If there’s a common theme running through this world, it’s the same theme as in every age: SIN! The world seems to be getting crazier and crazier all the time. What would you have said, just a year ago, if someone had told you the president would be instructing local schools to let boys use the girl's restrooms?
Even the foundational truths that we thought could never be challenged are eroding beneath our feet.
Christians today are feeling the pressure – pressure to conform to this new morality that tolerates everything except true morality, or, at the least, to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that nothing has changed.
I don't know about you, but in the midst of all this pressure, I could use some encouragement.
That is the goal of our third annual weekend at the beautiful Shack in White Cloud, MI.
Nestled in the woods, fronted by Pickerel Lake, adorned with beautiful flower beds, and managed by the most hospitable staff you could ask for, the Shack is the perfect location for a weekend of rest and encouragement with fellow believers and like-minded individuals!
This year, in the midst of the raging culture war, we will hear from seasoned pastors and fighters as they remind us of our call to pursue Holiness, even in the midst of a culture that's falling apart.
We will be hearing from:
Buddy Smith – Vice President of American Family Association! Buddy is also a gifted Southern Gospel singer! Buddy will be accompanied by Robert Azkoul, gifted pianist, musician, choir director, and a spirited song leader known by many in the greater Grand Rapids area.
Ken Smith– Head of the Biblical Counseling Center in Jenison. Ken is also a gifted speaker as he uses his background as a former pastor, his years of counseling, and the application of Scripture to the issues and spiritual warfare matters of our day.
Randall Murphree– longtime editor of the AFA Journal, one of AFA’s original staff members standing strong on the word of God in his accomplished work and life.
Ron Workman–A native of Fremont, Ron is highly regarded throughout Michigan, indeed the country, for his work in developing and overseeing an international interim pastor’s ministry, Interim Ministries Incorporated, having ministered in Illinois, Florida, and Michigan. Ron is an outstanding preacher of the Word of God.
It is our aim to make this weekend a time of building up, that we might encourage each other. You'll be blessed by being there, and we'll be blessed to have you!
Call us for more information or go to americandecency.org/ShackEvent/home.php.
Visit us at AmericanDecency.org
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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