Where’s the President?

By: American Decency Staff

My children used to love searching for Waldo in those “Where’s Waldo” books; it would seem many are looking at the photos of Sunday’s solidarity march against terrorism in Paris asking a similar question; “Where’s Obama?”

The President already told the world where he stood on jihadist terrorism back in 2012 when he told the UN, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  He has continually showed the American people where he stands as he and his administration ignore Benghazi, release high level terrorists from Guantanamo, remain silent on Christian persecution, and cut off munitions to Israel while Hamas attacks her.  He addresses the Egyptian President al-Sisi with concern over mass trials yet has nothing to say about al-Sisi’s call for a reformation of the way of Islamic violence.  President Obama did not march in Paris against Islamic terrorism and neither did he say anything against the mass homicides of Boko Haram as they marched a bloody path through Northern Africa.  It’s pretty obvious where he stands.

More important than asking “Where’s Obama?” in Paris or other parts of the world, let’s be more concerned about where he is and what he’s been doing here in our own beloved U.S. of A.

Let’s be concerned that legally speaking, we find him ignoring the Constitution of the United States of America, gutting and carving it like a Thanksgiving turkey.  He attempts to carve away our Bill of Rights while at the same time stuffing it with his own executive orders.  The Constitution IS the “Law of the land” but seemingly at every turn he desires to sidestep the Constitution and ignore Congressaltogether.  We should give thanks to God that our founding fathers put such a system of government in place.  President Obama isn’t thankful for it though as he complained, “Our Founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes.”

Fiscally speaking, we find him ignoring rational budgets and warring with capitalism in the private sector with over-reaching controls, restrictions, and increasing “entitlements” that the working class can no longer afford to support.  Yes, we find him giving everything away.

Nationally speaking, we find President Obama rejecting our national sovereignty by leaving our borders unsecured and “We the People” unprotected.  He pushes through amnesty, which endangers us physically, fiscally, culturally, and politically.

“Where’s Obama?”  Militarily speaking we find him gutting our military and funding our enemies with finances and weapons which may very well be used against us.  We find him sharpening the very blade which may bring us to ruin.

We can even find our President in local and state affairs as he oversteps his bounds cutting the legs out from under and nationalizing local law enforcement.  His administration is regularly stripping away State sovereignty and pushing his various agendas through the unconstitutional overstepping of the Federal government.

This is but a partial listing of his “accomplishments,” but to what end? 

Trust me; it’s not just to make you angry; there’s certainly enough anger out there.  It’s neither to point out our president’s shortcomings nor to cast aspersions upon him.  I hope this will cause you to think about the importance of voting and thoroughly checking out the candidate you are going to support.

Most importantly, this is a reminder to pray.  Pray for our nation because the leader represents a large portion of our population. With the lawlessness and godlessness we see in our representative government this should cause all who believe to weep and pray.  It should burden our hearts to pray for our nation, our leaders, and our world. 

Do not commit the sin of prayerlessness.  The Apostle Paul encourages believers to pray for their leaders and leaders everywhere.  Why this exhortation?  We pray so that we may live peaceful and godly lives.  It is time to pray!

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,  for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,”(I Timothy 2:1-3) “I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling;” (I Tim. 2:8).

If you feel a burden to pray, if you’d like a burden for prayer, I encourage you to join us at the American Decency Association in Fremont this Friday.  Author and speaker Terry Slachter will be speaking at 7:00 pm sharing his heart for prayer and revival.  There will be a time for discussion and prayer for all who would care to join us following the talk.  For more information on this event click here.

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