“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up ….” ~ I Thessalonians 5:11
How can we build each other up? We at ADA are built up every day with your prayers and support. Another way in which you build us up is with your presence! To have some of you take time out of your schedule to attend events we plan is an immense encouragement to us. As we see new and old friends come through the doors to join us for an evening, it gives us such a lift!
One of the biggest highlights of our year is our Summer Conference. Much prayer and planning goes into this event as we strive to bring in speakers who will bring timely, spiritual messages speaking into the issues of the day.
Building up is a theme of our upcoming Summer Conference -“From the Bottom Up” on Friday, July 22. As we wrote in our June newsletter, “If the Foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Ps. 11) As the foundations of our culture are being systematically destroyed, what can – and should – we do? Those are questions we’ll strive to answer at our conference on July 22.
While your presence with us for the evening of Friday, July 22 will be a real encouragement to us, I truly believe the event will also be an even greater encouragement to you!
As you build us up as a ministry, I hope that our efforts in some way strengthen and encourage you as well. As the darkness around us grows, the need for us to stand firm and encourage each other will only increase.
It seems each day there are new assaults upon Biblical truth and religious liberty as evil abounds. As my son Chris recently wrote, “Literally, the whole framework of our Judeo-Christian society is being systematically dismantled.” Marriage, gender, sexuality are all being undermined and “redefined” by an ever-growing secular agenda which seeks not only to change these basic foundations of humanity, but also force everyone to affirm them. Those who hold fast to Biblical truth will be increasingly persecuted and stripped of our religious freedom.
It’s tempting to put our heads in the sand, but as ADA’s mission statement says, in part: “Being a light in a darkened world does not imply a selfish retreat from that world, but an activism within it proceeding from love for God and our neighbor.”
We’re called to stand for truth and we’re called to suffer – it’s time to prepare for both. It’s also time to work to rebuild the foundations that are being destroyed.
That’s where the speakers at our upcoming conference come in. Both men have committed their lives to building up God’s people and rebuilding the foundations of our culture on the only Foundation that will stand – Christ, the Cornerstone, and the truth of His Word.
Curtis Bowers is the creator of the acclaimed documentaries, “Agenda: Grinding America Down” and “Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit”. Curtis spent years researching the forces that have insidiously worked for decades to undermine freedom and Christian values in America, which he reveals in these eye-opening films. We have had the privilege of hosting Curtis at other events and his message always resounds with people of all ages as he speaks so practically and understandably. His message is entitled: “Grinding America Down and Rebuilding – From the Bottom Up”. Another highlight of the evening will be Curtis, joined by his wife and 9 children, as they minister in music. This will be a blessing you won’t want to miss!
Our second speaker is Dr. Joel Beeke, a sought-after international speaker who hails from right here in West Michigan! He is a pastor, noted author and seminary president and professor at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids. Dr. Beeke is the author/editor of over 80 books. I have no doubt that his passion for truth will resound through his message – “The Need for National Repentance and Action – From the Bottom Up” – as he applies Ezra’s example of repentance and action against gross national sin to the same calling we American Christians have today. As our national sins grow each day, this is a message we all need to hear!
As darkness encroaches upon America, there’s no overemphasizing the need for repentance and action within the church and our nation. If we love this country, and truly want to once more see God “shed His grace” upon it, this is where it has to start – From the Bottom Up.
Won’t you please stand with us once again and encourage us with your presence on Friday, July 22 for our summer conference, “From the Bottom Up”?
[Details are listed below. Please note that our conference location has changed this year to Harvest OPC church with easy access off of U.S. 131.]
Please give us a call or mail the enclosed response call to register. (You can also register at the door; however your advanced registration helps us prepare.)
Join us and be strengthened and encouraged. I hope to see you on July 22!
ADA Summer Conference – “From the Bottom Up”
Friday, July 22, 2016
Time: 7:00 P.M. – 9:30 P.M.
Location: Harvest OPC church
930 52nd Street SW
Wyoming, MI 49509
Cost: Free will offering
To register call our office at 231-924-4050
or email kimberly@americandecency.org
Or online http://secure4.afo.net/ada/registration.php?eventno=53
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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231-924-4050Email us:
info@americandecency.orgWrite us:
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