Words Have Meanings: Freedom of Religion vs. Freedom to Worship

By: American Decency Staff


Will you be content with Freedom of worship instead of Freedom of Religion?

The First Amendment guarantees the “free exercise” of religion – yet listen carefully to those on the Left and you will instead hear reference to freedom of worship.  What is meant when you hear politicians talk about freedom of worship rather than Freedom of Religion? 

Freedom of Worship relegates Christianity only to within the walls of our houses of worship and not out on the highways and byways of life.  In other words, we would be allowed to believe what we want in private, but not be able to live out those beliefs in our day to day lives.

The Biblical accounts of Esther, the Three Hebrews, Daniel in the Lion’s Den are precious to us because these individuals obey God rather than government when their tyrannical governments infringed upon the Word of God.

In our day, many of us think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his stand against Adoph Hitler and the Nazis. 

Today is our Bonhoeffer moment.

Don’t  hit the unsubscribe button just yet, please.  I’m not the only one that is trying to warn their circle of friends, family, loved ones and supporters. 

The issue facing God’s people at this point of history is the assault upon Biblical (natural) marriage.  I’m talking about the fact that if the U.S. Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage we will – without a doubt – lose our Religious Freedom with its ominous societal implications.   The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in this pivotal case on April 28. 

It isn’t just me saying this.  I hope you are paying attention to the urgencies of these days that are coming upon us rapidly. 

Dr. James Dobson, Mat Staver (one of America’s preeminent Christian constitutional lawyers, Pastor Rick Scarborough (head of Vision America) and Tim Wildmon (President of American Family Association) discuss on today’s Family Talk (Dr. Dobson’s daily radio broadcast) “What’s Coming Down and What’s at Stake” if we lose Biblical marriage.  Check local times and listings.

Or you can download it right here :

Dr. Dobson refers to these broadcasts as some of the most concerning in his 37 years of radio broadcasting.

Here are some important highlights from recent phone conference calls with these individuals followed by several action steps.

Rick Scarborough:  Because of the trends and cultural shifts that we have witnessed in culture over the past 40 years, we have all known that this day would likely come and Christians would be put at odds with the culture and the courts.

I believe we are there. We are approaching a Bonhoeffer moment in America.

Outrageous penalties are now being assessed against people of faith and conviction who haven’t changed their position on marriage. Rather it’s the courts that have changed the definitions, the rules and laws that now govern us. They are ruling against Nature’s Law and Nature’s God. Christians are being declared the lawbreakers when we are simply living by what we have always believed and by a set of laws that the culture historically has agreed to..

Mat Staver: 

Public pressure upon the Supreme Court can and does make a difference.  Especially when the court is looking for public support. 

We need to be prepared to mobilize the people but also be prepared for the worse scenario. 

Let me address the seriousness and the basis for engaging with resistance to a Supreme Court decision that could go the wrong way. Once you elevate same-sex marriage to the level of protected status, whether on the federal or the state level, you begin to change and transform the face of society. In my view it will result in the beginning of the end of Western Civilization.

We are talking about cataclysmic change and the church is going to be confronted.  The church will not be able to run or hide. Pastors whether they like it or not will be forced into this culture war and it’s going to be a pocket book for some of them that may ultimately make some of them change.

But, we’ve got to prepare this country.  We’ve got to let this court know in advance.  One of the things that I think is we do a public campaign to the court. We’ve got to let them know in advance.



Other action points:


(1)  Prayer and, as some are doing, Fasting between April 23-25.


(2)  Here is a link to a recording of the first conference call with Dr.Dobson, Mat Staver:  I urge you all to listen (53 minutes): https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/playback/?n=OYkz0/jbKxc

(3)  Sign the marriage pledge at http://defendmarriage.org


I consider this the most important pledge that I have ever signed.  We will view any decision by the Supreme Court or any court the same way history views the Dred Scott and Buck v. Bell decisions. Our highest respect for the rule of law requires that we not respect an unjust law that directly conflicts with higher law. A decision purporting to redefine marriage flies in the face of the Constitution and is contrary to the natural created order. As people of faith we pledge obedience to our Creator when the State directly conflicts with higher law. We respectfully warn the Supreme Court not to cross this line.

We stand united together in defense of marriage. Make no mistake about our resolve. While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross.


(4)  Saturday, April 25 – Washington, DC – March for Marriage
https://www.marriagemarch.org  – gather at 11:30 A.M. – beings at 12:00


(5)  Monday, April 27 – Washington, DC –  Press Conference at the National Press Club at 10:00 A.M. – meet at 9:30 A.M. at 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor
Washington, DC 20045


(6)  Send a fax to upwards of 544 personalized restraining orders to all members of U.S. Congress and all members of the U.S. Supreme Court

What difference does this make? 

 When my little two-year old granddaughter sat on my lap last evening and my nine year old granddaughter prayed around the dinner table this past Sunday and I heard the Gospel preached fully and freely this past Sunday, our seemingly insignificant efforts – your efforts and mine are worth it!

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.    

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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