We’ve all seen a comic strip depicting the growth of a snowball moving down a long-sloped hill. The snowball starts small at the top; as it begins its journey downward, it changes little by little, moving slowly. Before long it’s moving faster, gaining momentum, and changing at an alarming rate. What was once a child’s winter fun become’s a great danger to any who would be in its path.
So also the Republican Party. It’s changed from its political moorings little by little but now beyond that. A party’s platform is only as good as those who stand on it and to the extent they uphold it. Today’s Republican Party has drafted “the most conservative platform in modern history.” What good does that do if those who stand on it and those belonging to the Party won’t affirm it?
Within our nation we’ve seen great shifts: Staunchly protecting life, to placing limitations on its protection. Boycotting and influencing businesses, to businesses not caring and now, at times, boycotting the people. Protecting traditional marriage, to attacking those who stand for God’s standard of matrimony. In short, as a nation, and as a Party, we’ve moved far from the fear of God and His laws to fearing man and his ungodly pleasures.
To illustrate the change, one might say that we’ve opened the Republican Party tent flaps to be more inclusive and grow the base. We’ve morphed little by little from a tent of camp meeting conservatism to a three-ring, big top circus. We’ve gone beyond little by little, trading in a sense of sacredness for lawlessness and compromise at an alarming rate over the past several decades. The GOP and its adherents have lost discernment as they’ve become desensitized to the degradation that surrounds us. Sadly, the same has happened to the church as well, fearing men rather than fearing God.
We could talk about how this party has chosen an unprincipled candidate over one who stands on conviction. We could look at the moderate choices this party has given us over the past several election cycles, making it hard to support them. We could discuss the impotence of having a strong platform when the only person willing to truly stand on it was the one who was booed off from it. Fixing a platform doesn’t do any good if no one will truly adhere to it.
Case in point, co-founder of PayPal and proud, gay billionaire, Peter Thiel, who was a featured speaker at the RNC. He was warmly accepted and enthusiastically applauded by the Republican Party crowd as he loudly proclaimed, “I am proud to be gay! I am proud to be a Republican!! Most of all, I am proud to be an American!!!”
Mr. Thiel desecrated the “most conservative platform in modern history,” in regard to its stance on traditional marriage, by his very life which flies in the face of God—proclaiming his pride in being gay. How can this platform and Party mean anything when such a man and his words are met with thunderous applause?
It’s not just about his life though; this man openly mocked the very platform he was invited to speak upon. He referred to the LGBTQ issues as “fake culture wars” and claimed that “we are told the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom. This is a distraction from our problems; who cares!”
“Who cares,” Mr. Thiel?—Really?—“Who cares?”
Obviously those who drafted “the most conservative platform in modern history” care. The leaders of the Party may not, since they invited you to speak; but those who painstakingly wrote out this platform care.
Conservatives throughout this country care. That’s why they show up in droves at Board of Education meetings. They voice their concern, speaking out against their daughters having their privacy invaded and their persons endangered by being forced to use restrooms, locker rooms, and showers with confused males. That’s why almost 1.4 million people have signed the boycott Target petition—in hopes of bringing sensibility and safety to a major American retail store. (Click here to sign the boycott Target petition)
The company Mr. Thiel co-founded, PayPal, caresabout pushing transgender bathrooms on the rest of us while punishing those who would oppose the agenda which they support. If they didn’t care, this company wouldn’t have cancelled its $3.6 million plan for a global operations center in Charlotte, North Carolina in response to the “Bathroom Bill.” This State bill was written for the safety and security of its citizens, maintaining gender specific bathrooms and locker rooms. PayPal cared enough to take away 400 jobs from the citizens of North Carolina. However, I imagine this company is still hypocritically taking money from the good citizens of Charlotte and the rest of the state. As a side note: the NBA cared enough to change its plans of holding their All Star game there for the same reason.
It’s obvious that people care since there has been so much division over this “fake culture war.”
Mr. Thiel, you disingenuously ask, “Who cares?” because clearly, YOU CARE! At the end of your speech you boldly proclaimed, “I’m proud to be gay!” I didn’t notice anyone else shouting, “I’m proud to be straight!” If no one, including you, cared, why even bring it out? Why make a proclamation that directly goes against the Party you agreed to come and speak to?
Perhaps the better question is: Since the RNC knew all these things, why would they have Mr. Thiel come and speak on their “most conservative platform in modern history?”
And finally, even if no one else in this Party, this nation, or the world cared…GOD CARES! He expressly calls this “fake culture war” an abomination.
I fear for my children’s future as I agree with Thomas Jefferson’s sentiments: “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”
Our nation, the political parties, and we each individually must humble ourselves and return to a fear of God instead of fearing men. We must vote from prayerful conviction, not from fear. Think deeply upon the exhortation of C.H. Spurgeon: “He will never do much good in the world who is afraid of men. The fear of God brings blessings, but the fear of men brings a snare, and such a snare that many feet have been tripped! No man shall be faithful to God if he is fearful of man.”
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