This week I read an article that reported on children (13 year olds) having to pick from 25 “different” gender options. Click here to check out these options. I was made aware that Facebook lets one choose from 50 gender options, and I heard a news broadcast tell how college students list off their “personal pronouns” as readily and commonly as they do their majors. Here again is a shredding, a denial of absolute truth.
An article from states: “By educating people on preferred pronouns, students can avoid being misgendered or having uncomfortable conversations with their professors. A FAQ page on the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee’s LGBT resource center explains that ‘asking and correctly using someone’s personal pronoun is one of the most basic ways to show your respect for their gender identity. When someone is referred to with the wrong pronoun, it can make them feel disrespected, invalidated, dismissed, alienated, or dysphoric (or, often, all of the above).’”
When personal feeling trumps truth, this is what we get.
When asked to complete a survey, perhaps I go too far. When they ask for my “race” and give me a number of options, I choose other and/or write in “Human;” simply stated, we are all from one race even though we may identify with various ethnicities. In those same surveys they would ask for my gender and I had but two choices—male or female—and of course I would unabashedly, with confidence, check “male.” Even though I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, it wasn’t difficult.
Unfortunately, today there are those who would groom our children for confusion and doom them to self-absorption. Radical social engineers and sexual revolutionaries are continually putting their grubby mitts on the mind and soul of our children, turning the simplest of questions (gender) into a complicated matrix which is meant to confuse rather than to clarify the issue. Where confusion abounds, people will generally follow one who seems to know the way. As they guide us away from “the beginning,” they drag us, and our children, down a path away from God and away from common sense. Let us always look to the Bible for truth.
At the most basic description of who we are, God has designed and decided for us, we are male or female. Our experiences shape us as we grow into men and women. How we think and feel about our gender roles may be affected by authority figures and who or what we make to be the authority in our lives; but from the beginning, God decided who we are. God, from the beginning of time and from the beginning of our life decided, “male and female created He them.” If we can’t trust God on this, with what is He to be trusted?
When society, entertainment, or an authority figure encourages our children to replace God and His gender designation on their lives, putting the child in the position of God, there’s trouble. Gender isn’t fluid and it isn’t changeable; the language may be changing and our feelings may change; but we are as God created us. I can sit in a garage and call myself an El Camino; that doesn’t change the fact that I’m a man. Even when I find myself in the doghouse, I’m a man. God has assigned one’s gender; change the terms, rearrange the flesh, or confuse the emotions, one still doesn’t change the soul of who he or she is.
Hollywood and the media—entertainment in general—comes at us with an agenda. If we’re not vigilant and discerning we’ll have our minds and worldview compromised without even realizing it. Here’s a quote from Al Mohler’s The Briefing regarding this subject: “In the first place it tells us that all entertainment is coming to us with an agenda. It is coming to us in order to teach us something. The other thing we need to note equally carefully is when we’re watching something, we are being taught.
The show Transparent has been honored by the secular society—Hollywood always honors its own—it has been awarded with an Emmy. And of course, it is identified here as a comedy, it’s supposed to make the viewer laugh. But that’s where Christians have to understand, along with the laughs come moral lessons. Along with watching a program like that comes a change in the way the viewer sees the world. It’s not accidental, it is intentional. …(W)hen Hollywood creates a product like this, it’s not just trying to make us laugh, it’s not just trying to make us cry, it’s not even just trying to make us watch. It’s trying, quite successfully we should note, to change minds.”
It’s always a battle for the mind; it’s a battle for the soul, too. Be diligent in guarding your heart and the heart and mind of your children as well. If we don’t train our children to love their Creator and to accept His truth, the world will train them to deny Him and to despise His rightful place of authority over them.
Accept your gender; learn your role. Know the wonderful design that God has for the life of a man or a woman. All glory to God, for He has fearfully and wonderfully made you…male or female.
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