Our organization, along with many similar conservative groups, has been decrying the decadence and moral failure of our culture for years. We’ve watched as it’s only gotten worse.
Consider who the American people have chosen for themselves as the Democrat and Republic presidential candidates and the truly vile things each has said and done.
But what if I could look into the future and make these predictions: within the next several generations, the American people will be seeking out God’s Word, actively searching for a copy of their own.
Or that there would be so many new churches that we couldn’t even keep track of them. How about a passion within the church that makes her members more willing than ever to take risks to share the gospel?
What if secular, non-churched Americans were so enamored by the actions of Christians that they search “Christianity” on the internet, and consequently turn to Jesus Christ?
Given the trajectory of our culture and of our government’s treatment of Christianity, would you have a hard time believing the above?
What if I could tell you that within the next several generations the American church would be the fastest growing church in the world?
Of course, I can’t make those predictions with any confidence, and to be honest, a selfish part of me hopes they don’t come true.
Because that’s the story of the church under one of the most oppressive regimes in the world: Iran.
All of the predictions above come from a report by an Iranian Christian of how Iran’s persecution of the church has led to its flourishing. You can find it here at TheGospelCoalition.com.
In this election, we get to choose between bad and worse. There’s a very good chance that America will change drastically in the next 8 years, no matter who slides their corrupt backside behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office next January. (Let me count the ways).
But let Americans take comfort in this report from one of the darkest places on earth, that even there God is using His people, and they are finding satisfaction and joy in Him.
God willing, we will never see persecution like Iran does – and we must pray for our brothers and sisters there – but if America’s days ahead are darker, God will shine brighter.
Join us for – “The War is Real and the War is Now” in Grand Rapids, MI on Saturday, October 22, 2016.
We’ll be joined by Frank Gaffney who many of you hear daily on his Secure Freedom Minute. Frank is an expert on national security, a former Pentagon official, and heads the Center for Security Policy.
In addition, Sandy Rios the host of the popular radio broadcast “Sandy Rios in the Morning” heard on AFR (91.7 FM in Muskegon, Grand Rapids and Holland area) will be here to share her heart and her passion with us as she does daily on her widely popular radio show.
At this event Frank and Sandy will provide you with the most up-to-date information regarding national security, attacks upon freedom, and other important topics just days before what may be the most important Presidential election in our lifetimes.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
9:00AM – 12:30PM
Calvin College, Prince Conference Center
1800 East Beltline SE
Grand Rapids MI 49525
For more information or to register by phone call: 231-924-4050, register online
or email: kimberly@americandecency.org
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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