Hide and Dabiq? Nope-It’s in Plain Sight!

By: American Decency Staff


When the bully down the street says he’s coming over to punch you in the nose or a long time enemy says that they will continue to act as they’ve proven to do in the past (or worse), it would behoove one to believe and to prepare for such warnings. Even if one wasn’t sure what to do, at the very least, one ought not ignore or deny it. So when the world’s “bully” puts out a magazine and gives a final call to the Western world, it would only make sense to pay attention, prepare, and be proactive in response.

We have been living under an administration which refuses to name the enemy (seeming to infuriate them more), ignores their violent history, and allows the enemy to dictate the conditions we can search for and deal with them in our own country. Our government has scrubbed identifiers and those who are identifying the real threat of radical, violent, Islamic jihadist terrorism. (To read some of our previous articles on this click here and here).

As a nation, we’ve dealt with Islamic extremism from the beginning. They are an important part of our heritage. Early on we learned of their viciousness as they would plunder our ships and take our people hostage unless we paid them tribute. The prestigious Marines have the nickname “leatherneck” due to the leather stock they wore to protect against the Muslim sword strikes and their Marine song speaks of “the shores of Tripoli” because that’s where our brave men were fighting these Islamic Barbary pirates. As Wikipedia states:  “The use of the collar in battle was to protect the neck against the sword of Muslim pirates and soldiers. The First Barbary War engaged the new American fighting force to stop the lawless pirates from holding trade ships for ransom during Jefferson's term as president. The pirates, Muslims, were trained to cut off the heads of enemies or "strike them about the head and shoulders." The Marines first duty was close combat with Muslims, thus the words in the Marine Corps Hymn, ‘To the shores of Tripoli.’”

When John Adams and Thomas Jefferson asked the ambassador of Tripoli why his people carried out unprovoked attacks against Americans, his reply was simple:

The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of their Prophet [Mohammed] – that it was written in their Koran that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners; that is was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners; and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.

To better understand our historical interaction with Islamic extremism of yesteryear, click here, here, and here.

Although the ideology and theology of Islamic jihadist terrorism hasn’t changed, our government’s manner of dealing with these people and society’s acceptance of this anti-Christian and anti-Judeo way of life has.

One of the first public figures in America to be identified with Islam was boxer Muhammad Ali, to whom more media attention has been given than to any other athlete. He has appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated more than thirty times, and his name and face are known to people all over the world.”  Although there were some who stood against this change, there’s no denying his popularity. As America opened their hearts to this boxing sensation, they were on some level ready to accept—if not later embrace—his religious choice as well. To read more about Cassius Clay’s conversion click here.

Jump ahead to September 11, 2001—Islamic jihadist terrorism (war) comes to our own soil. The ideology and theology of those vicious Barbary pirates in Tripoli hit a triad of targets that should have forever changed us.

Apparently we have short memories, a little over five years later, we swore in our “first” elected Muslim congressman. Democratic liberal congressman Ellison, speaking to a crowd of Muslims before his swearing in ceremony, said, “You can’t back down. You can’t chicken out. You can’t be afraid. You got to have faith in Allah, and you’ve got to stand up and be a real Muslim! . . . On January 4, I will go swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. I’ll place my hand on the Quran!” The crowd responded with enthusiastic applause, cheering “Allahu akbar!” (Allah is great!). (This quote and comment are taken from David Barton’s article “An Historical Perspective on a Muslim Being Sworn into Congress on the Koran,” which also has a wealth of historical information concerning America and Islamism.) Please note that it is impossible to defend and adhere to the Constitution of the United States of America and still support the Koran and its Shariah law. Muslims who take an oath to do both are either ill-informed or are outright lying.

Since then, America and the world have experienced barbaric attacks and wholesale human slaughter at the hands of the Islamic State and its brash and inhumane terroristic atrocities. These world-wide bullies come, kill, plunder, promise to continue, and many world leaders—including our own—either place the blame elsewhere (including their own people), stick their heads in the sand, and/or continue to fund it instead of fight it. Between these world-wide Islamic jihadist attacks and this administration’s penchant for creating and promoting national disunity, we have become a nation whose flag is almost perpetually at half-staff.

To ignore the problem—or the bully—won’t make it go away. For that matter, ISIS has promised, in their latest issue of Dabiq, to ramp things up. The latest issue of this online publication of the Islamic State is very disturbing. Its front cover displays a terrorist removing the cross from the top of a church and replacing it with the black flag of ISIS. In all caps across the bottom it reads, “BREAK THE CROSS.”

While other issues have dealt with the Muslim Brotherhood and other sects of Islam, this issue is the last call of warning to the Western world. It paints a target on every Christian. What you need to know is, in their eyes, EVERY person from the west is considered a Christian. It doesn’t matter if someone identifies as an atheist, agnostic, Baptist, or Buddhist; in their eyes, all are Christians. Homosexual, transgender, straight, or anywhere on the spectrum of the LGBTQIA alphabet soup, each one is an enemy of these world-wide bullies.

When the bully says, “I’m coming to take you out.” One should take such a threat seriously.  In Dabiq’s 18 page feature article, Break the Cross, they warn: “When the Messiah, Jesus Son of Mary, returns in the end days to battle the Antichrist – the false Messiah – and his army, of the myths he will debunk once and for all are those of his crucifixion and divinity. This will be when he breaks the cross, as was foretold by the Prophet Muhammad, who said, “By the One in whose Hand is my soul, very soon shall the Son of Mary descend in your midst, being an equitable judge. He shall break the cross, kill the swine, and put aside jizyah. Wealth shall flow until no one accepts it, and until a single prostration will be more beloved than the world and all that it contains (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).”

This article could be described as an apologetic for Islam, twisting the Scriptures to disprove the divinity of Jesus (that he is merely a slave of Allah) and the Christian’s faith that is built upon and around the only begotten Son of God. They also deny the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, and then end with “A Final Invitation.”

Inside this invitation, the “People of the Scripture” (Christians) are invited to believe upon Allah alone or suffer the consequences of their obedience to Allah—“kill all pagans wherever they are found.”

This threatening article closes thusly, “…we challenge all the arrogant Christian disbelievers with the challenge presented by Allah for those who lie against Jesus, as the Lord said, ‘Verily the example of Jesus according to Allah is like that of Adam. He formed him of earth and then said, “Be,” so he became. So whoever disputes with you regarding him, after this knowledge has come to you, then say, “Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves, and yourselves, then humbly pray for Allah’s curse to be upon the liars.’

To think that we can make peace with these people is fallacious thinking. Their hatred for anything other than Islam is so ingrained in them from childhood that they cannot live peacefully alongside us and they MUST destroy Christianity. They feel justified in hating and wanting to destroy anyone who doesn’t believe in Allah.

Within Dabiq 15, they make it abundantly clear that this is indeed a religious fight. They know history and they know our theology. Many think of these jihadists as unintelligent, barbaric people, but these writers are razor sharp thinkers—flawed thinkers—but intelligent thinkers nonetheless.

On the other hand, there are few American thinkers today who have tried to understand their way of life to deal with it. We attempt to deal with people but not with their ideology. We have either ignored it or have tried to deal with it in ignorance. Much is made of the fact that Thomas Jefferson had his own copy of the Koran. Simply put, he wanted to know his enemy. So must we.

There are Muslim training camps all over the United States in remote areas. There has now been a call to increase attacks and to kill the infidel. We would be better served by a government who dealt with such aggressions as Thomas Jefferson did. Although he was a peaceful man, he recognized the dangers and the impossibilities of just paying them off or ignoring them. He followed a line of thinking like this: “I think it to our interest to punish the first insult; because an insult unpunished is the parent of many others…” Or as one Facebook meme put it, “If Reagan were president today, ISIS would be WAS WAS.”

Currently, we have a president that would rather holler, “Fore!” and drive a golf ball, rather than drive ISIS out of anywhere. We have a Congress that is more interested in restraining our gun rights than restraining those whom we may have to use our guns against. We have Federal courts that are more interested in overreaching and legislating against righteousness than standing lawfully upon the Constitution.

WND quoted David Barton as they closed out a very interesting article on this topic: 

“Across Europe, you find the desire to placate rather than confront,” Barton stated. “You find the desire to limit our own rights rather than secure our rights. And this is exactly what was happening in Europe 200 years ago. This is just the modern version, the round two, of what we saw in Jefferson’s first ‘War on Terrorism.'”

Barton believes there are potential political and military leaders ready to take up Jefferson’s challenge of confronting terrorism rather than placating it. He also thinks the United States has the capability to destroy Islamic radicalism.

Barton observed: “The willingness to use force and inflict casualties is the kind of attitude it will take to answer this challenge because historically, that’s the kind of attitude that will make the Muslims say, ‘The price for us is too high to pay. We’ll back off and leave you guys alone.’ Unfortunately, even if we do that, Muslims may not necessarily leave the others guys alone.”

However, as in Jefferson’s day, the real question is whether the United States has the moral and economic strength to confront Islamic radicalism. As John Adams argued so many years ago, it’s an open question whether the United States has the stomach for a long conflict.

Barton said in its essence, the problem is the same as that which faced Jefferson.

“It’s a question of will,” he said.

Dabiq 15 also offers another insight into the mind of the Islamic jihadist with an article entitled “Why We Hate You and Why We Fight You.” Lord willing, we will address that shortly, in another article.

In light of the promise these world-wide bullies have made to America and its citizens, what are we to do?Of course we encourage you to pray. We also encourage you to become informed and to inform others about the Islamic threat to our nation, our way of life, our safety, and Christianity.

Listen to broadcasts from individuals who are standing on the truth, like Sandy Rios and Frank Gaffney, to name a few. Read blogs and news reports that strive to bring the truth of Islamic extremism to light. Pay attention to what is happening and have serious conversations about it with others.  Below are a few places to start your information gathering:

Radio: (We encourage our readers to tune-in to these programs daily and share the information with others)

·         Sandy Rios in the Morning on AFR (here are a couple of recent broadcasts which speak about Dabiq)

o   8-3-16 (with Katie Gorka)

o   8-1-16 (with Clare Lopez)

·         Frank Gaffney with Secure Freedom Radio (here are a couple of recent broadcasts)

o   Who is responsible for the rise of ISIS?

o   With Paul Sperry

Written News Reports and blogs:

o   http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/

o   http://counterjihad.com/

o   http://pamelageller.com/

o   https://www.jihadwatch.org/

o   https://pjmedia.com/  ( a trusted source for all news with a special section on homeland security)

Books to inform:

o   See Something Say Nothingby Phil Haney (You can purchase this from American Decency Association—call 231-924-4050)

o   Shariah the Threat to America (You can purchase this from American Decency Association—call 231-924-4050)

o   Catastrophic Failure by Stephen Coughlin (You can purchase this from American Decency Association at a special discount—call 231-924-4050)

o   The Brotherhood by Erick Stakelbeck

o   Raising a Jihadi Generation by John Guandolo

Read online:

o   Jihad: Understanding the Threat of the Islamic State to America by Ilana Freedman

o   Ikhwan in America: An Oral History of the Muslim Brotherhood in Their Own Words

o   Civilization Jihad: A Reader Series

Online videos to watch:

o   The Muslim Brotherhood in America (A 10 part series)

o   The Defeat Jihad Summit


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