America: A Follower of the Trends of the Left

By: American Decency Staff

While America once boldly wore the mantle of the leader of the free world, in recent years we more often have become a follower of the trends set forth by the leftist, often socialist, ideologies prevalent in Europe.  Not only in moral issues such as euthanasia and homosexuality, but also in national security and sovereignty – America, it seems, is just one step behind.

To observers of the current chaos surrounding the flood of Islamic immigrants throughout Europe, what is taking place across the pond should concern us all.  For as things now stand, we have a presidential administration which seems bent on following Europe’s reckless open door policy. 

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has led the way in Europe, lecturing other nations to throw open the floodgates to Islamic immigrants as Germany has done.  Since September 2015, Germany has registered as many as 10,000 refugees a day, bringing the number close to 800,000 as of November 2015.  As reported by the Wall Street Journal:  “Towns and aid organizations have struggled to accommodate the large numbers, while officials at the country’s main refugee agency have complained they didn’t have enough resources to perform sufficient background checks on asylum seekers.”

But having inadequate resources is the least of the concerns.  Since the massive flood of Islamic immigrants into Europe in the last year, not only have there been widespread reports of sexual assaults and violence perpetrated by refugees (which government officials have allegedly sought to cover up), but unknown numbers of terrorists posing as refugees have entered Europe.  Two of the Islamists involved in the November terrorist attacks in Paris had entered Europe as refugees with fraudulent Syrian documents. 

Yet in spite of these very real risks to their own people, little is said, let alone done, by European political elites.  Just days after the Paris attack, German lawmaker Wolfgang Bosbach, who has been critical of Merkel’s immigration policy, made this incredible statement:  “Nobody wants to create the impression that they’re using the disaster of Paris for the domestic political debate.” In other words, we can’t use this very real danger to our people as a reason to reexamine a failed immigration policy, because we might be perceived as being “anti-Muslim”.  

Europe has become victims of its own political correctness – and America is close behind.

Not only is national security at risk for the nations of Europe, so is their own national sovereignty.  Each nation has already sold part of its national soul to form the European Union (EU) – in which they have relinquished much of their sovereignty and national identity to the European Commission, the executive body for the EU, and to the European Court of Justice.

And as European nations abdicate their sovereignty to the EU, they are also putting their national security into the hands of this bureaucracy.

Just this week a troubling report was released by Frontex, the group that coordinates and develops the European border management for the nations of the European Union.  The Telegraph of London reports on the concerning findings by Frontex:

Terrorists are using the migration crisis to enter Europe and plot atrocities across the continent, the European Union’s own border agency has admitted.

In a report which lays bare the concerns about the EU’s porous borders, Frontex conceded that it does not know the true number of migrants who have crossed into the continent and has no way of tracking them.

Frontex said that EU member states had reported a record 1.82 million illegal border crossings last year, six times higher than the previous record set in 2014.

However, it admitted that the number of illegal crossings is an underestimation because so many migrants have “continued their journey without being detected”.

It warned that a “staggering number” of EU citizens have travelled to Syria to fight with Isil and that they are now posing as refugees to gain entry to Europe.

The border agency’s shock admission will increase fears that the EU is unable to track potential terrorists like those who committed the atrocities in Paris and Brussels. …

In the ultimate of understatements, a quote from the Frontex report states

"With no thorough check or penalties in place for those making such false declarations, there is a risk that some persons representing a security threat to the EU may be taking advantage of this situation."

Demonstrating the EU’s complete inability to protect its own borders, the Frontex report stated:  “There is no EU system capable of tracing people’s movements following an illegal border-crossing. Therefore it is not possible to establish the precise number of persons who have illegally crossed two sections of the external borders of the EU.”  And added that it’s “difficult for (EU) member states to ensure an efficient, high and uniform level of control at their external border.” 

And yet the countries of Europe have their hands tied, allowing the EU to determine their immigration policy.  Under a European Court of Justice ruling, European nations are not even allowed to deport immigrants who commit crimes if there is a risk that the criminals may face “inhuman or degrading treatment” in their own country.

Yet what does all of this have to do with immigration in the United States?

As many national security experts are warning, the U.S. is quickly following in the steps of Europe.  We, too, are relinquishing our immigration policy to unelected judges, bureaucracies, and international bodies. 

As Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review points out, while our representatives in Congress are supposed to set our nation’s immigration policy, we see courts usurping that power by judicial mandate.  And when it comes to the influx of refugees, we are at the whim of the State Department who makes that determination – along with the United Nations.  Yes, that’s right.  We are allowing the U.N., an international bureaucracy, to dictate to the United States refugee settlement policies.

As Horowitz warns, our right to self governance has been violated; we are seeing social transformation without representation.  An unelected bureaucracy is determining who we will allow into our country.  This social transformation will impact our society for generations to come, affecting the makeup of the electorate and every future policy issue.

If you need proof, just look to Europe where each country is very quickly being stripped of their national identity.  There we see that the recent flood of Islamic immigrants is not just changing the ethnicity of Western Europe, but its values, as well.  Instead of assimilation into the culture, the culture will soon be radically transformed. 

After the recent bombings in Brussels at the hands of Islamic immigrants living in their midst, hundreds of other Belgian immigrants rejoiced in the streets.  Instead of seeking the welfare of their new homeland, they rejoiced in the death of its citizens.

We are fooling ourselves if we think this won’t happen in the United States. 

While we are a nation of immigrants, a great melting pot of nationalities, in the past our immigration policy has strived to protect both our national sovereignty and security.  Immigrants were expected not only to assimilate into American life and become productive members of society, but also were expected to champion American values and freedom.  Yet what happens when those values are not adopted by immigrants who land on our shores?

As we continue to abdicate our national sovereignty and security, we, like Europe, may soon find out.

In addition to joining us in action, we at American Decency couldn’t take a stand without your prayers and support.  One friend of this ministry understands that and just offered a match challenge to help us raise the funds needed for this fight.

1. The anonymous donor will match up to $5,000.
2.  They have pledged to match any gift, whether the person is a regular donor or has never given to American Decency before.
3.  The funds must be received between March 30 through May 15.
4. Make sure you designate your gift as MATCH CHALLENGE.

Will you stand with us today with a gift of any amount?  Each dollar will be doubled and will strengthen us for the fight!  

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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.


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