathroom use is an issue that should be decided by parents, teachers, and principals — not federal bureaucrats. The DOJ guidance document is also wrong on the law. Title IX allows schools to have separate facilities for separate sexes. The law says ‘sex,’ not gender identity. If the Obama Administration tries to enforce this absurd edict, I will work with other Attorneys General to challenge it.”
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson stated: “The recent letter from the federal government providing guidance to Arkansas schools on gender identification is offensive, intrusive and totally lacking in common sense. … The federal government is stirring the pot and meddling in the local control and administration of our schools.” He also added: “As Governor, I recommend that local school districts disregard the latest attempt at social engineering by the federal government and continue to use common sense to ensure a safe and healthy environment in Arkansas schools. …”
Governor Matt Bevin of Kentucky said: “The federal government has no authority to interfere in local school districts’ bathroom policies …”
Mississippi’s Governor, Phil Bryant stated: “This is the most outrageous example yet of the Obama administration forcing its liberal agenda on states that roundly reject it.”
Missouri’s Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder said: “President Obama is abusing his authority. This time he is dictating the way our local school restrooms should be used. …”
The Texas Lt. Governor, Dan Patrick, stated: “Public schools’ restroom policies should not be shaped by federal coercion. We will not be blackmailed by the president’s 30 pieces of silver.”
In South Dakota, the chief of staff to Gov. Dennis Baugaard stated: “If the president believes this should be the law, he should propose a bill to Congress.”
Numerous other state leaders have also spoken out. But to my knowledge one name is noticeably absent –Michigan Governor Rick Snyder.
Every governor should be up in arms! What Obama is seeking to do is a blatant violation of state sovereignty under the U.S. Constitution. As Mario Loyola writes for National Review:
“Through the threat of withholding funds or imposing some other regulatory penalty, the federal government has done what the Supreme Court specifically says it cannot do, namely take over the states. …
The president is no longer even trying to govern according to a national consensus of what the Constitution means. The Supreme Law of the Land is now little more than an exercise in exaltation of the latest progressive fashion trend. Step by step, the progressives are creating a dictatorship according to their whims and fancies.
Every state government should follow the lead of Texas governor Greg Abbott, who announced that Texas would fight the new rule. Texas is set to instruct schools to disregard the federal proclamation. That’s the right course. …
And if the courts won’t stop the administration’s lawlessness, the states will have to fight back by more drastic measures, including blanket refusal to accept any more federal money or the refusal to participate in any more federal regulatory schemes. The federal government will impose a fearsome penalty for such dissent. But as Obama has done such a good job of showing, that fearsome penalty is still better than the tyranny of progressive fashion trends.
While other governors are pushing back against this outrageous display of overreach by the federal government and defending the right of states to set their own policy for the students and citizens of the state they govern, Gov. Rick Snyder has been mute, seemingly willing to jeopardize the safety and privacy of Michigan children.
Urge Governor Rick Snyder and Attorney General Bill Schuette to join fellow Republican leaders and speak out against this attempt to force our nation’s schools to indoctrinate an entire generation of children with this transgender lunacy.
Click here to urge Governor Snyder and Michigan Attorney General, Bill Schuette to direct local school districts to disregard the transgender directive from the Obama administration.
Please forward this information to others and encourage them to contact Gov. Snyder and AG Schuette.
You can also contact Gov. Snyder at:
Governor Rick Snyder
P.O. Box 30013
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Email: rick.synder@michigan.gov
Or contact Attorney General Schuette at:
Michigan Dept of Attorney General, Bill Schuette
G. Mennen Williams Building, 7th Floor
525 W. Ottawa St.
P.O. Box 30212
Lansing, MI 48909
Main Number 517-373-1110
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