Shariah Law. Do you know what that is? If not, you really need to become informed about it because it will affect your daily life if things don’t change soon!
As a matter of fact, we had several who came out of our The War Is Real and the War IS Now conference shaking their heads and feeling a burden from not knowing much if anything about Shariah, and a desperate longing to learn more.
Frank Gaffney and Sandy Rios were the conference speakers this last weekend for our event entitled, The War Is Real and the War IS Now! We were blessed to have a virtual army in attendance at both our American Decency Association building in Fremont and at Calvin College in Grand Rapids. People were truly engrossed in the information being presented. The question and answer period could have gone on for several hours longer than it did; the time exhausted, but the people did not. People were that interested.
Our desire is to relay as much information as possible, so we’ll report on these fabulous speakers separately. Today—Frank Gaffney; later—Sandy Rios. Whether you were present or not, you’ll want to order either the DVD or CD of these presentations. You might even want to order more than one copy so you can get this important information into the hands of your family and friends. (ordering information at the end of the article)
Mr. Gaffney started his presentation with a quote by President Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction…” Then gave a working definition of Shariah: “It’s predominantly a totalitarian ideology with a patina of religiosity. In practice, it amounts to a political, military and legal system that the authorities of Islam say defines all aspects of a faithful Muslim’s life.”
He went on to say thatif we understand that it’s a seditious ideology—not a religion—we can protect ourselves against it. Otherwise, we are doomed to protect it as a so-called religion—even though it’s destructive to our nation.
It’s important to recognize the destructiveness of Shariah, because it’s in direct opposition to our Constitution and also because Muslims who are Shariah compliant must engage in “jihad”—holy war.
Jihad takes on many forms:Violent jihad, refujihad (immigration), civilization jihad, and drugs are also playing a large role in the overtaking of western civilization by Islam.
The Muslim Brotherhood has been infiltrating America for more than five decades now. It sounds like an espionage film, but they’ve had a desire and a plan for the taking over of America and, by and large, have been succeeding. Mr. Gaffney alluded several times to the booklet “An Explanatory Memorandum” from the Archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.
This booklet is the “Rosetta Stone” for civilization jihad and was written by a top Muslim Brotherhood official. It lays out their agenda, is very easily readable, and is a highly recommended tutorial to help one understand what has been, and is, going on in our nation right now.
The mission of the Muslim Brotherhood in their own words is: “The process of settlement is a ‘civilization-jihadist process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by [the infidels’] hands and the hands of the believers…”
Frank Gaffney told the interesting story of how this document was found and how the information was brought to light. To hear this story and more, order your copy of the conference CD or DVD today. Purchase “The Memorandum” and become informed.
He went on to tell how recent administrations have dealt, or not dealt, with Islam and jihad. “In the Bush years they’re at the table; in the Obama years they’re running the meetings.”
Some from the left would wrongly call this presentation “hate speech.” It’s not hate to recognize those who are out to destroy you. Mr. Gaffney rightly divides Muslims into two camps—those who adhere to Shariah and those who do not. It’s important to have our eyes wide open and aware of those who hate America and her Constitution; how else can we defend our beloved nation?
In regard to this, the topic of willful blindness becoming compulsory blindness, which turns into uninformed danger, was talked about. “Compulsory blindness” shows itself through the fact that to talk about such things is a “career killer.” There are some, however, who are careful to talk about the ideology of Shariah but not use its name. Several Muslim Brotherhood front groups were also listed and briefly discussed.
This brings us to the leading edge of civilization jihad—silencing free speech. Because of Islam, our First Amendment right to free speech is being targeted. How? One of the Obama-Clinton administration’s first diplomatic initiatives was sponsoring the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)/(MB) Muslim Brotherhood global ban on any expression that “defames” Islam. This is known as the United Nations Human Rights Council resolution 16/18. It takes any statement (true or false) that “defames” Islam and calls it “hate speech,” thereby making it a punishable criminal offense. Democrat Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton champions resolution 16/18. As free speech is equated to “hate speech,” our ability to inform and warn others is minimized or eliminated, and the false narrative and false ideology (“religion”) will continue to grow unhindered.
During Mr. Gaffney’s presentation on Saturday morning, it was brought to our attention that there was an article in the Wall Street Journal reporting on Facebook’s struggle as to whether or not they would remove Donald Trump’s comments regarding Islam from his Facebook page or not. Truly the war IS real and it IS NOW!
Interfaith dialogue was one of the questions that was addressed during both Friday and Saturday’s presentations. This is another insidious way that Islam attacks the church in America and is attempting to take over the nation. It’s amazing how many Christian colleges and universities, how many pastors and churches, are either complicit with this movement or ignorant of it—which is in itself a form of passive complicity. GET INFORMED! Stand for the precious truth of the exclusivity of Jesus.
This warrior of the truth concluded his presentation by outlining what it will take to gain the victory and how we can help. To get this information, and to hear the complete presentation, order your CD or DVD today.
We cannot afford to remain either ignorant or apathetic about these things. Get informed as soon as possible, stay informed, and inform others. Frank Gaffney has the Center for Security Policy website and a daily Secure Freedom Radio broadcast. He has put together a 10 part video series on The Muslim Brotherhood of America which can be viewed for free here. Another great resource offered by the Center for Security Policy is the Defeat Jihad Summit which can be found here. Mr. Gaffney has several written resources to inform as well. Many of these can be downloaded for free or ordered from his website. A 9 volume book set called “Civilization Jihad Reader Series” is available. The first book can be found here.
The “Explanatory Memorandum” mentioned earlier in the article can either be downloaded free here, purchased from the Center for Security Policy, or you can order the book from us when you order your CD or DVD of The War is Real and the War IS Now conference recently held in Fremont and Grand Rapids.
The War Is Real and the War IS Now conference:CD-$5.00; DVD-$10.00
“An Explanatory Memorandum” from the archives of the Muslim Brotherhood: $5.50
Catastrophic Failure by Stephen Coughlin:(Mentioned by Frank Gaffney at the event) $20.00
You may order these resources at (231) 924-4050 or email us at
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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