It’s easy to forget as we fight the culture wars in our nation, that the conflicts over issues like homosexual marriage and abortion are not limited to the United States. In fact, as two very different news stories from this week inform us, our neighbors to both the north and south are dealing with the same issues, albeit in very different ways.
First, let’s talk about Canada, the country which pro-family organizations have warned for years is a consistent predictor for the emerging shape of our own changing nation.
The door to legal abortion was opened in Canada in 1968, 5 years before Roe v Wade.
In 2005, while homosexual marriage was still unimaginable for many of us, Canada was legalizing it – 10 years before the Obergefell v Hodges decision here in the US.
Just lately, Canada’s Supreme Court has handed down a decision allowing euthanasia throughout the country, while 5 states in the U.S. currently allow physician assisted suicide indicating another instance where we are plodding along in Canada’s crooked footsteps.
But the story I’m referring to comes from the National Post, a reputable Canadian publication, and it comes in the form of a paper written by two Canadian professors, ethicists, and editors of two separate bioethics journals. The paper argues that doctors and physicians should not have the right to refuse a treatment that goes against their conscience to a patient, i.e. abortion and euthanasia, and that prospective medical students should be screened by their willingness to conduct these procedures.
In other words, these Canadian ethicists are arguing that there is no place for Christians (or anyone with traditional values) in the medical field in Canada. Students can abandon their religious principles or go find another career.
The other story I want to reference comes from the bottom side of the America sandwich.
Now, if one goes by what we hear of Mexico in the news, it is inhabited mostly by drug lords and future immigrants to the United States, but outside of the sensationalist news sources, from sources like Reuters, we hear that it also has a burgeoning amount of pro-family activists, as Monday’s march on the nation’s capitol exemplified.
The reports of the crowd’s size are as high as 450,000 as they marched to protest their government pushing homosexual marriage and gender ideology!
Talk about polar opposite sides of the culture war! And here we are in the middle, with a government not quite as far left as Canada’s, and a population not quite as far right as Mexico’s, or perhaps just not as dedicated to their beliefs.
I do not mean to suggest that Canada is every day in every way more liberal than the U.S. and Mexico more conservative, but it is interesting that these stories come about in the same week, as if to spotlight the impotence of traditional Americans.
A recent Pew Poll tells us that nearly 40% of Americans are still opposed to same sex marriagepost-Obergefell, which comes out to about 130 million people.
Do you know how many Americans turned up to our nation’s capitol for a similar protest prior to our Supreme Court’s decision?
The National Organization for Marriage estimated 10,000.
Reading our neighbor’s news this week should provide us with a warning as to what is likely ahead and inspire us in how to respond.
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