Hillary’s Haiti

By: American Decency Staff

I knew two men who died in the 2010 Haitian earthquake. They had gone as short term missionaries to do a building project. I couldn’t believe my ears, and was saddened upon hearing of their deaths. It’s always difficult to hear of tragedies that take place in other lands, even more so when it’s someone you know, and even worse to hear that others have taken advantage of such loss and devastation for their own benefit.

If you’ve had an opportunity to watch Clinton Cash or to see an interview with its producer, Peter Schweizer, on The Haiti Scandal by Fox News, then you’ve had an opportunity to learn a little about the misdealing of the Clintons with this poor third-world country. As if the natural devastations and loss of life on this poor island weren’t enough (2010 earthquake—315,000 souls died; hurricane Matthew—1000 souls died), they had to suffer the invasion, “rape,” and looting of the Clintons as well. Let’s look at what the former Haitian Senate President, Bernard Sansaricq, calls “The Clinton invasion of Haiti.”

The former Haitian Senate President reports that even today, so many years later, many Haitians are still not living in standard housing and don’t believe that things will get any better. He exclaims, “Nothing was done in Haiti…We know for a fact that $14.3 billion dollars was given to the Clinton Foundation, through not only US taxpayer’s money, but money came world-wide to the Clinton Foundation…Clinton has been a powerbroker in Haiti since 1994 when he invaded Haiti…” He states that the money was stolen by the Clinton’s and their cronies and that it is a disgrace to the American people who were so generous and desired to help the Haitian people.

One can’t tug on one strand of the Clinton Foundation web of deceit without pulling on several others; their dealings with Haiti are no exception. Whether it’s pay to play where “Friends of Bill” are given contracts and those same friends “donate” money to the Foundation; a building of sweatshops from North Korea (that donated to the Clinton Foundation) in the northern region of Haiti—where the earthquake did NOT hit—and one of Hillary’s top aides (Cheryl Mills) has a vested interest; drug running accusations; or Hillary’s brother being given—against Haiti’s constitution—rights to its $200 billion dollar goldmine, the Clintons have wrapped Haiti up in their silky web and have been devouring its life like a spider which has caught a fly as its tasty morsel.

“Pay for play” is always messy and dangerous whether dealing with terrorist countries or “helping out” a beleaguered nation like Haiti.

One pay to play accusation in Haiti, relayed by Mr. Sansaricq, is that the telephone system, which was in Haiti, was destroyed by the Clintons and replaced by Digicel. Its owner, Irish billionaire Denis O'Brien, “donated” almost $30 million to the Clinton Foundation after making, in 2014 alone, $265 million in dividends.

Although Bill Clinton, in a three minute ABC special report, states we may have made some mistakes but “way, way more good was done than harm,” the former senate president claims that Haiti is worse off today than when Bill Clinton invaded Haiti in 1994. He went on to say, “Actually, the Clinton foundation has devastated Haiti more than the earthquake and Matthew put together.” Angrily, he states that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State at that time, she could have built an infrastructure in Haiti that would have prevented the vast damage that Hurricane Matthew had done. There’s no clean water, food, or shelter and the people are suffering from cholera. “The Clintons are nothing else but common thieves, and they should be in jail, not running for presidency of the United States. I am enraged.”

This former Haitian leader also states that the Clintons are responsible for the complete destruction of the rice production in Haiti because they were importing rice from Arkansas. He also ties the Clintons to drug running to the US from Colombia through Haiti. And while he doesn’t fear for his life, trusting in God, he does fear for the United States should Hillary Clinton get into the White House.

Haiti was promised 65,000 jobs by the Clintons but so far, there are only about 5,000 employed and those (from a source other than Sansaricq) at only 60 cents an hour.

Here are a few links you’ll want to follow up on to be informed:

Listen to Bernard Sansaricq’s full interview with Sandy Rios here, for further information.

Listen to a short clip on Secure Freedom Radio with Frank Gaffney and Richard Pollock here. (Clip two)

Watch "Clinton Cash": Haiti Earthquake Helped To Enrich The Clintons – Bret Baier – America's Newsroom.

Watch How the Clintons REALLY treat BLACK PEOPLE – The Haiti Scandal

Read a report from Breitbart news and from National Review about the Clintons in Haiti.

In essence, nothing was done for the Haitian people. There was an expensive hotel built near the factory, for visitors, but not for the Haitian natives. The people of Haiti are still living in temporary housing and don’t see any hope of their lives becoming better. One group of Haitians built housing in a village-type setting but they are being harassed by the government. Things are not better for the Haitians but the Clintons are much, much richer due to the devastation that has hit upon this poor country. Apparently, one man’s destruction is another man’s (dare I say woman’s?) windfall.

The Clinton’s are certainly in need of our prayers for salvation and our nation is in desperate need of prayer. If the Democrat party continues in power after this next election, what will become of our nation? The Clintons have shown themselves untrustworthy both at home and abroad; what will happen with the backing of presidential power? Will America become further bound up in the silky web of the Clinton deception? Will America then resemble Hillary’s Haiti?


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