Dalton Baptist: Curtis Bowers on May 1 in AM and in Fremont May 5 at noon

By: American Decency Staff

Many have bemoaned the degrading culture and morality of the United States over the past several decades.

Some of us have fought tooth and nail to preserve the cultural touchstones that have not only made America great, but made us unique among the peoples of the world.

Are we the only ones who notice that these traits seem to be specifically targeted by the Cultural Revolution?

No we're not. While we've been trying to hold back the tide, Curtis Bowers and his family have researched the origins of this precise change of values, and they've made a movie documenting their findings.

If you've seen their "Agenda" movies, you've doubtless been impressed by the careful research and methodical explanations by Curtis Bowers, as he explores the influence that communism has had on our political and social institutions.

The social changes that have undermined the family, the church, and even a common sense of decency are not accidental; they're born of a particular ideology whose adherents have been purposed and methodical in changing our worldview!

If you've seen the Agenda movies and would like to hear more from Curtis Bowers, or if this is the first time you've heard of the movies and you're just curious, you have the opportunity to go straight to the source and hear from Bowers yourself coming up in May.

On Sunday, May 1, the Bowers family will be at Dalton Baptist Church (3777 Holton Road, Muskegon, MI  49445) at 10:30 AM!

We're also excited to have Curtis be our speaker at our National Day of Prayer Event on Thursday, May 5 at noon at Veterans Memorial Park in Fremont, MI.

The America that we've known and loved is in grave danger from the inside and the outside, and we'd love to have you join us on May 5 to pray for our beloved nation.

Visit us at AmericanDecency.org

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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.


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