Media trumps TRUMP!

By: American Decency Staff

Like a magician’s sleight of hand or those dastardly movie bad guys, who put out a detour sign hoping to win the race by misleading others on to the wrong route, the media is biased and drags America around by its ear. Its influence is wide, deep, and often dangerous as they report an agenda instead of the plain facts.

I’m no Donald J. Trump fan, but I am a man who loves the truth and desires justice and mercy.

That being said, Americans need to wake up and recognize that the media is not the objective source it’s supposed to be; but rather, it has become a great deceiver, routing the masses down a deceptively dangerous trail.  These media moguls do this with their silence on one hand and their loud, incessant, and distracting chatter on the other.

Let’s think about this in light of the current presidential election.

On the one hand, Hillary Clinton gets much media coverage. Whether it’s unconstitutional and evil statements or mocking jabs at her opponents, she is often presented in a positive light. While her poor policies, incompetent history, and illegalities (including a trail of death) are by and large overlooked or even protected by the mainstream media.

On the other hand, let’s see how they have responded to Donald Trump. Most pictures are very unflattering, they’ve reported heavily on every gaff and blunder he makes, recycling them until he gives them something else to carry on about—granted they don’t usually have to wait long. BUT, what do we hear when he makes what some call, the best national defense speech since Reagan?

Crickets…we hear nothing but crickets chirping…a deafening silence that blinds our eyes.

That doesn’t sound like fair and unbiased reporting; would anyone want to be treated in such a manner as this?  I don’t think so. It should anger the American public, a people who for many years have trusted journalists and news reporters. This is not a new problem but the deception is getting stronger, more frequent, and more flagrant.

How can we believe that the news media will accurately inform us or help to guard and protect our rights when they’ve so clearly thrown THEIR OWN rights away?  What am I talking about? 

What rights does the First Amendment actually guarantee? Primarily, press freedom means the news media are not subject to censorship by the government. In other words, the government does not have the right to try to control or block certain things from being published by the press.

Another term often used in this context is prior restraint, which means an attempt by the government to prevent the expression of ideas before they are published. Under the First Amendment, prior restraint is clearly unconstitutional.” (from About News website)

Instead of reporting objectively on the government, the media has become complicit, often walking hand in hand with the government, to help control or sway the people.

As Carol Bauer writes in the Capitol Prayer Alert on August 19, 2016:

And yet, even though campaign news is generated every hour by rallies, soundbites, polls and television interviews, the mass media are driving home a narrative that the race is nearly over. They seem quite eager to remove the American voter from the equation. The message seems to be, ‘We, the political elites, the press bigwigs and the multinational corporations know what is best for you, the American people.’ The only thing missing is the actual words, We know better, just trust us.’”

Why is it that when some left wing politician wants the heat or focus taken off them some major catastrophe or event is reported on?  Why are many news stations reporting the same thing almost word for word?

Why is it that when the “best national defense speech since Reagan” is given, all we hear is silence? Why is it that when you try to find Trump’s Ohio national defense speech on the internet, it’s easier to find Hillary or Biden mocking this speech than to find Trump’s actual speech?

Take the time to listen to this 2.5 minute newscast showing how Google may be manipulating search results and swaying elections.Click here.

It’s despicable when one candidate can’t even name the enemy but she’s given more coverage as she mocks the one who not only names the enemy but gives a plan of action to make America safe again.

When a speech is given that names the enemy as “Radical Islamic Terrorism,” calls for the stop of its hateful ideology in our country, points to the reasons for its rise, and calls for consequences on those who would support and help terrorism, there should be more than crickets chirping.

When a presidential candidate stands up and states, “Anyone who cannot condemn the hatred, oppression, and violence of radical Islam lacks the moral clarity to serve as our president” and “our new approach which must be shared by both parties in America, by our allies overseas, and by our friends in the Middle East, must be to halt the spread of radical Islam. All actions should be oriented around this goal and any country which shares this goal will be our ally—very important—some don’t share this goal. We cannot always choose our friends but we can never fail to recognize our enemies,” such a speech should not be manipulated into the dark nether regions of a cyber-junk closet.

When a speech is given that names Israel as our greatest ally and calls on Middle Eastern leaders, like Sisi, who stand against radical Islam—calling for Islamic reform; a speech that calls for “extreme vetting” of those wanting to enter America, and calls for common sense to replace political correctness; such a speech should be easy to find.

When a man boldly states, “Pride in our institutions, our history, and our values, should be taught by parents and teachers and impressed upon all those who come into our society and want to join our society” and continues on to say, “Assimilation is not an act of hostility but an expression of compassion” because what we have to offer is the best found anywhere, that kind of speech—whether one is a fan of the man or not—that kind of speech should be heard!

Mr. Trump frequently referred to the Cold War and how those problems were handled. He ended his speech by talking about the necessity of unity rather than the division that this current administration has created and fostered.

This was a good and strong speech; I won’t make you search the internet for it. To listen to this speech in full Click here.

Thought control is not some distant science fiction theme; it’s here today. The media moves masses of unthinking Americans through a twisted maze of thoughts and ideas, bringing the uninformed masses to this media’s predetermined end.

Don’t be a rat led by the smell of cheese; don’t be blinded by the media’s sleight of hand. Don’t follow their dastardly detours.

Instead, DO desire truth above all else. Do search for it like buried treasure.  Do become informed and inform others. It will play a role in the future of our nation, our children, and our grandchildren.

As Mr. Trump encourages, DO learn about our history and our values and teach them to the children and others who come here. BUT, let us also teach about the sovereign and gracious God who brought us to this country and made us a great nation. Do teach others that it is sinning against this most holy God which has brought us to the mess we find ourselves in today. Do point to Jesus and our need for repentance.


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