Just do it.
That’s the slogan of Nike. But it doesn’t just refer to sports. Rather, Nike subtly and not so subtly uses that tagline to encourage millions of consumers to “just do” what feels right to them.
Sound familiar? It’s not too different from the sobering ending to the book of Judges: “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” Just do it.
Last night during the Olympics, viewers tuned in to watch young athletes compete from around the world, striving for the honor of standing on a medal platform after years and years of perseverance and training. There were athletes such as David Broudia and Steele Johnson who won silver for synchronized diving. Both men gave glory to God and spoke of their identity in Christ after their event.
Yet those weren’t the type of athletes Nike chose to feature in their TV ad which aired during primetime Olympic coverage on NBC.
Instead, Nike used the Olympic platform to promote transgenderism to the millions of families tuned in.
Nike ran an ad featuring athlete Chris Mosier, a woman who identifies as a man. Mosier competed in the Sprint Duathlon World Championship earlier this year.
Read the text below from the ad and note how Nike uses verbiage to indoctrinate viewers. The ad features the voice of a narrator having a conversation with Mosier, appearing as a man, as she runs and trains for competition.
Narrator: Chris is the first transgender athlete to make the men’s team. Hey Chris, how’d you know you’d be fast enough to compete against men?
Chris:I didn’t.
Narrator:Or strong enough?
Chris: I didn’t.
Narrator: Yeah, but how’d you know the team would accept you?
Chris: I didn’t.
Narrator: Or that you’d even be allowed to compete?
Chris: I didn’t.
Narrator: That must have been tough! Didn’t you ever just want to give up?
Chris: Yeah! But I didn’t!
Nike purposefully chose a female identifying as a male for this ad to promote sympathy for transgenderism. An ad featuring a man claiming to be a woman wouldn’t pull on the heartstrings in quite the same way. The line “how’d you know you’d be fast enough or strong enough” wouldn’t fly. In fact, there are already females athletes crying foul after being forced to compete against men who identify as women. See here and here. Sex change operations and hormone therapy don’t change DNA and male muscle mass. That’s just common sense.
But Nike doesn’t care about common sense or what’s fair to women. They only want to push an agenda.
In fact, the International Olympic Committee has also jumped on the transgender bandwagon.
The Olympic motto – Faster; Higher; Stronger – has taken on a whole new meaning, putting female athletes at a distinct disadvantage. Last January the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that athletes can now compete based on their so-called gender identity, not their biological sex. While no openly transgender athletes are competing in Rio this year, in all likelihood it won’t be long until these historic games are radically transformed.
Female athletes would be forced to compete with males who claim to be women, yet have the muscles of men. While male athletes will have to maintain a certain hormone level to compete as a female, they will not have to go through sex-change surgery. Ironically, athlete doping is banned – unless you’re a man taking hormones to compete as a women.
However, for the IOC and Nike, the LGBT agenda trumps fairness and common sense.
This blatant ad by Nike is just the latest in their attempt to force their ideology on the American people. The company has long pushed LGBT issues and recently browbeat North Carolina when that state passed legislation allowing for gender specific bathrooms.
Yet Nike’s concern to allow people to just ‘be who they are’ only applies to those on their side of the sexual revolution. When famed boxer Manny Pacquiao spoke out against homosexuality and same-sex “marriage”, Nike dropped their sponsorship of Pacquiao like a hot potato, calling his comments “abhorrent”.
Nike praises Chris Mosier for the “unlimited courage” to deny her gender and live as a man. But Christians who stand up for their beliefs are “abhorrent” according to Nike.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Nike.
Nike is selling something – and it’s not just shoes. They are selling a lifestyle to impressionable ones – telling them to “just do it!” They are telling the creature to deny his Creator and the law written on the hearts of all people. That’s not an example of unlimited courage; it’s unlimited foolishness.
God’s Word has another way of putting it:
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20
Click here to express concern to Nike for their attempt to foist their ideology regarding gender and sexuality on viewers.
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