Guess who?

By: American Decency Staff

I just got off the phone with one of the most influential people in my life.

Guess who?  

It is someone who is over 75.  He is married to a beautiful and sweet woman named Lynda.  He once was, as he says, “a pulpit minister”.  He seemingly has “nine lives.” He is one of the most influential Christian leaders in the 20th century.  He wrote a book entitled “The Man the Networks Love to Hate.” 

Sidebar:  On June 3-4 at our spring conference, we will be celebrating this man’s life and giving thanks to him and to God for his service to the Lord and to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people over these years.

Continuing my “GUESS WHO GAME”:  This man was the fourth recipient – in 2012 – of the James C. Dobson Vision and Leadership Award presented at the annual gala dinner in Washington DC hosted by FRC at the Values Voter Summit.  To show how prestigious the award is –  other recipients of this award include (in addition to Jim Dobson),  Phyllis Schlafly, Chuck Colson, Former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, nationally syndicated talk show host Mark Levin and a few others. 

Need any more hints?  He is also the founder and longtime former president of American Family Radio and American Family Association. 

If you guessed Donald E. Wildmon, you are correct!

Are you a friend/supporter of this ministry?  Are you a friend/supporter of the American Family Association/American Family Radio?  And/or, are you a Christian seeking encouragement and a couple of days just to be around some like-minded believers?

Over recent years we have had many outstanding events!  But, this one is the one that I believe will stand out for years to come as we will celebrate a man God called out to stand humbly, faithfully, strongly with integrity, and, who despite some significant hits to his health is still serving His Lord!

In addition, we will be permeating the weekend with Gospel music led by Grand Rapids, Michigan’s Robert Azkoul, accomplished pianist and song leader.  Ministering together with Bob making a powerful duo will be Buddy Smith, AFA’s second in command and a man of God whose love for the Lord oozes from his Gospel singing. 

This, my friends, is still only the tip of the iceberg – all packed into a Friday evening, Saturday (all day) and Sunday morning worship to culminate the weekend.

Our gathering centers around this:  THE PURSUIT OF HOLINESS.

This will be a powerful weekend conference of timely information, fellowship, and spiritual challenge at the beautiful conference center of The Shack Country Inn near our headquarters in Fremont MI.

My friends:  Here is the deal.  Shouldn’t we be able to fill the Shack for such a time as this with such men of God as this? 

I should certainly think so.  Keep in mind we don’t even charge a thing for the conference itself.  The only costs are the overnight expenses (which include all meals and The Shack’s famous nightly banana splits).

And for those of you who can only come for Friday night or Saturday and just want to pay for meals or bring your own sack lunch, you can do that too.  Just come.

However, for those who can come for the weekend, you especially will benefit from the body life that you will experience by visits around the table, enjoying the beautiful grounds along Robinson Lake, and of course eating the delicious banana splits (served each night). 

Lastly, I haven’t even told you about the other presenters yet.  Other speakers include Dr. Ron Workman, Pastor and Biblical Counselor Ken Smith, and others. 

This spring conference is unique compared to national conferences which draw hundreds, if not thousands.  With this conference limited to 100 people, we seek to foster a time for building bonds of friendship, hospitality (by the folks at the Shack and hopefully us) and sweet fellowship in the Lord!

In addition to the powerful presentations scheduled, there will also be plenty of free time so you can enjoy God’s beautiful creation!

See the attachment for details.  You will see that there are less than 50 rooms available if you intend to make a weekend of it, so it would be wise to register early.

To register for a room call The Shack at 231-924-6683 and ask for the ADA conference weekend rate.  In addition, call us at ADA at 231-924-4050 so that we can add you to our registration list.

For the complete schedule Click Here.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.

 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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