The Lord opened doors—in amazing ways—as He provided speakers and venues and the financial need for our “The War Is Real and the War IS Now” fall conference. Frank Gaffney and Sandy Rios came to speak at our American Decency Association building in Fremont (10/21) and the Prince Conference Center at Calvin College in Grand Rapids (10/22). But God didn’t stop there. He brought people to these places and packed out the house on both Friday and Saturday. He not only brought them, God placed an expectancy and a desire to learn within them too. It’s safe to say that these two passionate speakers, by the grace of God, delivered the goods. People left, not only informed, but hungering for more truth on these topics.
The fact is, the war IS REAL and it IS NOW. There’s a war against our Constitution, morality, decency, and our religious freedoms. The war is raging against life, liberty, and truth. Frank and Sandy both addressed these issues in a very powerful way.
One area they addressed strongly was the dangers of Islam and Shariah Law. They talked about how the left and Islam are working together to take away our freedom of speech and our freedom of religious expression. They showed the insidious ways in which these two factions are eroding our foundations—“if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3)
These timely truth-tellers spoke about the United Nations Human Rights Council resolution 16/18, which takes any expression that defames Islam and equates it to hate speech, thereby making it a punishable criminal offense. President Obama tipped his hand when speaking to the United Nations stating, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Democrat Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton champions resolution 16/18 and the increase of refugees from Muslim countries known to be homes of jihadi terrorism and Islamic supremacism. With the Trojan horse of immigration (refujihad), the left can import the enemy and overwhelmingly support the demise of our beloved nation.
The re-education or indoctrination of our school childrento the normalcy of the LGBT agenda and to the acceptance of Islam, while demeaning our foundations and our founding fathers, through common core, is just another form of civilization jihad. It’s important that we share the truth with our children, parents, coworkers, and others. Oft times we must do so with drops of truth here and there, lest it be too overwhelming and rejected because of its abundance.
Another topic both of our speakers covered was “interfaith dialogue.” ADA founder, Bill Johnson, spoke from a burdened heart about this movement, with Frank and Sandy commenting on it too. Interfaith dialogue has done as much to bring down Christianity and our nation in recent years as anything else. It’s been, in part, the reason churches have invited imams to come and pray or even share their church building, unaware that they’re allowing their church to be “dedicated to Allah.”
“Interfaith dialogue” is a movement where Muslims build a bridge and share their faith, but Christians aren’t allowed to share theirs. It’s a one way bridge to Allah; but the truth is, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father but by Him. This topic was a fascinating discussion that you won’t want to miss.
We were given much ammunition for this war which is taking place. Some bombs of truth to light our way, some bullets of truth to deflate the voluminous faulty arguments which come from the left, and other action point weapons to inform and encourage were in abundant supply. There was no shortage of offensive weapons for our protection as well.
Become informed and do your best to inform others too; the War Is Real and the War IS NOW! Order the CD or DVD of these powerful presentations to be better equipped to withstand these evil attacks and to be informed of the steps to take to protect our nation. Prayer to our Sovereign God is the best thing we can do, but He expects us be salt and light pushing back the darkness too.
Order The War is Real and the War IS Now conference CD for $5.00 or the DVD for $10.00. Call American Decency at (231) 924-4050 or email us at and order them today.
EXTRA—EXTRA—Read all about it!
We’d like to thank all who gave toward the match challenge grant; it has been met in full. We are so thankful that God moved on the hearts and minds of many individuals to give so generously. We know that in this day and age it can be a real struggle. We want you to know that you are deeply appreciated and that we thank God for each and every one of you. Huge thanks to all who support us prayerfully and financially.
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
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