When Carolina and Denver faced off in Super Bowl 50, did either team deploy any female quarterbacks, linebackers, or receivers? Did we see any 120 pound females sacked by men twice their size? In such a high impact sport we would be appalled to see women facing off against men on the playing field. Yet how about on the battlefield?
Now that President Obama has demanded that all military combat roles be opened to women, the next step will be to require that women register for the draft. In fact the top Army and Marine Corp generals recently stated that fact before the U.S. Senate.
Will America now become a country that drafts our 18 year old daughters and send them off to fight on the front lines?
This would be just the latest step in the Obama administration’s quest to radically transform our military. The U. S. military has long stood as an elite fighting force. Yet under Commander-in-Chief Obama, our military has been systematically weakened as national security has taken a back seat to social engineering.
In 1981 the Supreme Court weighed in on the issue of requiring young women to register for the draft. In that ruling Justice Rehnquist wrote, “The existence of combat restrictions clearly indicates the basis for Congress’s decision to exempt women from registration. The purpose of registration was to prepare for a draft of combat troops. Since women are excluded from combat, Congress concluded they will not be needed in the event of a draft and therefore decided not to register them.”
As President Obama has now demanded that all combat roles – from Navy Seals to Army Rangers – must be open to women, it stands to reason based on the rationale stated by Chief Justice Rehnquist in 1981, that the day is coming when our 18 year old daughters will be forced to register for the draft.
Putting women in combat opens up a whole can of worms regarding force readiness, lowering of training standards, unit cohesion, and sexual assaults – to name just a few of the consequences of bowing to this push from radical feminism. For a thorough exploration of these concerns, military analyst and retired lieutenant colonel Robert L. Maginnis, details here the deadly consequences of placing women in combat.
The feminist claim that protecting women from combat is a “war on women,” will only lead to an actual war on women – the kind where women are killed on the battlefield. Hey feminists, when it comes to equality – be careful what you wish for. “I Want You to Hit a Girl” is a subheading in this eye-opening article from a former Marine’s perspective that you might want to read.
Women currently serve honorably in many capacities of our military, but are we really prepared to send our daughters to the front lines? As Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness warns: ‘Tip of the spear’ infantry battalions attack the enemy with deliberate offensive action.Thirty years of studies and reports have shown that in this environment, women do not have an equal opportunity to survive, or to help fellow soldiers survive. …
In watching the New Hampshire Republican debate, I was stunned to see three candidates, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie, advocate that women not only serve in combat but also be required to register for the draft. As these candidates fielded the question, you could almost see the wheels spinning – “what is the politically correct answer that will keep me from being labeled as ‘anti-women’”?
As Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins opined: “Here's the underlying problem the GOP candidates are exposing in their rush to embrace a female draft: they're making it clear that they lack the motivation and courage necessary to undo the damage done to the military under Obama.”
While Ted Cruz was not given the opportunity to give his viewpoint during the debate, he made his position clear as he spoke the following day:
“I have to admit, as I was sitting there listening to that conversation, my reaction was, ‘Are you guys nuts?’ Listen, we have had enough with political correctness, especially in the military. Political correctness is dangerous. And the idea that we would draft our daughters to forcibly bring them into the military and put them in close combat, I think is wrong, it is immoral, and if I am president, we ain’t doing it.
“I’m the father of two little girls. I love those girls with all of my heart. They are capable of doing anything their hearts’ desire but the idea that their government would forcibly put them in a foxhole with a 220 pound psychopath trying to kill them doesn’t make any sense at all. And it’s one more sign of this politically correct world where we forget common sense. …”
I think most – if not all – parents of daughters would feel the same. For all kinds of reasons it doesn’t make sense for women to be sent into combat. I say this even though one of my many favorite scenes in the film version of The Return of the King (The third installment of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy) is when the female character Eowyn is engaged in a life or death battle with the Lord of the Nazgul. The Nazgul mockingly declares that no man can kill him; Eowyn pulls off her helmet, boldly declaring “I am no man” as she plunges her sword into the evil creature. I can’t help but feel pride as this cinematic sister wields her sword against evil.
However what takes place on the silver screen is a far cry from actual combat. And decisions about requiring women to go to battle to defend our nation should not be based on emotion or equality. As a nation we should look to what gives us the greatest chance of defending our nation while also protecting our soldiers lives. And even more importantly, we should follow the law of God implanted on our hearts and consciences. Was it just old-fashioned chivalry that led the men on the Titanic to declare “women and children first” or was it an aspect of their masculine nature that God ordained at creation – a duty and desire to protect? Male and female He created us – equal in worth and dignity, but different physically and in role and function. To deny those differences is outright rebellion against our Creator.
As stated in this excellent article from The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (which I strongly encourage you to read in its entirety):
It should be said that Christian dads should never allow their little girls to die for them. This is the opposite of manhood. This is the opposite of honor. This is the opposite of Christlike self-sacrifice on the part of men (Eph. 5:22-33). What’s more, this is the logical conclusion of C.S. Lewis’ discussion of “men without chests.” Any man who would ask his wife or daughter to endure the horrors of war to protect him has missed the very core of biblical manhood, and Christ’s own example as the Savior of his Bride.
As we turn our backs on God’s design for biblical manhood and womanhood, instead of protecting women – we will force force them into combat. “Women and children first” – just took on a whole new meaning.
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