We have no desire to add to the hate which is being perpetuated. We only desire to look at things from a historical reality and a semblance of sanity. Please read through to the end and balance all things out for yourself.
Putting the “rant” in ignorant, 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, has refused to stand for the National Anthem stating, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. … There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Our flag and its anthem should foster a sense of pride in all Americans, for the freedom for which it stands. Many Americans, from all walks of life, have (from ignorance) claimed to hate our National Anthem, stating that verse three is offensive because it uses the term “slave”. The problem is it’s referring to the defeat of the British and the slaves they hired, not about American slaves. It’s talking about American victory not American oppression. To read one of many informative articles on this topic click here.
Has this country had its racial problems? Most assuredly, but we had come a long way in healing the divide until this administration has been a constant source of division instead of unity. When we used to have “people of color” like Martin Luther King Jr. swaying the masses to peace – instead of race-baiters, like the “Reverends” Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, who rush to every spark of discontent, fanning it into flames of hatred – we were moving in the right direction. Ignorantly being a pawn to promote hate-filled agendas like that of the Black Lives Matter, instead of using one’s popularity and affluence to bring hope seems like shouting at the flood without wanting to build a dam or divert the waters. (Have you read any stories on the BLM movement helping those impacted by the flooding in Louisiana?)
Wearing a shirt which idolizes Karl Marx and Fidel Castro while speaking out against oppression – isn’t that the height of ignorance? Perhaps either Kaepernick isn’t in the know about these men or he’s not really sure what oppression means. Here are a couple of informative articles where men who have experienced true oppression speak out, reacting to the hypocrisy of Kaepernick’s statement and clothing choices. Click here or here.
“There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” Really? Not one example given, just liberal propaganda spewed, he’s perpetuating hate through his own, or others’, ignorance.
According to The Daily Caller, “Kaepernick accuses police of getting away with murder. However, he didn’t provide a single example. Mike Brown was killed in Ferguson because he attacked a police officer. That’s not murder. Sylville Smith was shot and killed in Milwaukee because he drew a gun on a police officer, and there’s video evidence to prove it.
South Carolina police officer Michael Slager shot a black man in the back then was promptly arrested and charged with murder.” To read the whole article click here.
Isn’t it a little disingenuous to take pot shots at the police but enjoy the protection they offer?
Is it ignorance or don’t black lives matter if they’ve made the supreme sacrifice for this country and our/Kaepernick’s freedom? Black lives—lives of every ethnicity found in America—have been found on the beaches of Normandy, the beaches of Japan, the mountains of Afghanistan, the deserts in Iraq and wherever the battle for freedom rages. To read of one such heroic instance, written by the National Review, click here. Isn’t standing for the flag and its anthem a way of showing honor and respect for their sacrifice?
In response to Colin Kaepernick’s disrespectful display, Conservative Review posted a video with Deneen Borelli speaking to this 49ers quarterback. The transcript of this piece, “Colin Kaepernick, America is Exceptional, Not Racist,” follows:
Colin Kaepernick, you are a disgrace. You sat during the national anthem to protest racism in America. You are promoting Black Lives matter propaganda instead of the truth. “Racism.” “Oppression.” Really? Look in the mirror pal, your life proves America is not racist. Racism didn’t stop you from being adopted by a white couple. Racism didn’t stop you from using your God-given talents to become an NFL quarterback. Racism didn’t stop you from signing a $114 million contract. You rejected reality, and adopted propaganda. Your actions have insulted an untold number of Americans that fought and died for freedom—the freedom that has allowed you to pursue your dreams. Colin Kaepernick, your life story shows America is exceptional, not racist.
Beyond all these facts listed above, it comes out that Colin Kaepernick’s fiancé may be the one behind his choice to take a stand by sitting. It wouldn’t be the first time that a pretty face has influenced a man to do things without thinking them through completely.
As things are unfolding, news has come out that Kaepernick’s fiance, Nessa Diab, is an MTV DJ and a communist sympathizer. On top of all that, she’s a Muslim and they’re planning a Muslim wedding. It’s no wonder that she wouldn’t be standing for the American flag or its anthem. Is it possible that to enjoy wedded bliss, Colin has adopted the idea that ignorance is bliss as well? There’s sure to be more news on this in days to come.
With fame comes an inherent responsibility to influence fans to do right. With all the anti-American speech and flag burning that is taking place, shouldn’t our “heroes” promote patriotism and unity?
The First Amendment is a great blessing and this quarterback shouldn’t be deprived of free speech or free action. We each should be able to express ourselves, including our own disdain for his actions. We are all guaranteed the privilege of free speech. With that privilege comes the natural consequences of our free speech—fact checking, rebuttal, and at times disciplinary actions.
Let’s make sure that we speak knowledgeably and in truth. Let our words foster love and healing rather than further strife. Let us think before we speak because truth, not ignorance, is bliss.
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