We are frequently bombarded with the plague of the low-informed voter; truly that is a blow against our form of republican/democratic political process. But perhaps the even greater danger is the misinformed voter that is prevalent today. Ronald Reagan stated it well then and it would appear that it is all the more true today, “Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so.”
Today, ignorance is one of the troubles of our nation and “knowing so much that isn’t so” is another. To see some sad yet “humorous” examples of this apathetic ignorance click here and here. To see more videos of political, liberal ignorance go to Mark Dice’s Facebook page.
Granted, the ignorance that blinds our nation and clinging to misinformation which serves only to strengthen that ignorance is not bound to one particular party. How could it be, since ignorance and misinformation are the products of our government run educational (indoctrination) centers? If what the Bible says in Proverbs 1:7 (“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge…” is true—and IT IS TRUE—then how can we expect anything different from an educational system that denies the Creator God, one that removes His 10 Commandments from their institution’s halls, and refuses to allow prayers to Him on their premises or at their functions? How can we expect knowledge where there is no fear of God? How can we expect anything but ignorance, misinformation, and darkness when the Light is turned off and darkness is heralded as light?
Although this truth crosses all party lines, it would seem that public schools are producing voters in line with the Democratic Party’s way of “thinking” at a much higher rate than those who would objectively think outside the box. As we see all areas of our society turn truth upside down, ignoring the warning of Isaiah 5:20-21(“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!”), we see people clinging to ignorance and drawing judgment down upon themselves, our nation, and us—again, in both parties.
As Orwellian roots are burrowing into and cracking the foundation of righteousness and freedom in our society, it would seem that the Democratic Party has chosen to take George Orwell’s warning to be a method of instruction; “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” And they’ve adopted Oceana’s English Socialist Party’s slogan from his book, 1984: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”
Some of the things said at the DNC which show disdain for our nation were spoken, while others were shouted loudly without words. This party continually shows its disdain for America and her people. Although not an exhaustive list by any means, let’s “listen” to some of the things said…
The DNC platform looked rather bare with the eerie absence of our nation’s flag. Then again, perhaps that is due to the fact that there were people outside the convention burning what Sir Frances Scott Key (Who is he?) called, “The Star-spangled Banner.” One person accidentally set himself on fire as he did this despicable deed.
The silent removal of the national flag spoke volumes. This administration and its Party has shown great hatred for it, our nation, its people, and our sovereignty. Ignoring the flag and what it stands for is one way of altering the thoughts, understanding, and feelings of our grand history. Remembering how God was “dismissed” from the DNC platform in the last election cycle we shouldn’t be surprised that they would distance themselves from a flag that reminds us of our God-given freedom. A flag which is tied to God in the words of our national anthem’s fourth verse: “Oh, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand between their loved homes and war’s desolation! Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven rescued land praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just; and this be our motto: “In God is our trust!” And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
Our nation once believed in the sanctity of life. We turned that corner long ago, but when the president of NARAL can give a speech proudly telling Democrats that she killed her baby because it was inconvenient, and instead of being appalled, the people applauded, we’re in desperate national trouble. The number of our children that we’ve killed in the womb comes close to 10 times those killed in the Jewish Holocaust. God knows each of these souls.
What is the new direction our history is taking under the DNC? Hillary Clinton, on national television, stated that “the unborn child has no constitutional rights, even hours before delivery.” She admits that it is a child and goes on to say that it can be murdered even shortly before it would be born. “War is Peace” in the minds of DNC adherents, as this war on children continues and strengthens in this Party. If they get in power, how long before infanticide becomes legal or even “the new normal”?
In an article put out by the Daily Signal, we are shown how young Democrats revel in the bliss of ignorance and how “they know so much that isn’t so” when it comes to our own nation’s history. As American History as Told by Young Democratsunfolds, we read the words of young democrat Catalina Velasquez who is self-described as “undocumented and unafraid” (believing that he should have the right to vote) and “transgender and unashamed.”:
“We understand that we have never had a fully participatory democracy. We understand that democracy, the way it’s defined in the United States, has been about contracting, disenfranchising. The more we disenfranchise, the better. And we are tired of it.”
He continues: “We are really looking introspectively about how this country came about. This country’s built off the backs of native, indigenous people, the genocide of such. This country’s built off the backs of black people … this country is built on the backs of immigrant labor.”
“And we are tired, and we are tired because history continues to repeat itself over and over again. We are not seeing the change and we are being told to wait. And we don’t want to wait. We’re ready and we’re coming.”
The author of this article rightly points to the fact that while we have not been a perfect nation, this liberal lesson in history was much skewed:
“It was unmentioned how the U.S. championed freedom, how our Founding Fathers created a government system that sought both to avoid mob rule and to push citizens to truly govern themselves, to have a government of, by, and for the people, and to have a founding document that recognized the equality of men.
There was no discussion of how the United States had promoted freedom abroad, and had helped other nations with both financial resources and our soldiers’ lives. There was no consideration of how many immigrants had fled lands where opportunity was limited and found the United States to be a place where they and their children and their children’s children could truly live the American dream.”
While imperfect, because they were men, let us look upon their lives and their work in the manner encouraged by puritan Thomas Adams: “Let us rather take the best, than make the worst, of good men’s lives.”
Although these are just a few of the “history changers” and “way(s) to … deny and obliterate (our) own understanding of (our) history,” it’s easy to see how this Party has done its best to turn truth upside down, exchanging it for a lie. They have a nefarious agenda which is bent on destroying our beloved United States of America and you and me. We must keep in mind Lincoln’s words to the Congress of 1861: “The struggle of today, is not altogether for today — it is for a vast future also. With a reliance on Providence, all the more firm and earnest, let us proceed in the great task which events have devolved upon us.”
To that end, become informed and be beacons of information. Don’t let darkness shut out the light; but rather, let the light shine even brighter. Teach children the truth and daily train them in the difference between the sacred and the profane. We must humble ourselves in repentance to a most holy God, calling upon His sovereign mercy, and walking in His paths of holy living in this present dark and evil, world—to His glory and our benefit.
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