We now live in a nation where the government mandates what citizens must say, where courts force people to violate their religious beliefs under penalty of law. Coerced speech is not free speech.
Yet that is exactly what is taking place. The most recent example, the 9th Circuit Federal Court has ruled that pro-life crisis pregnancy centers must also promote abortion and refer women to abortion services, even if doing so violates their religious beliefs. The court upheld California law AB 775, making the egregious claim that a law which compels pro-life centers to advocate for abortion doesn’t stifle their First Amendment rights.
However, while the law forces pro-life groups to offer referral information about abortion, it doesn’t require Planned Parenthood to refer women to crisis pregnancy centers or provide ultrasounds to women seeking abortions. The hypocrisy is glaring. The courts are choosing what speech is acceptable and which will be validated by law.
Yet Matt Bowman of Alliance Defending Freedom, which defended the pro-life centers in their appeal to the federal court, stated this atrocious ruling was a “clear violation” of the freedom of speech and religious expression. As Mr. Bowman stated:
“It’s bad enough if the government tells you what you can’t say, but a law that tells you what you must say—under threat of severe punishment—is even more unjust and dangerous. In this case, political allies of abortionists are seeking to punish pro-life pregnancy centers, which offer real hope and help to women.
“Forcing these centers to promote abortion and recite the government’s preferred views is a clear violation of their constitutionally protected First Amendment freedoms. …”
If the government can compel pro-life centers to promote abortion against their will, what will prevent them from restricting the speech of any organization, church, or person with whom they disagree? Who will be their next target? The Left, with the courts in their pocket, will not stop until all Christian viewpoints they oppose are muzzled. As we at American Decency speak out against transgenderism or radical Islam will we find ourselves prosecuted for “hate speech?” It is a very real concern, one which we have discussed among our staff and board.
Some may claim that thought is far-fetched, even accuse us of being conspiracy theorists. However, considering the fact that back in 2014 the city of Houston issued subpoenas to a group of pastors demanding they turn over any sermons dealing with homosexuality or gender identity – it’s not such a leap to consider that soon all who speak out against the leftist orthodoxy might soon meet with the same fate as the pro-life crisis pregnancy centers in California.
In our governmental system of separation of powers, the courts were designed to be a check against an out-of-control executive or legislative branch. Yet when the courts themselves are the perpetuators of tyranny, defying the very Constitution they’re pledged to uphold, we have little earthly recourse.
In the case of the California pregnancy centers, Mr. Bowman, their ADF attorney, has stated they will be “discussing the possibility of appeal.”
That would send the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. With the current make up of the court, and especially if Hillary Clinton is the one filling Justice Scalia’s seat, the outcome is pretty much assured even before the case is even presented. A loss there would be precedent setting, potentially impacting crisis pregnancy centers nationwide.
Even before the tragic loss of Justice Scalia, we saw the court force homosexual marriage upon our nation and advance the abortion agenda. With Justice Scalia’s seat to be filled, along with future Supreme Court vacancies and lower federal court appointees, this presidential election will have immense ramifications for generations to come.
Any restrictions on abortion that the pro-life movement has fought for could be wiped away. Our nation’s first freedom, the foundational right to religious liberty, could be obliterated.
Hillary Clinton has already pledged to require support for unrestricted abortion as a litmus test for justice appointees. And when it comes to religious freedom, she has made herself perfectly clear on which side she’ll land.
As Marc Thiessen, former chief speechwriter for George W. Bush, plainly states in the Washington Post, “Hillary Clinton is a threat to religious liberty.” He writes:
“In a speech not long before she launched her 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton made a stunning declaration of war on religious Americans. Speaking to the 2015 Women in the World Summit, Clinton declared that ‘deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.’
“Religious beliefs have to be changed? This is perhaps the most radical statement against religious liberty ever uttered by someone seeking the presidency. It is also deeply revealing. Clinton believes that, as president, it is her job not to respect the views of religious conservatives but to force them to change their beliefs and bend to her radical agenda favoring taxpayer-funded abortion on demand.”
What will be the response of God’s people when government forces seek to force us to bend to their radical agenda and deny our “deep-seated religious beliefs?” Will we stand or will we bow?
As Dr. Dobson counseled pro-life leaders in California: “I have a simple word of advice to those pastors, priests and others who run California's crisis pregnancy centers. If California attempts to enforce this law then do not comply. Make them put you in jail.”
That may very well be the fate of those of us who refuse to say what courts dictate we must say and refuse to believe what presidents say we must believe.
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