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“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” ~ Vladimir Lenin
"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”~ Adolf Hitler
"The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother's care, shall be in state institutions …" – Karl Marx
Recently it’s become clear that the Michigan Board of Education has much in common with the philosophy of these maniacal dictators.
Who has authority over our children? Who will determine the values they are taught? Will it be parents or the government?
According to a new policy proposed by the Michigan’s State Board of Education, it’s the government that supposedly knows best.
This policy entitled “State Board of Education Statement and Guidance on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Students” would allow all students to choose their gender, change their name and pronoun, and use the bathroom of their choice. Equally concerning – this would all be done without parents knowledge or permission.
In a governmental school system that has long ago turned its back on the law of God, this guidance policy tells children that they are a god unto themselves – that they, and they alone, can determine their gender. As this policy states, one’s gender is based on: “a person’s deeply held internal sense or psychological knowledge of their own gender, regardless of the biological sex they were assigned at birth.”
And according to the Michigan Board of Education, the counsel of doctors, psychiatrists, or even parents – especially parents, it seems – is not welcome. The guidance policy goes on to state:“The responsibility for determining a student’s gender identity rests with the student. Outside confirmation from medical or mental health professionals, or documentation of legal changes, is not needed.”
As The Daily Caller reports: …Notably, the guidance makes no mention of a student’s age affecting whether or not they can pick a gender without their parent or doctor.
In fact, the guidance seems to intentionally cut parents out of the process.
The guidance states: “School staff should address students by their chosen name and pronouns that correspond to their gender identity, regardless of whether there has been a legal name change.”
Students can even ask to have their chosen name and gender “included in the district’s information management systems, in addition to the student’s legal name.”
But what about when school staff members are speaking with parents about their son or daughter?
The guidance states that “Transgender and GNC (gender nonconforming) students have the right to decide when, with whom, and to what extent to share private information.”
Accordingly, the board makes clear, “When contacting the parent/guardian of a transgender or GNC student, school staff should use the student’s legal name and the pronoun corresponding to the student’s assigned sex at birth, unless the student or parent/guardian has specified otherwise.”
In other words, a boy named “Jake” could become a girl named “Jane” at school, seemingly without his parents ever knowing.
So schools would purposely deceive parents that their child had “switched” genders and was being referred to by a different name! If those pesky parents aren’t going to jump on the LGBTQ bandwagon, they don’t deserve to know what’s taking place in their child’s school.
Yet this proposed policy from Michigan’s State Board of Education doesn’t stop with names and pronouns. It also urges school districts to “ … support the formation of extracurricular student-led clubs, such as Gay-Straight Alliances or Gender and Sexuality Alliances” and pushes for the teaching of LGBTQ rights across all curricula. Schools should also allow students to take part in sports “in accordance with their gender identity” and school dress codes should give freedom to students to dress according to their gender identity.
And, incredibly, the insanity doesn’t stop there.
The policy goes on to state: “Students should be allowed to use the restroom in accordance with their gender identity.” And the same goes for locker rooms: “A student should not be required to use a locker room that is incongruent with their gender identity.”
Board member Eileen Weiser has made the laughable claim that the board is not pushing a particular social agenda and that “this is not a carve-out for one group of kids at the expense of other people.”
Really?? What about the kids who don’t want a member of the opposite sex in their bathroom or locker room? What about the potential safety issues for girls forced to share locker rooms with boys? Isn’t this policy at their expense?
Oh, but the guidance policy has a “solution” for those students brainwashed by their Neanderthal parents and are bothered by having a person of the opposite sex in their locker room. The policy states those who are uncomfortable can ask for an “adjusted changing schedule”. So the tiny minority of students who identify as “transgender” can’t be asked to accommodate and use a single use bathroom, but those who are bothered by sharing a locker room with a person of the opposite sex must “adjust” their “changing schedule.”
This frightening policy statement was surreptitiously released on February 23 with no press release as is the norm for other policy statements. Because of the covert nature of its release, there is little time left for public comment.
The public has only until April 11 to weigh in on this policy and express their comments or concerns.
The Board will finalize the guidance at its meeting on May 10.
Click here to express concern to Michigan’s Board of Education.
In addition, according to the Michigan Department of Education website, input may also be submitted online at the comment site www.everyvoicecountsmi.org, by fax to 517-373-1233, or by mail to:
Kim Kovalchick, Supervisor
Michigan Department of Education
Coordinated School Health and Safety Programs unit
P.O. Box 30008
Lansing, MI 48909
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