Disney’s Double Standard-sign the petition today!

By: American Decency Staff

The average age of first time exposure to pornography is 12 years old, and by age 18, 90% of boys and 60% of girls have been exposed to “really vile stuff,” according to Tim Challies during a recent Ligonier Conference. That means that a large number of children under 12 years of age are being exposed. Most often, these pornographic images aren’t sought out; they inadvertently fall upon young eyes. Pop-ups, images left behind by others, and unintended search results account for these accidental viewings. Regardless of the age at which this assault on the eyes and the soul has happened, the child is forever changed. He or she cannot un-see the images that have been placed before their eyes.

Did you know that there are many Disney-themed porn sites available on the internet? According to “Enough Is Enough (EIE),” “a recent Google search of Disney-themed porn produced more than 12 million results.” Just think of the multitudes of children searching for their favorite Disney character who are unaware that “accidental” exposure is just one click away. It’s accidental on the child’s part, but on purpose by the online pornographer who hopes to ensnare your children and grandchildren.

Disney has the power to stop these online pornographers who are violating copyright laws and abusing trademarks; but instead of going after these vile and wicked corrupters, they are a lead plaintiff in a lawsuit against VidAngel. VidAngel, according to EIE, “is a small, faith-based startup venture whose online parental control software empowers parents to filter out sex and inappropriate language.” (Having had no experience with VidAngel, American Decency Association cannot endorse them; but encourages you to check into any company before contracting with their services.)

Mickey Mouse may be the trademark, iconic figure for Disney, but with Disney’s ongoing double standard, perhaps “Goofy” or “Dopey” would be a better choice today.

The senselessness of this double standard hits even harder when one realizes that the 2005 Family Movie Act explicitly allows for companies like VidAngel to provide such a service for parents, while Disney would have legal teeth for stopping pornographic sites which use Mickey, Minnie, and even their newest characters in such disgusting and perverted ways.

“Enough Is Enough (EIE)” recently sent out a letter, which in part states:

For 15 years, we at Enough Is Enough® , have patiently urged Disney executives to take action to stop the proliferation of Disney themed hard-core porn sites, in particular, Disneypornland. These sites-are a clear violation of Disney's copyrighted brand as well as its signature cartoon characters.

They portray beloved Disney characters performing graphic sexual acts with one another. Sorry parents and grandparents, they are all there. Ariel, Snow White, Cinderella, and more. Why? Because the multi-billion Internet porn industry has successfully used deceptive and misleading marketing tactics to trick online users to get them to their porn sites.”

Do you believe Disney should protect their brand and our kids? Let Disney know that you don’t appreciate their double standard that protects pornographers while attacking promoters of decency. Sign the petition at www.enough.org today.

The internet is not evil in and of itself; it can really be a blessing if used for the glory of God. Unfortunately the sin which pervades this world presses in on all of us. That’s why protection over your family’s digital devices is so important in these evil times.

Steve Ensley of America Family Online (AFO) invites you to protect yourself and your family from what he calls the dark side of the Internet.

Please give serious consideration to his words:

American Family online has invested the last several years in developing new technologies and services to help you These tools target the features and functions that you would use on the Internet every day and they are designed to provide maximum safety, security and privacy.

These new tools include:

  • FireFox2– new, faster and more accurate web filtering for PC's.

  • AFOmail– fully encrypted, secured, ad free, private email service.

  •MobileWebGuard – filtering for mobile devices, smart phones and tablets

  • AFO Hosting– hosting and development services for your personal or business web site.

We encourage you to check out these services for your own safety. For more information, please go to http://afo.net

About AFO: American Family Online (AFO), founded in 1998, has provided filtering, hosting and email service designed specifically with safety and security as integral functions. This new service takes our services to the next level helping to bring better Internet safety into the 21st Century.

For interviews or questions, please contact Steve Ensley: sensley@afomail.net – 850-362-6180 Option 3.

Steve Ensley – CEO
Cleanwww Inc – dba American Family Online

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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