During the birth pangs of our great nation, General George Washington drummed out homosexuals from the Continental army. Today, General Jerry Boykin has essentially been “drummed out” of a military speaking engagement for teaching and speaking on Judeo-Christian values. While Washington forbad the sin of homosexuality in the army, homosexuality and other perversions of nature are embraced by today’s military leaders, denying the rights of other soldiers who would desire to hear about God and courage.
Where we once made statements from moral correctness, like General Washington’s: “His Excellency the Commander in Chief [George Washington] approves the sentence and with Abhorrence and Detestation of such Infamous Crimes [sodomy] orders Lieutt. Enslin to be drummed out of Camp tomorrow morning by all the Drummers and Fifers in the Army never to return; The Drummers and Fifers to attend on the Grand Parade at Guard mounting for that Purpose.” We now bow to political correctness and tell a highly regarded General that he cannot come and speak to a group of military men because it might hurt the feelings of less than 20 percent of our fighting men.
As Biblical correctness is replaced by political correctness the state of our military readiness and national defense is put in jeopardy. In General Boykin’s words, “How can we expect to win wars with a military like this gripped by such political correctness? If there are people who are scared of me, what does that say about how the 1st Infantry Division would fare against ‪#ISIS or any other determined enemy?”
The American public cannot afford to sit by, as it has in the past, allowing our front lines of protection to continue disintegrating before our very eyes. While this is only a symptom of the problem, speak out and let your voice be heard. These soldiers fight to defend our freedoms. Now it's time for us to help defend theirs.
We need to act now, answering the call of General Boykin:
· CALL Fort Riley community relations office at (785) 239-8851 or (785) 239-2022
· POST on the Official Fort Riley Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FortRiley/
· TWEET at the Commanding General @Danger6_1ID or POST on his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/1IDdanger6/
· FOLLOW General Boykin on Twitter @genboykin
To read General Boykin’s full article on Facebook click here.
To read Todd Starnes’ article on this issue, “Boykin Bounced,” click here.
I mentioned earlier that this is only a symptom; the root of the problem comes from the heart of men. Pray that God would move upon the hearts and minds of our military men, its leadership, and our Commander-in-Chief. Pray that God will move upon our nation, that we will once more turn our hearts back to Him, and that He will heal our land.
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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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